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Get Motivated!


Posted by17 hours ago

I pretty much still live like a 16 year old. I go the gym occasionally but I pretty much watch YouTube all day and live with family... I'm just not motivated. Live in a small city and not super excited about the opportunities here. Afraid to move out again because I know my parents are waiting to sell their home and move overseas. Frustrated by my situation and having a hard time seeing what the right decision is moving forward. Thinking I might go back to school for I.T or marketing.... not sure but feel scattered. Considering my interests change every week I have a hard time making decisions. Trying to take small steps forward everyday but I feel the pressure constantly to get things moving and I just don't know which direction to go.

Edit: To add a bit more context.. I do have a two year diploma In human resources - business but havent really tried looking for work in that field because I'm not insanely interested in it? I also don't live in a huge city at the moment and not sure there is ton of work for it. Also not too sure whether I would be interested or not. I also have an 11 month certificate in edm production which I completed about five years ago. That might've been a pretty big waste of money.

Posted by5 hours ago

Let’s be concrete. When I’m in a failing relationship, it often feels like everything is broken. Friction when you spend time with them, anxiety when you think about the future with them, dreading doing things together. Honestly this was life telling me that it wasn’t going to work out. It was a lot of signals that the relationship was not working and I was putting off the hard conversation of breaking up. I was resisting doing what needed to be done. Being in a bad relationship sucks, but resisting the change that needs to happen is what causes suffering.

Work can be very similar. Maybe you hate your job, it doesn’t use your skills, or it’s a toxic environment. Every day you go in, can’t wait for it to be over, and dread waking up to start again. These are all signals that this job is not right for you. But changing jobs and moving into the unknown is scary. Hence, most people resist the change and stay in the wrong job for a long time. This resistance creates suffering. The job is bad, but the decision to stay there makes things so much worse.

Those are both autobiographical. I’m as guilty as anyone and I felt pretty dumb when I finally stopped resisting these changes and my life got so much better. So let’s look at your life. Where are you suffering the most? What changes could YOU make that would most eliminate the suffering? Notice that I capitalized YOU. You’re not allowed to say “My suffering would get better if my boss wasn’t such an asshole.” It’s true, but that’s not in your control. Neither is changing your partner’s eccentricities, changing your family, or instantly losing 50 pounds.

When we want to reduce our suffering, we have to look chiefly at the things we can change. We can apply to a different job, end a relationship, set boundaries with family, start working out, and eating healthier. Those are actions we can take. That is listening to the signals life gives us and acting on them instead of resisting them. Please note also that blaming our pain on other people is still resisting. It’s saying “I have no control over my life and no change I can make would improve my situation.” Sorry that I’m holding you accountable, but you have way more power (and responsibility) here than you realize.

I’m not saying those are easy changes. Many people have had to cut toxic family members out of their lives. Many people had to end decades long relationships or start their career over because what they were doing wasn’t working. Some problems don’t have pretty answers - but an ugly answer is better than living with the problem every day of your life. The suffering you’re in might be familiar, but I have to believe there’s something else better out there.

Lastly, I want to say that the best thing you can do for other people is also what is best for you. It’s easy to say “I can’t end this toxic relationship or leave this bad job because it will hurt others too much,” but that’s an excuse. That relationship and that job are dysfunctional machines. You are saying that you can’t leave them because then the dysfunctional machine would break down. But the best life for other people is not in this wobbly, smoking machine. You should not put off your best life because it might force other people out of their comfort zone.

By leaving that situation and doing what is best for you, you are also prompting the other people to improve their situation. I’m not saying they will be grateful, or that they will understand at the time, but the way things are is not sustainable. You are not a bad person for jumping off of a ship that’s sinking. If nothing else you can be a signal to others that they need to jump off too. Focus on how you can create your best life. You should be surrounded by people who are not hurt or held back by you doing what is best for you. You will need to let go of some people and find new ones as you evolve as a person. That’s okay. But deciding to keep suffering just so other suffering people don’t need to change is not compassion. You are not doing anyone a favor by enabling them and keeping them locked in this dysfunctional machine. Both of you deserve better.

Look around your life for sources of suffering. Look for the changes that would improve your situation, and for goodness’ sake stop resisting all the signals the universe is trying to send you. This is one of them.

Posted by2 days ago

Hi, So I want to get healthy , start eating properly , exercising all that wonderful stuff cause my health is not the best. Everything regarding eating better and exercise is so weight loss centric and that stresses me out, I had a lot of trouble with my self image and self love, I'm not going to sugar coat it I'm big, I've always been big and people don't treat me nice because of it and my relationship with food is very shitty I eat for comfort and I'm quite literally eating myself to death. The whole point of doing all of this without focusing on weight loss is purely to keep my sanity. My goal is health to improve my insulin and everything else, if weight loss happens it's okay but I don't want to think I'm doing it to change my looks, I'm not doing this to "be pretty" cause I'm already pretty, and I can't start to love myself "when I'm skinny" I have to love myself now regardless of all my insecurities, I love myself regardless of how I look. So any help finding motivation to get healthy is well appreciated, I have an appointment with a nutritionist and I am looking at a gym that has very good reviews regarding it being a very uplifting environment and a very comfortable place for people to start their health journey.

