
Anyone know why the THX optimizer on THX DVDs doesn't show the drop shadow on PC? by orb2000 in htpc

[–]orb2000[S] 0 points1 point  (0 children)

It's in the interactive menu running directly from DVD disc using various media players. None show the drop shadow. I might break out my actual Sony DVD player from storage later and see if it shows. More than anything I am just curious as to why it doesn't show on PC, since I know the settings are correct based on many other screen test patterns. It does seem like it could be a depreciated feature media players are excluding now. I'm gonna try various renderers and see if I have any luck., So far only tried madVR and EVRCP. I think the underlying issue is simply that media players aren't showing BTB and WTW colors (the THX shadow is supposed to be BTB).

Video player that plays HDR in Windowed mode the same way Chrome and Edge can on YouTube? by orb2000 in htpc

[–]orb2000[S] 1 point2 points  (0 children)

Update. I got it working with MPC-HC + MadVR perfectly. Appreciate the help. This is what I did in case anyone else is having similar issues. I did several things to get madVR working the same way Chrome/Edge does with HDR on YouTube while in both a window and full screen, and with no screen flashing/flickering when a video loads either. Seamless HDR viewing. This is what I did:

  1. I don't know if this mattered but I installed the latest Nvidia drivers. Mine were about a year old.

  2. MadVR display calibration settings. Had to set it to "this display is already calibrated" and more importantly, I changed calibration from BT.2020 to BT.709 This was the main culprit; didn't realize that no commercial display can do BT2020 which was preventing the tone mapping from working since HDR is BT2020, I was essentially telling it I had a BT2020 display, meaning tone mapping was not occurring, but of course it needs to be on home displays which are BT709. I read about it here: https://yabb.jriver.com/interact/index.php?topic=125333.0 and here https://yabb.jriver.com/interact/index.php?topic=126153.0 This took care of the main issue with dullness/washed out, but brightness was still slightly less than Chrome/Edge.

  3. The final touch was adjusting the slider in Windows display HDR settings panel. Had to raise it from 60 to 85. I guess Windows treats the MPC-HC window as SDR regardless of whether MadVR is outputting HDR in it. Or maybe the tone mapping is technically SDR and that's why. I'm not sure. All I know is now it's perfect. I had a YouTube window and MPC window side by side, same video, same frame, and they match 100% identical now.

Hopefully this can be helpful to someone else.

Video player that plays HDR in Windowed mode the same way Chrome and Edge can on YouTube? by orb2000 in htpc

[–]orb2000[S] 0 points1 point  (0 children)

This seems to mostly work, thanks. Ctrl+J shows the HDR passthrough as working, and visually looks improved, but the contrast is a bit dim compared to Chrome/Edge. Colors do look correct though. I noticed with Ctrl+J it says: "Lighting:*dim", could that be the issue and is there a setting for it?

Firefox version 100 is here - is it finally time to switch from Google Chrome? by CalmScientist in firefox

[–]orb2000 0 points1 point  (0 children)

Holy sh*t, thanks for sharing that link. Thread was locked (censored?) and I never would have seen it otherwise.

Which country has the best flag in your opinion? by ss-hyperstar in vexillology

[–]orb2000 0 points1 point  (0 children)

Sierra Leone 🇸🇱
Great colors and simple three stripes.

Runners up:
Marshall Islands 🇲🇭
North Macedonia 🇲🇰
Georgia 🇬🇪

Job searching stress by SilvrHrdDvl in jobs

[–]orb2000 7 points8 points  (0 children)

Same here. No one responds. I'm just trying to get a fast food job. 10 years experience in food service and no replies. Seems like you need to know someone to get in these places.

Applied for kitchen job and got a response but seems scammy. What do you think? by orb2000 in Scams

[–]orb2000[S] 4 points5 points  (0 children)

I applied for this around 3PM yesterday on the Poached website (for kitchen job recruiting), and got a response around 4 AM this morning via email. The company has no Google hits, and they claim to be a new establishment. The English seems a bit off, and they said to reply to an email address outside the Poached website, which I see no reason to do since Poached has all the internal communication necessary. So far they have gotten my resume which has name, address, work history, etc. Hopefully they can't do too much with that. I assume they will sell the information to marketers or scammers. Do you think this seems like a scam? My gut says yes.

Cannot access my on-line Tracfone account by SandyTaro in TracFone

[–]orb2000 1 point2 points  (0 children)

Firefox was the issue for me. Could not sign in at all. Had to resort to Ungoogled Chromium. I will be making sure to send them feedback and tell them to fix their shit.

Cannot access my on-line Tracfone account by SandyTaro in TracFone

[–]orb2000 1 point2 points  (0 children)

Can confirm. Just had the exact same issue. Could not sign in with FF, but signed in fine using Ungoogled Chromium.

Today, on April 02, 2022, at 11.00 am, the national flag of Ukraine was raised at Chernobyl NPP industrial site by orb2000 in vexillology

[–]orb2000[S] 1 point2 points  (0 children)

Hah! It just looks like it. It's actually the flag for the agency responsible for managing Chernobyl NPP.

Today, on April 02, 2022, at 11.00 am, the national flag of Ukraine was raised at Chernobyl NPP industrial site by orb2000 in vexillology

[–]orb2000[S] 0 points1 point  (0 children)

Source: https://www.facebook.com/ChornobylNPP

Today, on April 02, 2022, at 11.00 am, the national flag of Ukraine was raised at Chornobyl NPP industrial site, and the national anthem of Ukraine sounded. The operating personnel of the nuclear power plant, who ensured nuclear and radiation safety of SSE Chornobyl NPP facilities during hard times of occupation and who continue to ensure it now, took part in the ceremony of flag raising.

Left: Flag of SSE ChNPP (State Specialized Enterprise for Chernobyl NPP) https://www.facebook.com/ChornobylNPP

Center: Flag of Ukraine https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Flag_of_Ukraine

Right: Flag of Slavutych, local city https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Slavutych

Flag of Mars by orb2000 in vexillology

[–]orb2000[S] 0 points1 point  (0 children)

No particular reason other than it looked good visually. I tried to find a reason retroactively, but all I could come up with was 25 for the 25 degrees of rotation. Haven't found a significance in the 16 yet though.

Today, on April 02, 2022, at 11.00 am, the national flag of Ukraine was raised at Chernobyl NPP industrial site, and the national anthem of Ukraine sounded by orb2000 in ukraine

[–]orb2000[S] 35 points36 points  (0 children)

Source: https://www.facebook.com/ChornobylNPP

На ЧАЕС піднято прапор України

Сьогодні, 02 квітня 2022, об 11:00 на проммайданчику Чорнобильської АЕС знову замайорів прапор України та пролунав гімн України. У церемонії підняття прапора прийняв участь оперативний персонал станції, який у важких умовах окупації весь цей час забезпечував і продовжує забезпечувати ядерну та радіаційну безпеку об‘єктів ДСП «Чорнобильська АЕС».

Today, on April 02, 2022, at 11.00 am, the national flag of Ukraine was raised at Chornobyl NPP industrial site, and the national anthem of Ukraine sounded. The operating personnel of the nuclear power plant, who ensured nuclear and radiation safety of SSE Chornobyl NPP facilities during hard times of occupation and who continue to ensure it now, took part in the ceremony of flag raising.