Čeněk Růžička, chair of the Committee for the Redress of the RomaHolocaust (VPORH) spoke yesterday at the commemorative ceremony in Lety (Písek district), Czech Republic and called on politicians to condemn antigypsyism just as they condemn anitsemitism. According to him, both forms of hatred are gaining strength in Europe... .
On 27 September the DistrictCourt in Písek postponed the main hearing and presentation of evidence in the case of two men whom police say placed a sign with insulting inscriptions about Romani people on the grounds of the memorial to the Holocaust and its Romani victims at Lety u Písku.
They feature archaeological discoveries from the former "GypsyCamp" at Lety in the Písek district of South Bohemia, student work on the subject of the Holocaust, and an exhibition about genocide.