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Posted by1 hour ago

The plotting and dialogue is clunky even by Prequels standards, which might be the vibe they're going for

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level 1
· 56 min. ago · edited 46 min. ago
Count Dooku

Deborah Chow directing the worst action scenes ever made in the Star Wars franchise

I like the show though, but some the directing has been mediocre

level 2

First of all, the direction of Vader alone has been noteworthy and awesome. That scene cracking necks in the village was savage. The chase scenes in Ep 2 were similarly impressive.

Ask yourself: what sort of action scene meshes with a character who spends a decade hiding from those who seek to destroy him and his kind? Nobody should be expecting dual on Mustafar, part II. The show's timeline marks a messy and dark era in its universe, so to have the same glossy high drama action scenes of the prequels would be false CGI nonsense. Instead, the use of gritty, visceral action has been satisfying; it, like in the Mandalorian series, is emblematic of the dirty, imperfect star wars universe at large. It's been much more interesting seeing Obi-wan barely tough out success with a blaster, than to elegantly carve through hordes with a light saber. This is not Clone Wars -- not the show, not the subject matter. By the same token, the Mandalorian follows a bounty hunter in war regalia who hunts and kills for a living, its action scenes reflect those stakes. Kenobi follows a desperate hermit from a dying clan, and the action should follow suit.

Calling out the director is pretty lame IMO, her episodes have been some of the coolest Star Wars choices I've ever seen.

level 1

It’s better than Boba. And a huge number of the negative comments are genuinely just from racists this time. That’s the only explanation for stuff like this:

Reva in Kenobi: “wHaTs HeR mOtIVaTiON FoR beInG EViL!?!?”

Vader in A New Hope: crickets chirping

Palpatine in Return of the Jedi: crickets chirping

It’s either racists or people so dumb they need to have everything spoon fed to them. You don’t need to know the villain’s motivation, it’s not about them! Maybe George was right, he was making kids movies, since half his audience seem to have the cognitive abilities of 5 year olds.

level 2

Ah yes, we cant criticize a character because its played by a black actress

Get lost

level 2

Oh no, one of those, "well theres that small percantage of the fan base who are racist pieces of shit and they are being bigots to the actress, that means the majority of people who dislike her character must be racists too!"

What a stupid take. People dislike her because she is not very well written and she doesn't have anything going for her to make you like her. Granted the only inquisitors written well are The Grand Inquisitor, (in Rebels, not this shit show), and the 2nd Sister from Fallen Order. Funny enough, that character was also not white, and yet people loved her character, why? Because she was a well written, interesting and likeable villain. There's nothing to like about Reva, she just acts like a spoiled bratty kid. Nothing against the actress, she's actually doing a great job as that's how her character is written, and the people harassing her online should go fuck themselves, but her character doesn't get a free pass just because some scumbags harassed her.

The point I'm trying to make is, take that ridiculous take of if someone criticizes her they are racist, and shove it up your ass. I'm sick of that argument and its dumb as hell

level 2

I don't think its better than boba.

Just because people are criticizing the writing of the show and acting of said character doesn't mean people are racists for fucks sake. Where is the racism to Billy Dee, to James Earl Jones, to Giancarlo Esposito, to Donald Glover, to Samuel L Jackson, to Debra Wilson, to Elizabeth Grullon, Oscar Issac.

Stop fucking blaming everything to racism. A bad character is a bad character no matter what fucking color your skin is.

level 2

Reva's motivation is clear as day. Lust for power. It's that simple for almost every sith. Some may be knowledge-questers like Sheev, some are more ritualistic like the Night Sisters, some are pawns like Maul and Savage -- but Reva's no different than dozens of other Star Wars villains, all who simply lust for power and influence, but especially raw power.

And agreed, Kenobi writing is not just passable, I'd deem it excellent. This series has to fit into incredibly narrow plot constaints, the audience already knows where these characters end up, so compelling story is pretty much entirely reliant on character development. That said, they only have a handful of characters to even play off... this show could honestly be a 6 episode mini-series in total. There's not a lot to go off, but so far, they are squeezing quite a lot of juice from the rind in my opinion.

level 2

The problem with Reva is that her character is too bland and all over the place. I mean, is she evil as in angry hothead evil like Kylo Ren or is she moustache twirling evil like Palpatine? Because the show can't decide.

Her competence is too contrived. All her plans seem to work magically. Like she lured Kenobi to that planet. Then she let him escape(which was a scene done 100 times better in Fallen Order). Then she found him again on the mining planet, where she randomly searched only the building where the tunnel was.

And then she killed the pilot, who definitely knew more about the Jedi smuggling operation, and kidnapped Leia. I mean how stupid you have to be to interrogate and torture a 10 year old kid. For all Reva knows, Leia is just a rich kid whose parents(Imperial senators) might have never even mentioned Jedi.

TLDR: Reva is a poorly written character (as in she is boring and her actions are contrived), and there is no sass or charisma to make her interesting.

level 1
· 4 min. ago
The Republic

My real problem is that Deborah Chow has directed some pretty good Mandalorian episodes before. I don’t know what happened here, the action scenes look goofier with each episode.


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