USB4 is a Glorious Mess
Thanks to ORIGIN PC for sponsoring this video! Check out the VOYAGER – ORIGIN Edition at https://bit.ly/3PNcvfr
USB has never been easy to understand, and USB4 is no exception. How compatible is it with Thunderbolt 3? What about Thunderbolt 4? What cables can and can’t be used? Is a USB4 cable interchangeable with a Thunderbolt 4 cable?
Buy a CalDigit TB4/USB4 Element Hub: https://geni.us/P2wVa
Buy a CalDigit TS3: https://geni.us/OlDKmxA
Buy a CalDigit TS4: https://geni.us/Uqke
Buy a CalDigit Connect 10G: https://geni.us/T83obF6
Buy a Sabrent M.2 NVMe Thunderbolt 3 Enclosure: https://geni.us/HobsT
Buy a Satechi USB4 Multiport Adapter: https://geni.us/tpH7
Buy Infinite Cables USB4 240W Cable: https://geni.us/SHl39Ky
Discuss on the forum: https://linustechtips.com/topic/1471105-usb4...
published: 30 Nov 2022
Explaining USB: From 1.0 to USB4 V2.0
USB connectors and specifications tutorial, including USB 1.1, USB 2.0, USB 3.2, USB4 Version 1.0, and USB4 Version 2.0. Video also covers USB DP (DisplayPort), USB PD (power delivery), as well as the USB Type-A, Type-B, Mini-B, Micro-B, USB-C and nine other connectors. :)
Information for this video was primarily sourced from specifications included in the Document Library made available by the USB Implementers Forum at: https://www.usb.org/
CORRECTION: Note that in the initial graphic showing all connectors and standards (c. 00:34 in the video) the labels Mini-A SS, Mini-B SS and Mini-AB SS should be Micro-A SS, Micro-B SS and Micro-AB SS. You can see a corrected version of the graphic here: https://www.explainingcomputers.com/images/USB_Connectors_Specs_CORRECTED.jpg
Everything is cor...
published: 25 Sep 2022
5 things you didn't know your USB Flash Drive could do!
USB drives can be used for more than just moving files around.
So before you throw out those old flash drives, check out the 5 epic things you can do with your Flash USB drives that you may not know about!
You'll never believe what I found on several USB Flash Drives I bought! https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3Rgk7-F_DT8
These 4 features are missing from your Windows! https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=uwH6D02JFac
Make your own VPN in under 5 minutes! https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tZBCmsvoP_g
You are backing up your files WRONG! https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yIe4r6mBxz8
published: 22 Jan 2022
Ayúdanos a seguir creando contenido con un donativo por Paypal arturete_toro@hotmail.com
Mi Facebook https://www.facebook.com/ArtureteMX/
published: 02 Dec 2022
USB Ports, Cables, Types, & Connectors
This is an animated video that describes the different kinds of USB (universal serial bus) ports, USB cables, and connectors. It discusses USB type A, type B, type C, mini B, and micro B.
USB C to USB C Cable (affiliate) https://amzn.to/32SJERc
USB C to Type A Cable (affiliate) https://amzn.to/2K8RKOR
USB WiFi Adapter (affiliate) https://amzn.to/2K6zlSQ
USB Gigabit Ethernet Adapter (affiliate) https://amzn.to/38KmCQ9
I am a participant in the Amazon Services LLC Associates Program, an affiliate advertising program designed to provide a means for us to earn fees by linking to Amazon.com and affiliated site
published: 16 Oct 2020
This USB will FRY ANY DEVICE.... #Shorts
Thank you for watching!
Buy My BLUE Mat :https://a.co/d/h3iPG3i
Website( Mail-ins are currently closed) : https://www.phonerepairguru.com/
Second Channel: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCvi7NknbfeYAbJX3rEpI1ZQ
Ask a Question (Join the Subreddit): https://www.reddit.com/r/PhoneRepairTalk/
PROMO INQUIRIES: sean@prettygoodagents.com
Check us out on Instagram https://www.instagram.com/phone.repairguru/
Or on TikTok https://www.tiktok.com/@phonerepairguru?lang=en
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My Repair Tools:
MAGSAFE MAGNETS : https://geni.us/BgyY
Tools and Organizer( iPhone Screen Stand/ iPad Screen Stand - Microsoldering tools etc) https://www.wrepair.com (Discount Code PRG5 for 5% Off Entire Store/ Discount Co...
published: 30 Nov 2022
Камеди Клаб «Новости будущего» USB
Всё так и будет. Эфир от 10.12.2021
Подписывайся на телеграм камеди - https://t.me/comedyclubru
Подписывайся на группу Камеди Вконтакте - https://vk.com/comedyclubru
Смотри ComedyClub по пятницам в 21:00 на ТНТ.
Comedy Club в соц. сетях:
Youtube: https://www.youtube.com/c/ComedyClubRussia
Тик Ток - https://www.tiktok.com/@comedyclubru
Телеканал ТНТ в соц. сетях:
YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/c/tntonlineru
VK: https://vk.com/tnt
Производство: Comedy Club Production
Павел Воля: https://www.instagram.com/pavelvolyaofficial
Дюша Метелкин (Андрей Минин) : https://www.instagram.com/dushausbofficial
Турбо (Сергей Гореликов): https://www.instagram.com/gorel
Никита (Константин Маласаев): https://www.instagram.com/malasajev
Стас (Андрей Шелков): https://www.instagram.com/stas_usb
Гена (Дмитр...
published: 05 Feb 2022
Камеди Клаб Жорик Вартанов Гарик Мартиросян USB «Разборки»
Жорик Вартанов (Михаил Галустян), Гарик Мартиросян, группа USB «Разборки»
Подписывайся и смотри новые видео несколько раз в неделю!
