Friends of the Earth International


Friends of the Earth International is the world's largest grassroots environmental federation | Español: Français:

כאן מאז מאי 2009


חסמת את @FoEint

האם אתה בטוח שאתה רוצה להציג את הציוצים האלה? הצגת הציוצים לא תגרום לשחרור של @FoEint

  1. לפני 24 שעות

    🔔Last chance to apply this weekend! We're hiring an International Programs Officer, for a maternity leave cover, part-time role (80%). The role will support our campaigns on climate justice & energy and economic justice & resisting neoliberalism.

  2. 13 באפר׳

    Looking for a new professional challenge? Join the communications team at Friends of the Earth International, and be a part of driving our digital work forwards

  3. 7 באפר׳

    💉On , more than 2 years into the Covid pandemic we need a NOW. It’s time for a real global and an end to Big Pharma’s monopoly on COVID-19 vaccines ✊🏾We are not safe until everyone is safe.

  4. 5 באפר׳

    "The priority for our communities, movements and decision-makers must now be to end the era of fossil fuels and transform our societies and economies towards sustainable systems designed to address peoples’ needs, safety and wellbeing"

  5. 4 באפר׳

    IPCC- WGIII report on mitigation. How should we understand it from a climate justice perspective? Does it provide hope or despair? Does it address important equity questions? Read all at:

  6. 4 באפר׳

    This means stopping new fossil fuel projects, and ending the huge amounts of public and private subsidies to the dirty energy sector. Scientists say subsidies are a “major concern”, and call for more mitigation finance for developing countries.

    הצג שרשור זה
  7. 4 באפר׳

    Any good news? ☀️🍃 The report shows that renewable energies like solar and wind are cheap, fast and resilient to climate impacts. A just transition to renewable, people-owned energy will reduce emissions and create more sustainable, fairer societies.

    הצג שרשור זה
  8. 4 באפר׳

    ⚡️ All the 's pathways overshoot 1.5°c and most rely on carbon dioxide removal, such as geoengineering, agricultural intensification and dirty energy like nuclear, hydropower and gas. These pose huge threats to biodiversity, food, Indigenous Peoples and local communities.

    הצג שרשור זה
  9. 4 באפר׳

    ⚠️ We fear that wealthy countries and corporations will use this report to justify expanding carbon markets and further their agenda of profit-making false solutions, whilst failing to reduce emissions.

    הצג שרשור זה
  10. 4 באפר׳

    🧐What does today’s IPCC report tell us? Greenhouse gas emissions are still rising at an alarming pace and much warming is caused by overconsumption by global elites. We need to make deep emissions cuts NOW to be within the Paris Agreement 1.5°c goal.

    הצג שרשור זה
  11. 4 באפר׳

    🔥 UN body for climate science publish a new today on mitigation. 🔔 We fear that it normalises a breach of the 1.5°c warming threshold and promotes unproven technologies to cool the earth. Our analysis:

  12. 1 באפר׳

    ⏳Meena Raman of : "We need to phase-out from fossil fuels but it has to be on the basis of JUST TRANSITION" cc

  13. 1 באפר׳

    | As governments & scientists finalise policy recommendations for the report on climate mitigation, we send them an urgent reminder: the only way to avoid dangerous temperature overshoot is a rapid phaseout of fossil fuels

    , ‏, ועוד 7 נוספים
  14. 1 באפר׳

    The problem explained 🧐 Ahead of Monday's report on mitigation of climate change, we remind governments of the urgent need for a rapid phase-out of fossil fuels and industrial agriculture. Net Zero pledges only hide climate inaction. We need , real fast.

  15. 1 באפר׳

    "To protest and tell the world what is going on is the only way to put an end to the injustice." Huge congratulations to our comrade Anabela Lemos of , who has won the for her tireless work for environmental and human rights.

  16. 31 במרץ

    The 60 largest private sector banks have financed fossil fuels with $4.6 trillion since the Paris Agreement's adoption.🤯 In 2021 alone, dozens of banks which made pledges in public put $185.5 billion towards expanding fossil fuel use.

  17. 31 במרץ

    🔔 We're looking for an International Programs Officer to support our work on climate justice & energy and economic justice & resisting neoliberalism. This is a maternity leave cover until November, part-time (80%). Please apply by 17 April.

    , ‏, ועוד 2 נוספים
  18. 28 במרץ

    The EU-Mercosur 𝐀𝐁𝐂 of greenwash Here's who's pushing for a profit-boosting, planet-wrecking trade deal while presenting themselves as saviours: ☢️𝐀grichemical industry 🤵𝐁ig business 🚗𝐂ar lobby 🧐The details➡️

    , ‏, ועוד 3 נוספים
    הצג שרשור זה
  19. 30 במרץ

    Our analysis of the OEWG3: ✊🏾 & gender are a priority ✊🏾Participation issues must be addressed ✊🏾 Corporations must be regulated and kept out! We'll see you at COP15 to continue the fight for an effective global biodiversity framework.

  20. 29 במרץ

    📢 “If we don’t have a framework to protect that truly recognises and respects the rights of and Local Communities those who are actually , humanity is going to be in danger,” Full release:

    , ‏, ועוד 6 נוספים

מסתבר כי הטעינה לוקחת זמן־מה.

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    ייתכן שגם ימצא חן בעיניך