Posted by1 day ago

2021 was one of the hardest years of my life. I felt like I had nothing left to live for and I was seriously considering taking the easy way out. Fortunately, I found the support I needed to be able to get myself up (multiple times) and pull myself out of that terrible position. Now that I feel like I can make something of myself, I don't know where to go. I have a pretty good idea of my likes and dislikes, but I am not motivated enough to pursue them. Instead, I feel like I want to keep exploring. Being 29 years of age, I don't find this ideal. I feel like I'm at the end of the line and I should leave my exploring lifestyle behind me and instead chase something more stable if I ever hope to have a family. And yet, I don't want to. There still is something missing, something which I can't explain and pushes me to explore. Settling down scares me because I'll be losing ___ ,something.

Does anyone ever felt this way? Do you have any advice? What can I do?

Posted by2 hours ago

The fact that I'll never be financially independent makes me wanna throw the towel and give up for good.

No amount of achievements and medals will bring me peace and satisfaction, so I end up doing very little. It's really difficult for me to get in the zone and be fully mindful of the task at hand because of the money related thoughts at the back of my head at all times. I procrastinate on the simplest tasks such as making a phone call to schedule a doctor's appointment.

I suspected that would be because of underlying anxiety and different fears like a fear of failure, fear of risk, fear of being judged and so on but all fears dissolve when they're put next to a case with cash. Only when I imagine myself wealthy I can see myself liberated, truly. Only then I could do things because I want to, not because I have to. Only then I could stop and enjoy life's smallest joys for what they are without a single thought and worry.

I'm not looking forward to working doing something I despise during most of my waking hours for a life I don't want, so from my POV there are 3 realistic options:

a) Somehow achieving peace with my position in society and accepting working shitty jobs for the rest of my life

b) Winning a lottery

c) Suicide - objectively most sound and personally preferred

I'm looking for some proven fixes or literature/articles that shed light on this particular problem. Preferably therapy & drug free.

inb4 - Yes, I do workout. Yes, I am familiar with buddhism and stoicism. Yes, I sleep well. Yes, I eat well.

Posted by3 days ago

I just want to remind everyone that no matter what your upbringing, you can still go to college and make something of your life.

When I was 13 my parents pulled me out of school to be “unschooled”. Basically, a form of homeschooling whereby the child chooses interests to pursue (for example, I liked science but hated math). Problem is my parents never really stuck with it, so I was basically a 7th grade drop out. Most of my days were spent at the local skatepark.

I was still pretty tech savvy and highly motivated. Without a high school diploma, I worked jobs mostly though connections. I worked doing tech work for a local guys vending machine route. I also did computer repair for a local PC repair company. I owned my own business (unsuccessful, eventually closed). At 23 I realized that I was tired of being limited by the lack of a high school diploma.

So, I got a GED book and started studying. I watched YouTube videos and Khan academy. I was always strong in reading and writing but my math and science were lacking. I worked through the book over the course of about 2-3 months. I took my GED and passed “with honors” (which has no real world bearing but it tells me I did well).

I applied and was accepted to a local community college. I met with a guidance counselor and started on some basic courses that would be required for any degree. I used “ratemyprofessor” to find the best/easiest instructors and stayed up until midnight on registration day to ensure I got into their classes. I maintained a 4.0 GPA for most of my classes. Eventually I took biology and realized I had a real interest in it, so I took anatomy & physiology and fell in love with it.

I decided to apply for nursing school (RN) and got in. I completed the program and passed the state boards in 2018, and I’ve been doing it ever since.

Throughout covid the salaries of RNs were increased. Originally I was hired in at $25/hr but now am making around $35/hr. I live in a lower paying state.

Looking back, getting educated was the best thing I could’ve done. I truly don’t know where I would be right now if I hadn’t taken those first steps to get my GED. My initial self-doubt when I started studying for the GED was so high, but every new concept that I learned alleviated some of the fear.

For context, when I started out I didn’t even know how to multiply or divide numbers without a calculator. Anything beyond basic fractions was Greek to me. Most units of measurement, geometry, volumes, were all completely foreign to me.

If you are in the position that I was in, without a high school diploma or GED, go buy a study book and start on page 1. You might find that you enjoy learning more than you ever thought you would.

Posted by3 days ago

Thanks to this subreddit and just all these amazing people on the internet i’ve finally found that motivation i’ve needed forever. I love planes i’ve loved the thought of flying in them ever since i was in elementary school and i went to an air museum and saw all the jets. I’m now only a freshman in highschool and i’m going to be a sophomore in august so I have some time but regardless I haven’t put my full effort into anything these past years, but due to your motivation i’m tired of procrastinating and stalling. I’m gonna make sure i study hard and that i get physically well, because my dream has always been to be a fighter pilot in the USAF. Now everyone has told me that it’s extremely difficult and that it’s rare to make it, but i don’t care what they say. I’m gonna be a fighter pilot and that dream is no longer just a dream it’s a god damn goal. thank you everyone for getting it in my head that i’m capable of achieving my goals. I’m gonna constantly update on my progress as time goes on


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