Смотри ComedyClub по пятницам в 21:00 на ТНТ.
Comedy Club в соц. сетях:
Youtube: https://www.youtube.com/c/ComedyClubRussia
Inst: https://www.instagram.com/comedyclubru
Vk: https://vk.com/tvcomedy
Тик Ток - https://www.tiktok.com/@comedyclubru
Телеканал ТНТ в соц. сетях:
YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/c/tntonlineru
Inst: https://www.instagram.com/tnt_online/
VK: https://vk.com/tnt
Производство: Comedy Club Production
Рудик (Гарик Мартиросян): https://www.instagram.com/martirosian_official
Жорик Вартанов (Михаил Галустян): https://www.instagram.com/m_galustyan
Дюша Метелкин (Андрей Минин) : https://www.instagram.com/dushausbofficial
Турбо (Сергей Горели...
published: 07 Sep 2020
Группа USB - Эпидемия
В 2028 году геи захватили мир. Последний выживший натурал пытается найти себе подобных
published: 25 Sep 2021
How does a USB keyboard work?
The USB 2.0 spec: https://eater.net/downloads/usb_20.pdf
Support these videos on Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/beneater or https://eater.net/support for other ways to support.
0:00 Intro
0:50 USB electrical interface
4:43 How USB encodes bits and packets
23:41 USB packet contents
29:26 USB vs. PS/2
Social media:
Website: https://www.eater.net
Twitter: https://twitter.com/ben_eater
Patreon: https://patreon.com/beneater
Reddit: https://www.reddit.com/r/beneater
Special thanks to these supporters for making this video possible:
Aaron Todd, Aleksey Smolenchuk, Alexander Wendland, Andrew C. Young, Anson VanDoren, Anthanasius, anula, Armin Brauns, Ben Cochran, Ben Kamens, Ben Williams, Benny Olsson, Bill Cooksey, Binh Tran, Bouke Groenescheij, Bradley Pirtle, B...
published: 05 Jun 2021
USB4 is a Glorious Mess
Thanks to ORIGIN PC for sponsoring this video! Check out the VOYAGER – ORIGIN Edition at https://bit.ly/3PNcvfr
USB has never been easy to understand, and USB4...
Thanks to ORIGIN PC for sponsoring this video! Check out the VOYAGER – ORIGIN Edition at https://bit.ly/3PNcvfr
USB has never been easy to understand, and USB4 is no exception. How compatible is it with Thunderbolt 3? What about Thunderbolt 4? What cables can and can’t be used? Is a USB4 cable interchangeable with a Thunderbolt 4 cable?
Buy a CalDigit TB4/USB4 Element Hub: https://geni.us/P2wVa
Buy a CalDigit TS3: https://geni.us/OlDKmxA
Buy a CalDigit TS4: https://geni.us/Uqke
Buy a CalDigit Connect 10G: https://geni.us/T83obF6
Buy a Sabrent M.2 NVMe Thunderbolt 3 Enclosure: https://geni.us/HobsT
Buy a Satechi USB4 Multiport Adapter: https://geni.us/tpH7
Buy Infinite Cables USB4 240W Cable: https://geni.us/SHl39Ky
Discuss on the forum: https://linustechtips.com/topic/1471105-usb4-is-a-glorious-mess/
Purchases made through some store links may provide some compensation to Linus Media Group.
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Intro: Laszlo - Supernova
Video Link: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PKfxmFU3lWY
iTunes Download Link: https://itunes.apple.com/us/album/supernova/id936805712
Artist Link: https://soundcloud.com/laszlomusic
Outro: Approaching Nirvana - Sugar High
Video Link: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ngsGBSCDwcI
Listen on Spotify: http://spoti.fi/UxWkUw
Artist Link: http://www.youtube.com/approachingnirvana
Intro animation by MBarek Abdelwassaa https://www.instagram.com/mbarek_abdel/
Monitor And Keyboard by vadimmihalkevich / CC BY 4.0 https://geni.us/PgGWp
Mechanical RGB Keyboard by BigBrotherECE / CC BY 4.0 https://geni.us/mj6pHk4
Mouse Gamer free Model By Oscar Creativo / CC BY 4.0 https://geni.us/Ps3XfE
0:00 USB 4 is soooo confusing
1:25 What is USB 4?
4:47 Connecting TB devices to USB4 ports
7:30 MacOS vs. Windows
9:47 Older TB product compatibility
10:32 Daisy Chaining
12:38 External GPU
13:17 Watch Linus break things
15:39 Is USB4 compatible with TB3/4 devices?
Thanks to ORIGIN PC for sponsoring this video! Check out the VOYAGER – ORIGIN Edition at https://bit.ly/3PNcvfr
USB has never been easy to understand, and USB4 is no exception. How compatible is it with Thunderbolt 3? What about Thunderbolt 4? What cables can and can’t be used? Is a USB4 cable interchangeable with a Thunderbolt 4 cable?
