Shut Down DC blocks roads, shuts down area around Supreme Court

On the 13th of June, Shutdown DC launched their offensive to shut down the Supreme Court on one of the possible days the Dobbs (abortion) ruling could have been released. Results were mixed: while cops stole a truckload of alleged blockading equipment, the presence of so many protesters forced the cops to do the same job themselves, and the protesters denied them the ability to open blockades for SCOTUS traffic.

Video-scenes of utter disruption in the streets around the Supreme Court 4 min 36 sec

Part of the inbound march passing the front side of the Supreme Court

Local News

Home of would-be witch burner Alito, with the usual guard since the home demos began

Video: protesters march up and down the street in front of Alito's home 1 min 45 sec

On the 13th of June, just hours after Shut Down DC's protests at the Supreme Court, protesters again returned to the home of Supreme Court "Justice" Alito. He is held in special contempt both as the author of the leaked SCOTUS draft Dobbs decision and for citing Matthew Hale in that draft. Matthew Hale was a 17th century judge who sentenced two women to death for witchcraft. Now the "witches" are back!

Video: Handmaids and electric guitar at Gorsuch's fancy private community 33 sec

During the May 14th "Bans Off Our Bodies" marches, the Women's March promised the Supreme Court would face a "Summer of Rage." Activists have delivered on this with a string of peaceful protests at the homes of Supreme Court "Justices," to the utter rage of the far right, FOX News, etc. On May 11, the protests once again came to the main road outside "Justice" Gorsuch's fancy private community.

Young people at Pride get behind the cops, confront the "ex-Gay/ex-Trans" Fundamentalist Christian screamers

On the 8th of June, anarchist news reported that the direct action pro-choice group Jane's Revenge dropped a banner over a DC road underpass.