


my friend just told me that there’s a secret second dashboard that solely contains posts from people you’ve turned on post notifications for, and when i click the link in the messages it opens it within the tumblr app, so the tumblr app also has a secret second dashboard for post notification blogs, and the only way to access it is to open the link for it within the app.

i literally love tumblr

i have a private pinned post that just has a link to this dashboard on it, it’s great. two dashboards for life

wow! i was really hoping someone would organically reverse-engineer this and find that dash.

here are a few other “secret” dashboards:

these are all just taking existing feeds of content and putting them in a dashboard-like format… the “Stuff for you” tab/feed is the same idea.

filed under: #save


it also stresses me out when vampires just bite someone and they bleed ALL over the place and the vampire has their mouth on the bite for like ONE SECOND then comes away COVERED in blood and drops the person to the floor and then they go and kill like 2 MORE PEOPLE LIKE!!!!

imagine if you went out with your friend and bought a can of pepsi, shook it up real good, opened it, and just let it fuckin’ rip directly into your face for a good ten seconds with your mouth wide open, then dropped the can of whatever’s left on the floor and were like “damn….if only I didn’t need 5 cans of pepsi a day to get my fix.”






what’s the name for that species of joke where you mix and match true facts to make something twice as wrong as knowing nothing. if you bite it and you die it’s a stalagmite if it bites you and you die it’s a stalactite

It’s actually not the stalactite that bites you you’re thinking of stalactite’s monster.

Red sky at bite, stalagmite’s delight

Red sky at gnawing, stalactite’s warning




i have a foolproof plan, first I put termites into green arrows quiver-

Tune in next month to see Green Arrow face off against…





[Image Description: Tag reading “You WILL learn historically accurate Egyptian horse names And You Will Like It”]

The AO3 Tag of the Day is: Fuck yeah I will

@rudjedet is this you

Oh big me energy


Day 10 of me posting Wrightworth until they become canon





oh this is a life saver

So these are both “Aw Fuck I’m outta real food” meals BUT ALSO:  if you’re learning how to cook, these are great “baby steps” meals to learn how to cook basics into something enjoyable without “wasting” anything expensive.  Though I maintain that even cooking screw-ups are valuable in terms of lessons learned.

Also they’re great for when you get absorbed in something and you realize your blood sugar is dropping and you need to make something Quick.

Making basic storecupboard or fridge ingredients less basic and more nutritious.


Day 1 of me posting Wrightworth content until they become an official couple. I CHALLENGE YOU CAPCOM WAKE UP AND DO YOUR JOB



i feel like a lot of the younger group of people on the internet especially those who became online in the age of tiktok is that no one is obligated to interact with you. the best advice i could give to teens on the internet is block everything you dont want to see, unfollow over anything you like. you do not have to interact with people you do not want to.

but please remember that this goes both ways, content creators can block you over anything too. it doesnt go that deep, if someone blocks you its probably not personal. if someone tags one of my posts as a fandom i dont want to interact with i will block them and thats fine, i dont hate everyone i block and you dont have to either. creating your online experience is the key to having a good time online

you are never obligated to interact with anything






Society needs more intimate and ritualized violence. If you get elected mayor you should have to eat a horse heart. It could be symbolic of your duty or some shit. You gotta do it at the community barbeque where all your constituents can see.

If you get elected mayor you have to kill a horse with a huge sword and eat it’s raw heart. If you’re disabled you can appoint a champion to kill it for you it is 2022. As long as that horse soul goes into you it’s chill.

If you’re vegan you have to duel your champion to first blood and your champion is allowed to kill you. If the champion kills you they become mayor.

what if you’re a disabled vegan

Champion needs to have the same disability. As long as innocent blood is drawn it’s fine.


All I have to offer r doodles from school. Yes.