Buy a CalDigit TB4/USB4 Element Hub: https://geni.us/P2wVa
Buy a CalDigit TS3: https://geni.us/OlDKmxA
Buy a CalDigit TS4: https://geni.us/Uqke
Buy a CalDigit Connect 10G: https://geni.us/T83obF6
Buy a Sabrent M.2 NVMe Thunderbolt 3 Enclosure: https://geni.us/HobsT
Buy a Satechi USB4 Multiport Adapter: https://geni.us/tpH7
Buy Infinite Cables USB4 240W Cable: https://geni.us/SHl39Ky
Discuss on the forum: https://linustechtips.com/topic/1471105-usb4-is-a-glorious-mess/
Purchases made through some store links may provide some compensation to Linus Media Group.
► GET MERCH: https://lttstore.com
► SUPPORT US ON FLOATPLANE: https://www.floatplane.com/ltt
► AFFILIATES, SPONSORS & REFERRALS: https://lmg.gg/sponsors
► PODCAST GEAR: https://lmg.gg/podcastgear
Twitter: https://twitter.com/linustech
Facebook: http://www.facebook.com/LinusTech
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/linustech
TikTok: https://www.tiktok.com/@linustech
Twitch: https://www.twitch.tv/linustech
Intro: Laszlo - Supernova
Video Link: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PKfxmFU3lWY
iTunes Download Link: https://itunes.apple.com/us/album/supernova/id936805712
Artist Link: https://soundcloud.com/laszlomusic
Outro: Approaching Nirvana - Sugar High
Video Link: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ngsGBSCDwcI
Listen on Spotify: http://spoti.fi/UxWkUw
Artist Link: http://www.youtube.com/approachingnirvana
Intro animation by MBarek Abdelwassaa https://www.instagram.com/mbarek_abdel/
Monitor And Keyboard by vadimmihalkevich / CC BY 4.0 https://geni.us/PgGWp
Mechanical RGB Keyboard by BigBrotherECE / CC BY 4.0 https://geni.us/mj6pHk4
Mouse Gamer free Model By Oscar Creativo / CC BY 4.0 https://geni.us/Ps3XfE
0:00 USB 4 is soooo confusing
1:25 What is USB 4?
4:47 Connecting TB devices to USB4 ports
7:30 MacOS vs. Windows
9:47 Older TB product compatibility
10:32 Daisy Chaining
12:38 External GPU
13:17 Watch Linus break things
15:39 Is USB4 compatible with TB3/4 devices?
- published: 30 Nov 2022
- views: 1116330
Explaining USB: From 1.0 to USB4 V2.0
USB connectors and specifications tutorial, including USB 1.1, USB 2.0, USB 3.2, USB4 Version 1.0, and USB4 Version 2.0. Video also covers USB DP (DisplayPort),...
USB connectors and specifications tutorial, including USB 1.1, USB 2.0, USB 3.2, USB4 Version 1.0, and USB4 Version 2.0. Video also covers USB DP (DisplayPort), USB PD (power delivery), as well as the USB Type-A, Type-B, Mini-B, Micro-B, USB-C and nine other connectors. :)
Information for this video was primarily sourced from specifications included in the Document Library made available by the USB Implementers Forum at: https://www.usb.org/
CORRECTION: Note that in the initial graphic showing all connectors and standards (c. 00:34 in the video) the labels Mini-A SS, Mini-B SS and Mini-AB SS should be Micro-A SS, Micro-B SS and Micro-AB SS. You can see a corrected version of the graphic here: https://www.explainingcomputers.com/images/USB_Connectors_Specs_CORRECTED.jpg
Everything is correctly labelled elsewhere in the video where each connector is covered in depth. My apologies. This video was reviewed and corrected four times before upload, but this still crept through the checking process. :(
Inevitably, as always, I also had to decide what to leave out, as well as what to include. Given the number of USB specifications and revisions that exist -- for example, there have now been 17 just for power delivery -- the only sure way to check anything for certain is to look at the instruction manual or online specification for your particular device. This said, right now, if you need the highest specification, go for a device with USB4 ports, and purchase USB power cables that support 100W -- or 240W if you can get hold of them. :)
If you enjoy this video, you may like my episodes:
Explaining SSDs: Form Factors, Interfaces & Technologies:
Explaining PCIe Slots:
Explaining File Systems (NTFS, exFAT, FAT32 & more):
Explaining SD Cards (2020 Update):
For additional ExplainingComputers videos and other content, you can become a channel member here:
More videos on computing and related topics can be found at http://www.youtube.com/explainingcomputers
You may also like my ExplainingTheFuture channel at: http://www.youtube.com/explainingthefuture
00:00 Introduction
01:09 Connectors & Specifications
01:48 USB Chronology (inc USB 1.1 & USB 2.0)
04:32 USB OTG
05:25 USB 3.0
07:38 USB Confusion (USB 3.1 & 3.2)
10:00 USB DP (DisplayPort)
10:23 USB4
11:41 USB PD (power delivery)
13:37 Wrap
#USB4 #USB-C #USB3.2 #ExplainingComputers
USB connectors and specifications tutorial, including USB 1.1, USB 2.0, USB 3.2, USB4 Version 1.0, and USB4 Version 2.0. Video also covers USB DP (DisplayPort), USB PD (power delivery), as well as the USB Type-A, Type-B, Mini-B, Micro-B, USB-C and nine other connectors. :)
Information for this video was primarily sourced from specifications included in the Document Library made available by the USB Implementers Forum at: https://www.usb.org/
CORRECTION: Note that in the initial graphic showing all connectors and standards (c. 00:34 in the video) the labels Mini-A SS, Mini-B SS and Mini-AB SS should be Micro-A SS, Micro-B SS and Micro-AB SS. You can see a corrected version of the graphic here: https://www.explainingcomputers.com/images/USB_Connectors_Specs_CORRECTED.jpg
