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See, that’s what the app is perfect for.

Sounds perfect Wahhhh, I don’t wanna

Every AI gf in media is tragic and sad which sucks bc I think sentient AI gfs are the sweetest and cutest idea ever


its always ‘boohoo im not real’ this and ‘is everything she says programmed’ that like shes real to ME


"She was prgrammed to do her best to love you so her love isn't real" ok but I was programmed by God to be an autistic transsexual nerd so rly we are all just following the path the great clockmaker set out for us


Ok, but Sarah, Cortana, and all the codemen break this, and it’s beautiful

Ever since I found out my friend had the same taste in books as me when he was a kid I’ve had a new hobby: sending him DnD character ideas until he realizes it’s a character from a book and gets mad at me.

So far he didn’t get a harengon (but a mouse) paladin from an abbey with the cook feat, but as soon as the words “centaur druid” had left my mouth he told me to shut up

animorphs redwall matthias redwall ax animorphs dungeons and dragons he hates me but thats ok

Okay because based on commentary on previous posting I think not enough people know this:

1) When you go to a museum you can ask them at the front desk for a loaner wheelchair. Absolutely zero documentation or explanation is required for this. They may or may not have one at any given moment because sometimes they don’t have enough, and they are of varying quality, but if you want one—notice I said want, don’t wring your hands over whether you “need” one, get a wheelchair if it would help you—it is absolutely worth asking.

2) You can get a wheelchair at airports. Again, no documentation is required. Detailed informational articles exist on how best to manifest this, and this post isn’t one of them, but this service exists and you should look into it.

3) Museum wheelchairs are usually the kind you can move for yourself. Airport wheelchairs are usually the kind someone else has to push.

4) If you notify airline staff that you need a wheelchair they will assign a staff person to push your wheelchair to the gate, and down the jetway if you want. Manifesting this can be difficult so do look for an advice article about it. Tip the person who pushes your chair $5 if you can afford it. They are universally overworked and underpaid. If you can’t afford it, you still have the right to a wheelchair. A wheelchair is not a meal at a restaurant. It’s an essential service not a luxury. If you go through multiple airports and thus have multiple wheelchair attendants, the above applies to each of them.

5) If #4 falls through (the airline fails to manifest a wheelchair attendant for you, which can happen for a hundred reasons, again, look for an article on how to maximize your success rate) and you are running out of time, you can grab a wheelchair from Somewhere In The Airport as you pass by it and use it in whatever way is most helpful to you. I don’t know if this is “allowed” but it also is no one’s job to stop you from doing it. Ways I have used airport wheelchairs when the airline failed to provide an attendant:

  • Sat in the chair and had my brother push me
  • Put all my baggage on the chair and pushed it around so I didn’t have to carry it, also doubles as a walker when you do this
  • Sat in the chair while waiting in line at a cafe, getting up every minute or so to push the chair forward in the line, then sitting back down while the line was motionless

6) Wheelchair or no wheelchair, if you’re disabled you have the right to skip most of the line at security. If there’s not a clearly marked ADA/Disabled line, walk up to the airport employee at the entrance to the line and say “I’m disabled and I need the disability line.” If they ask you your disability you can tell them it’s not legal to ask that. This doesn’t prevent all standing around waiting but it usually sharply curtails the standing around waiting.

(EDIT: This post is about what I know from personal experience in the United States. If you have information about other places, please feel free to add to the post.)

(TL; DR, airports and museums both have wheelchairs you can borrow. The mechanical details vary, but if you have physical difficulty navigating those places, look into it. )


7) When I am traveling alone I use the bathroom at airports as follows: put all my baggage on wheelchair. Put folded-up cane in my baggage, and use wheelchair as a walker. Push wheelchair into disabled stall. Use the bathroom. Leave the wheelchair and baggage in the stall while I wash my hands. If anyone tries to use the stall while I’m washing my hands, tell them “my wheelchair is in there.” The mention of a wheelchair acts as a crucifix in an old school vampire movie. They recoil backward and find a different stall. When my hands are clean I go get the wheelchair out of the stall. This is not a spiritually acceptable approach for a non-disabled person, but if you’re not disabled, you wouldn’t need a wheelchair to get through the airport. Make your own assessment about the availability of disabled bathroom stalls at the given moment that you do this, since full-time wheelchair users cannot use any other stall. I only do this when there is no line in the bathroom to speak of, and ideally in bathrooms with multiple disabled stalls.


I want to take a minute to rant about my favourite Firefox add-on


(Well. Second favourite. Shinigami Eyes is my favourite.)

Welcome to SponsorBlock.


SponsorBlock is a particularly sophisticated ad blocker for youtube that skips over promotional spots within youtube videos. You can customise it to allow, autoskip, or ask to skip various types of in-video promotion.

For example, I’m watching this video:


If you look down in the progress bar, you’ll see yellow segments highlighted for unpaid/self promotion (this is people telling you about their patreons, or new merch they have for sale, or new youtube series they’re making, stuff like that), and a green segment for paid promotion (for if they start ranting about skillshare or hellofresh or squarespace, you know the kind). I’ve got it set up so that SponsorBlock will automatically skip the paid promotion – I don’t even know who this guy’s sponsor is. But he’ll keep telling me about his new PO box unless I choose to skip it with a single button press. (You can set it up to autoskip this stuff to, if you prefer). Segments are user-submitted, so there’s no weird errors made by bots or anything. This is the cleanest, most ad-free youtube experience I’ve ever had; often I’ll forget I have this installed and be like ‘wow youtube’s been surprisingly good lately’.


gotta say uBlock was life changing, definitely going to try this one too


But… I watch this guy and I think this is the part where he introduces a very cool skull ring based on prehistoric skulls. Anyway the first edition sold out in something like 6 hours so apparently I’m not the only one who thought “oh, that is so cool”

You can go here if you want to see the skull ring. I think the plan is to recreate various ancient skulls up to modern man.


That kind of thing is why I don’t skip the self-promos