Everything is correctly labelled elsewhere in the video where each connector is covered in depth. My apologies. This video was reviewed and corrected four times before upload, but this still crept through the checking process. :(
Inevitably, as always, I also had to decide what to leave out, as well as what to include. Given the number of USB specifications and revisions that exist -- for example, there have now been 17 just for power delivery -- the only sure way to check anything for certain is to look at the instruction manual or online specification for your particular device. This said, right now, if you need the highest specification, go for a device with USB4 ports, and purchase USB power cables that support 100W -- or 240W if you can get hold of them. :)
If you enjoy this video, you may like my episodes:
Explaining SSDs: Form Factors, Interfaces & Technologies:
Explaining PCIe Slots:
Explaining File Systems (NTFS, exFAT, FAT32 & more):
Explaining SD Cards (2020 Update):
For additional ExplainingComputers videos and other content, you can become a channel member here:
More videos on computing and related topics can be found at http://www.youtube.com/explainingcomputers
You may also like my ExplainingTheFuture channel at: http://www.youtube.com/explainingthefuture
00:00 Introduction
01:09 Connectors & Specifications
01:48 USB Chronology (inc USB 1.1 & USB 2.0)
04:32 USB OTG
05:25 USB 3.0
07:38 USB Confusion (USB 3.1 & 3.2)
10:00 USB DP (DisplayPort)
10:23 USB4
11:41 USB PD (power delivery)
13:37 Wrap
#USB4 #USB-C #USB3.2 #ExplainingComputers
- published: 25 Sep 2022
- views: 298409
5 things you didn't know your USB Flash Drive could do!
USB drives can be used for more than just moving files around.
So before you throw out those old flash drives, check out the 5 epic things you can do with your...
USB drives can be used for more than just moving files around.
So before you throw out those old flash drives, check out the 5 epic things you can do with your Flash USB drives that you may not know about!
You'll never believe what I found on several USB Flash Drives I bought! https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3Rgk7-F_DT8
These 4 features are missing from your Windows! https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=uwH6D02JFac
Make your own VPN in under 5 minutes! https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tZBCmsvoP_g
You are backing up your files WRONG! https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yIe4r6mBxz8
Check out 5 things you didn't know your old cell phone could do: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4MsyWOpfISc&ab;_channel=LironSegev
Need to get faster wifi and faster internet? Is your gaming lagging and your zoom buffering? What is a Mesh WiFi and WiFi 6?
I show you all you need to know about faster and better connectivity with the best router settings, wifi optimization, wifi tips and internet bandwidth performance tricks and even boosting speed apps.
My name is Liron Segev, aka TheTechieGuy, and I make tech simple for everyone to understand - I answer your technology questions making so you are more productive more efficient, and getting more out of your phones, gadgets, and apps
Liron Segev aka TheTechieGuy
FYI: As an Amazon Associate I earn from qualifying purchases
USB drives can be used for more than just moving files around.
So before you throw out those old flash drives, check out the 5 epic things you can do with your Flash USB drives that you may not know about!
You'll never believe what I found on several USB Flash Drives I bought! https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3Rgk7-F_DT8
These 4 features are missing from your Windows! https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=uwH6D02JFac
Make your own VPN in under 5 minutes! https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tZBCmsvoP_g
You are backing up your files WRONG! https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yIe4r6mBxz8
Check out 5 things you didn't know your old cell phone could do: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4MsyWOpfISc&ab;_channel=LironSegev
Need to get faster wifi and faster internet? Is your gaming lagging and your zoom buffering? What is a Mesh WiFi and WiFi 6?
I show you all you need to know about faster and better connectivity with the best router settings, wifi optimization, wifi tips and internet bandwidth performance tricks and even boosting speed apps.
My name is Liron Segev, aka TheTechieGuy, and I make tech simple for everyone to understand - I answer your technology questions making so you are more productive more efficient, and getting more out of your phones, gadgets, and apps
Liron Segev aka TheTechieGuy
FYI: As an Amazon Associate I earn from qualifying purchases
- published: 22 Jan 2022
- views: 1987724
Ayúdanos a seguir creando contenido con un donativo por Paypal arturete_toro@hotmail.com
Mi Facebook https://www.facebook.com/ArtureteMX/
Ayúdanos a seguir creando contenido con un donativo por Paypal arturete_toro@hotmail.com
Mi Facebook https://www.facebook.com/ArtureteMX/
Ayúdanos a seguir creando contenido con un donativo por Paypal arturete_toro@hotmail.com
Mi Facebook https://www.facebook.com/ArtureteMX/
- published: 02 Dec 2022
- views: 108
USB Ports, Cables, Types, & Connectors
This is an animated video that describes the different kinds of USB (universal serial bus) ports, USB cables, and connectors. It discusses USB type A, type B, ...
This is an animated video that describes the different kinds of USB (universal serial bus) ports, USB cables, and connectors. It discusses USB type A, type B, type C, mini B, and micro B.
USB C to USB C Cable (affiliate) https://amzn.to/32SJERc
USB C to Type A Cable (affiliate) https://amzn.to/2K8RKOR
USB WiFi Adapter (affiliate) https://amzn.to/2K6zlSQ
USB Gigabit Ethernet Adapter (affiliate) https://amzn.to/38KmCQ9
I am a participant in the Amazon Services LLC Associates Program, an affiliate advertising program designed to provide a means for us to earn fees by linking to Amazon.com and affiliated site
This is an animated video that describes the different kinds of USB (universal serial bus) ports, USB cables, and connectors. It discusses USB type A, type B, type C, mini B, and micro B.
USB C to USB C Cable (affiliate) https://amzn.to/32SJERc
USB C to Type A Cable (affiliate) https://amzn.to/2K8RKOR
USB WiFi Adapter (affiliate) https://amzn.to/2K6zlSQ
USB Gigabit Ethernet Adapter (affiliate) https://amzn.to/38KmCQ9
I am a participant in the Amazon Services LLC Associates Program, an affiliate advertising program designed to provide a means for us to earn fees by linking to Amazon.com and affiliated site
- published: 16 Oct 2020
- views: 1565940
This USB will FRY ANY DEVICE.... #Shorts
Thank you for watching!
Buy My BLUE Mat :https://a.co/d/h3iPG3i
Website( Mail-ins are currently closed) : https://www.phonerepairguru.com/
Second Channel: https...
Thank you for watching!
Buy My BLUE Mat :https://a.co/d/h3iPG3i
Website( Mail-ins are currently closed) : https://www.phonerepairguru.com/
Second Channel: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCvi7NknbfeYAbJX3rEpI1ZQ
Ask a Question (Join the Subreddit): https://www.reddit.com/r/PhoneRepairTalk/
PROMO INQUIRIES: sean@prettygoodagents.com
Check us out on Instagram https://www.instagram.com/phone.repairguru/
Or on TikTok https://www.tiktok.com/@phonerepairguru?lang=en
Twitter: https://twitter.com/therealprg?lang=en
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/phonerepairguruu/
My Repair Tools:
MAGSAFE MAGNETS : https://geni.us/BgyY
Tools and Organizer( iPhone Screen Stand/ iPad Screen Stand - Microsoldering tools etc) https://www.wrepair.com (Discount Code PRG5 for 5% Off Entire Store/ Discount Code PRG10 for 10% off $500+ orders)
Charging Hub With Amp Meter: https://amzn.to/3DzHecF
Qianli Screw Driver Holder: https://geni.us/QIANLIICUBE
Qianli Screw Drivers : https://geni.us/QIANLISCREWDRIVER
Display / Battery Programmer: https://geni.us/QIANLIPROGRAMMER
Tools Used (IFIXIT) : https://geni.us/JBYJF
Qianli Clamps: https://geni.us/QianliClamps
My Blue Repair Mat: https://a.co/d/h3iPG3i
Ifixit Starter Kit: https://geni.us/STARTERKIT
Phone Cooker (Heat Pad) : https://amzn.to/3OYQz06
Heat Gun: https://geni.us/HEATGUN
Electronic Screw DriverP: https://geni.us/WOWSTICK
Filming Gear:
LUMIX G85 https://geni.us/G85CAMERA
Lumix GH5 https://geni.us/PANASONICLUMIXGH5
Rode Wireless Go Mic https://geni.us/RHODEWIRELESSGO
Rode VideoMicro https://geni.us/RHODEMIC
Studio Lights https://geni.us/STUDIOLIGHTS
Spinning Thing https://geni.us/ROTATINGDISPLAYSTAND
Guru Approved:
Airpods Pro: https://amzn.to/3Qfel9l
Airpods: https://amzn.to/3Qmsn9n
Airpods Max: https://amzn.to/3QknnlB
Airtags: https://amzn.to/3bqKEmS
Easy Button https://geni.us/EASYBUTTON
Gameboy Case https://geni.us/GAMEBOYCASE
MagSafe Phone Cooler https://geni.us/jCfJoB
Nutella AirPod Case https://geni.us/PhUZC
Giant AirPod https://geni.us/GIANTAIRPOD
Nano Leaf Lights https://geni.us/xuKg
Anker MagSafe Charging Stand https://geni.us/ANKER
Phone Repair Guru assumes no liability for any damage caused to your phone as a result of any of the information contained in this video.
Do not attempt unless you are open to the possibility of further damaging your device.
Thank you for watching!
Buy My BLUE Mat :https://a.co/d/h3iPG3i
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My Repair Tools:
MAGSAFE MAGNETS : https://geni.us/BgyY
Tools and Organizer( iPhone Screen Stand/ iPad Screen Stand - Microsoldering tools etc) https://www.wrepair.com (Discount Code PRG5 for 5% Off Entire Store/ Discount Code PRG10 for 10% off $500+ orders)
Charging Hub With Amp Meter: https://amzn.to/3DzHecF
Qianli Screw Driver Holder: https://geni.us/QIANLIICUBE
Qianli Screw Drivers : https://geni.us/QIANLISCREWDRIVER
Display / Battery Programmer: https://geni.us/QIANLIPROGRAMMER
Tools Used (IFIXIT) : https://geni.us/JBYJF
Qianli Clamps: https://geni.us/QianliClamps
My Blue Repair Mat: https://a.co/d/h3iPG3i
Ifixit Starter Kit: https://geni.us/STARTERKIT
Phone Cooker (Heat Pad) : https://amzn.to/3OYQz06
Heat Gun: https://geni.us/HEATGUN
Electronic Screw DriverP: https://geni.us/WOWSTICK
Filming Gear:
LUMIX G85 https://geni.us/G85CAMERA
Lumix GH5 https://geni.us/PANASONICLUMIXGH5
Rode Wireless Go Mic https://geni.us/RHODEWIRELESSGO
Rode VideoMicro https://geni.us/RHODEMIC
Studio Lights https://geni.us/STUDIOLIGHTS
Spinning Thing https://geni.us/ROTATINGDISPLAYSTAND
Guru Approved:
Airpods Pro: https://amzn.to/3Qfel9l
Airpods: https://amzn.to/3Qmsn9n
Airpods Max: https://amzn.to/3QknnlB
Airtags: https://amzn.to/3bqKEmS
Easy Button https://geni.us/EASYBUTTON
Gameboy Case https://geni.us/GAMEBOYCASE
MagSafe Phone Cooler https://geni.us/jCfJoB
Nutella AirPod Case https://geni.us/PhUZC
Giant AirPod https://geni.us/GIANTAIRPOD
Nano Leaf Lights https://geni.us/xuKg
Anker MagSafe Charging Stand https://geni.us/ANKER
Phone Repair Guru assumes no liability for any damage caused to your phone as a result of any of the information contained in this video.
Do not attempt unless you are open to the possibility of further damaging your device.
- published: 30 Nov 2022
- views: 383237
Камеди Клаб «Новости будущего» USB
Всё так и будет. Эфир от 10.12.2021
Подписывайся на телеграм камеди - https://t.me/comedyclubru
Подписывайся на группу Камеди Вконтакте - https://vk.com/comedy...
Всё так и будет. Эфир от 10.12.2021
Подписывайся на телеграм камеди - https://t.me/comedyclubru
Подписывайся на группу Камеди Вконтакте - https://vk.com/comedyclubru
Смотри ComedyClub по пятницам в 21:00 на ТНТ.
Comedy Club в соц. сетях:
Youtube: https://www.youtube.com/c/ComedyClubRussia
Тик Ток - https://www.tiktok.com/@comedyclubru
Телеканал ТНТ в соц. сетях:
YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/c/tntonlineru
VK: https://vk.com/tnt
Производство: Comedy Club Production
Павел Воля: https://www.instagram.com/pavelvolyaofficial
Дюша Метелкин (Андрей Минин) : https://www.instagram.com/dushausbofficial
Турбо (Сергей Гореликов): https://www.instagram.com/gorel
Никита (Константин Маласаев): https://www.instagram.com/malasajev
Стас (Андрей Шелков): https://www.instagram.com/stas_usb
Гена (Дмитрий Вьюшкин): https://www.instagram.com/vyushkin.dima
#камедиклаб #тнт #comedyclub
Всё так и будет. Эфир от 10.12.2021
Подписывайся на телеграм камеди - https://t.me/comedyclubru
Подписывайся на группу Камеди Вконтакте - https://vk.com/comedyclubru
Смотри ComedyClub по пятницам в 21:00 на ТНТ.
Comedy Club в соц. сетях:
Youtube: https://www.youtube.com/c/ComedyClubRussia
Тик Ток - https://www.tiktok.com/@comedyclubru
Телеканал ТНТ в соц. сетях:
YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/c/tntonlineru
VK: https://vk.com/tnt
Производство: Comedy Club Production
Павел Воля: https://www.instagram.com/pavelvolyaofficial
Дюша Метелкин (Андрей Минин) : https://www.instagram.com/dushausbofficial
Турбо (Сергей Гореликов): https://www.instagram.com/gorel
Никита (Константин Маласаев): https://www.instagram.com/malasajev
Стас (Андрей Шелков): https://www.instagram.com/stas_usb
Гена (Дмитрий Вьюшкин): https://www.instagram.com/vyushkin.dima
#камедиклаб #тнт #comedyclub
- published: 05 Feb 2022
- views: 2669094
Камеди Клаб Жорик Вартанов Гарик Мартиросян USB «Разборки»
Жорик Вартанов (Михаил Галустян), Гарик Мартиросян, группа USB «Разборки»
Подписывайся и смотри новые видео несколько раз в неделю!
Смотри ComedyClub по пятни...
Жорик Вартанов (Михаил Галустян), Гарик Мартиросян, группа USB «Разборки»
Подписывайся и смотри новые видео несколько раз в неделю!
Смотри ComedyClub по пятницам в 21:00 на ТНТ.
Comedy Club в соц. сетях:
Youtube: https://www.youtube.com/c/ComedyClubRussia
Inst: https://www.instagram.com/comedyclubru
Vk: https://vk.com/tvcomedy
Тик Ток - https://www.tiktok.com/@comedyclubru
Телеканал ТНТ в соц. сетях:
YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/c/tntonlineru
Inst: https://www.instagram.com/tnt_online/
VK: https://vk.com/tnt
Производство: Comedy Club Production
Рудик (Гарик Мартиросян): https://www.instagram.com/martirosian_official
Жорик Вартанов (Михаил Галустян): https://www.instagram.com/m_galustyan
Дюша Метелкин (Андрей Минин) : https://www.instagram.com/dushausbofficial
Турбо (Сергей Гореликов): https://www.instagram.com/gorel
Никита (Константин Маласаев): https://www.instagram.com/malasajev
Стас (Андрей Шелков): https://www.instagram.com/stas_usb
Гена (Дмитрий Вьюшкин): https://www.instagram.com/vyushkin.dima
Павел Воля: https://www.instagram.com/pavelvolyaofficial
#камедиклаб #тнт #comedyclub
Жорик Вартанов (Михаил Галустян), Гарик Мартиросян, группа USB «Разборки»
Подписывайся и смотри новые видео несколько раз в неделю!
Смотри ComedyClub по пятницам в 21:00 на ТНТ.
Comedy Club в соц. сетях:
Youtube: https://www.youtube.com/c/ComedyClubRussia
Inst: https://www.instagram.com/comedyclubru
Vk: https://vk.com/tvcomedy
Тик Ток - https://www.tiktok.com/@comedyclubru
Телеканал ТНТ в соц. сетях:
YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/c/tntonlineru
Inst: https://www.instagram.com/tnt_online/
VK: https://vk.com/tnt
Производство: Comedy Club Production
Рудик (Гарик Мартиросян): https://www.instagram.com/martirosian_official
Жорик Вартанов (Михаил Галустян): https://www.instagram.com/m_galustyan
Дюша Метелкин (Андрей Минин) : https://www.instagram.com/dushausbofficial
Турбо (Сергей Гореликов): https://www.instagram.com/gorel
Никита (Константин Маласаев): https://www.instagram.com/malasajev
Стас (Андрей Шелков): https://www.instagram.com/stas_usb
Гена (Дмитрий Вьюшкин): https://www.instagram.com/vyushkin.dima
Павел Воля: https://www.instagram.com/pavelvolyaofficial
#камедиклаб #тнт #comedyclub
- published: 07 Sep 2020
- views: 6969059
Группа USB - Эпидемия
В 2028 году геи захватили мир. Последний выживший натурал пытается найти себе подобных
В 2028 году геи захватили мир. Последний выживший натурал пытается найти себе подобных
В 2028 году геи захватили мир. Последний выживший натурал пытается найти себе подобных
- published: 25 Sep 2021
- views: 239173
How does a USB keyboard work?
The USB 2.0 spec: https://eater.net/downloads/usb_20.pdf
Support these videos on Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/beneater or https://eater.net/support for oth...
The USB 2.0 spec: https://eater.net/downloads/usb_20.pdf
Support these videos on Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/beneater or https://eater.net/support for other ways to support.
0:00 Intro
0:50 USB electrical interface
4:43 How USB encodes bits and packets
23:41 USB packet contents
29:26 USB vs. PS/2
Social media:
Website: https://www.eater.net
Twitter: https://twitter.com/ben_eater
Patreon: https://patreon.com/beneater
Reddit: https://www.reddit.com/r/beneater
Special thanks to these supporters for making this video possible:
Aaron Todd, Aleksey Smolenchuk, Alexander Wendland, Andrew C. Young, Anson VanDoren, Anthanasius, anula, Armin Brauns, Ben Cochran, Ben Kamens, Ben Williams, Benny Olsson, Bill Cooksey, Binh Tran, Bouke Groenescheij, Bradley Pirtle, Bradley Stach, Brent Reusing, Bryan Brickman, Carlos Ambrozak, Christian Carter, Christopher Blackmon, Dale Andrew Darling, Daniel Jeppsson, Daniel Tang, dans, Dave Burley, Dave Walter, David Brown, David Clark, David Cox, David House, David Sastre Medina, David Turner, David Worsham, Dean Bevan, Dean Winger, Dissy, dko, Dmitry Guyvoronsky, Dušan Dželebdžić, Dustin Yelland, Dzevad Trumic, Eric Dynowski, Erik Broeders, Eugene Bulkin, George Miroshnykov, Harry McDow, hotwire33, Ian Tait, Ingo Eble, Ivan Sorokin, James Capuder, james schaefer, Jared Dziedzic, Jason DeStefano, Jason Specland, JavaXP, Jaxon Ketterman, Jay Binks, Jayne Gabriele, Jesse Miller, Jim Kelly, Jim Knowler, Jim Van Meggelen, Joe Beda, Joe OConnor, Joe Pregracke, Joel Miller, John Fenwick, John Meade, Jon Dugan, Joseph Portaro, Joshua King, Jurģis Brigmanis, Kai Wells, Kefen, Kenneth Christensen, Kent Collins, Kitick, Koreo, Lambda GPU Workstations, Larry, László Bácsi, Lucky Resistor, Lukasz Pacholik, Marcos Fujisawa, Marcus Classon, Mark Day, Martin Roth, Mats Fredriksson, Matt Krueger, Matthäus Pawelczyk, Matthew Duphily, melvin2001, Michael Tedder, Michael Timbrook, Michael Weitman, Miguel Ríos, mikebad, Mikel Lindsaar, Miles Macchiaroli, Muqeet Mujahid, My Yiddishe Mama, Nicholas Counts, Nicholas Moresco, Nick, Not Yet Wise, Paul Pluzhnikov, Paul Randal, Pete Dietl, Phil Dennis, Philip Hofstetter, Phillip Glau, PixelSergey, ProgrammerDor, Randal Masutani, Randy True, raoulvp, Renaldas Zioma, Ric King, Rick Hennigan, Rob Bruno, Robert Comyn, Robert Diaz, Roland Bobek, sam raza, Scott Holmes, Sergey Kruk, Shelton, SonOfSofaman, Stefan Nesinger, Stefanus Du Toit, Stephen, Stephen Riley, Stephen Smithstone, Steve Jones, Steven Zilberberg, Tayler Porter, TheWebMachine, Thomas Bruggink, Thomas Eriksen, Tii, Tom, Tom Yedwab, Tommaso Palmieri, Tyler Latham, Vincent Bernat, Vladimir Solomatin, Walter Montalvo, Warren Miller, Wim Coekaerts, Wraithan McCarroll, xisente, Yee Lam Wan
The USB 2.0 spec: https://eater.net/downloads/usb_20.pdf
Support these videos on Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/beneater or https://eater.net/support for other ways to support.
0:00 Intro
0:50 USB electrical interface
4:43 How USB encodes bits and packets
23:41 USB packet contents
29:26 USB vs. PS/2
Social media:
Website: https://www.eater.net
Twitter: https://twitter.com/ben_eater
Patreon: https://patreon.com/beneater
Reddit: https://www.reddit.com/r/beneater
Special thanks to these supporters for making this video possible:
Aaron Todd, Aleksey Smolenchuk, Alexander Wendland, Andrew C. Young, Anson VanDoren, Anthanasius, anula, Armin Brauns, Ben Cochran, Ben Kamens, Ben Williams, Benny Olsson, Bill Cooksey, Binh Tran, Bouke Groenescheij, Bradley Pirtle, Bradley Stach, Brent Reusing, Bryan Brickman, Carlos Ambrozak, Christian Carter, Christopher Blackmon, Dale Andrew Darling, Daniel Jeppsson, Daniel Tang, dans, Dave Burley, Dave Walter, David Brown, David Clark, David Cox, David House, David Sastre Medina, David Turner, David Worsham, Dean Bevan, Dean Winger, Dissy, dko, Dmitry Guyvoronsky, Dušan Dželebdžić, Dustin Yelland, Dzevad Trumic, Eric Dynowski, Erik Broeders, Eugene Bulkin, George Miroshnykov, Harry McDow, hotwire33, Ian Tait, Ingo Eble, Ivan Sorokin, James Capuder, james schaefer, Jared Dziedzic, Jason DeStefano, Jason Specland, JavaXP, Jaxon Ketterman, Jay Binks, Jayne Gabriele, Jesse Miller, Jim Kelly, Jim Knowler, Jim Van Meggelen, Joe Beda, Joe OConnor, Joe Pregracke, Joel Miller, John Fenwick, John Meade, Jon Dugan, Joseph Portaro, Joshua King, Jurģis Brigmanis, Kai Wells, Kefen, Kenneth Christensen, Kent Collins, Kitick, Koreo, Lambda GPU Workstations, Larry, László Bácsi, Lucky Resistor, Lukasz Pacholik, Marcos Fujisawa, Marcus Classon, Mark Day, Martin Roth, Mats Fredriksson, Matt Krueger, Matthäus Pawelczyk, Matthew Duphily, melvin2001, Michael Tedder, Michael Timbrook, Michael Weitman, Miguel Ríos, mikebad, Mikel Lindsaar, Miles Macchiaroli, Muqeet Mujahid, My Yiddishe Mama, Nicholas Counts, Nicholas Moresco, Nick, Not Yet Wise, Paul Pluzhnikov, Paul Randal, Pete Dietl, Phil Dennis, Philip Hofstetter, Phillip Glau, PixelSergey, ProgrammerDor, Randal Masutani, Randy True, raoulvp, Renaldas Zioma, Ric King, Rick Hennigan, Rob Bruno, Robert Comyn, Robert Diaz, Roland Bobek, sam raza, Scott Holmes, Sergey Kruk, Shelton, SonOfSofaman, Stefan Nesinger, Stefanus Du Toit, Stephen, Stephen Riley, Stephen Smithstone, Steve Jones, Steven Zilberberg, Tayler Porter, TheWebMachine, Thomas Bruggink, Thomas Eriksen, Tii, Tom, Tom Yedwab, Tommaso Palmieri, Tyler Latham, Vincent Bernat, Vladimir Solomatin, Walter Montalvo, Warren Miller, Wim Coekaerts, Wraithan McCarroll, xisente, Yee Lam Wan
- published: 05 Jun 2021
- views: 2272006