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Today I Fucked Up


Posted by19 hours ago

Obligatory: This took place 10-12 months ago.

I posted this image of a well-established cactus on a Facebook group dedicated to house plants. The post reads: “Any idea how to kill this cactus and make it look like an accident? My GF is going to be out of town for the weekend and I want it to be dead before she gets back.”

The original intention was for the post to be seen by my (32M) girlfriend (28F), who maintains an impressive collection of exotic house plants and frequently participated in this group. The idea that anyone, or at least more than a few people, would take the post as anything more than a joke honestly did not really occur to me.

Throughout the following several days I received hundreds of comments and numerous direct messages telling me that I was a monster, that killing this cactus was evil, etc. (There were also several actual suggestions on how to do this posted.)

The next day my girlfriend, who had not seen the post, appeared confused asked me several different women had reached out to her through DMs to warn her that I was a psychopath and tell her to leave me.

These messages continued for >10 days.

Also, the cactus is thriving.

TL;DR: I trolled a houseplant interest group on Facebook and received hate mail for more than a week.

Posted by1 day ago
PlatinumHelpful5Wholesome13Faith In Humanity Restored

Yes, this did happen today. Right now. I can still hear the childish whoops of joy as I write.

I am American, but I currently live and work in Uzbekistan. I live in a smaller regional city--not Tashkent.

Today I was walking from my apartment to the dumpster to clear out trash... I also needed to buy some water. Thus, I had a bag of garbage and my empty 10 liter water bottle in one hand, and what I call my "money folder" in the other. Due to the nature of Uzbek currency, you need to carry around a LOT of paper bills to get anything done. As a result, everybody--male and female alike--carries zip-around wallets to compensate for this. Most of them have wrist-straps so you can carry them individually, without an extra bag. Given that I was just going to the dumpster and the local to pick up some water, all I needed was my money folder looped around my wrist, which had money in it and my passport.

Apparently, I waltzed out of my apartment complex with the money folder unzipped.

When I got outside, I unconsciously "dropped" the money folder, thinking it would just dangle around my wrist. But it was unzipped.

One of the apartments near me actually houses a daycare--young kids, maybe between 5 and 10, mostly. The kids are often outside, playing on nearby playgrounds and in the smaller parking lots. (Living in ex-Soviet apartment blocs is very much like living in the "projects" in the US in terms of the layout... only it's actually functional.) The kids were outside, running around, playing tag, kicking a ball, etc. Some greet me, and I greet them back.

Suddenly, the air exploded with childish shrieks, and I whirl around to see... the air full of multicolored bills in a sudden gust. It's going in all directions... there's no way I'm going to be able to grab it all before it gets blown away.

The kids notice this immediately, abandon the playground equipment and start chasing after it all with shrieks of joy. I notice one of the kids taking off toward the other side of the parking lot is holding a blue American passport... he must have picked it up off the ground.

The kids go in all directions and start grabbing bills out of the air like it's a Kidz Bop rap video.

After they collect all of the money, they all run back up to me and give it all back, including the passport. Then they all run laughing back to the playground.

Posted by4 hours ago

TIFU by making my daughter open an savings account.

Obligatory: This actually began a year or so ago.

I took my daughter to the bank with her accumulated piggybank money to open a savings account. You know, to teach her that it's good so save money, get some interest, then have it available when she wants to buy something bigger than an impulse by in the grocery checkout lane.

Now, a year-plus later, after getting 0.01% interest and being charged a $7 PER QUARTER service fee for a "dormant account" (we didn't keep putting in more money in every couple of months), I'll have to repay my daughter the difference between what she put in and what she'll get out when I close the account this week.

Yes, it was all according to the bank's terms but, DAMN, what BS! The savings lesson I tried to pass down from my father is a little outdated.

TL;DR: I wasted some of my daughter's piggybank money to "service fees" by forcing her to open a "savings" account.

Posted by4 hours ago

let me start off by saying that this FU is the culmination of years of stupidity, but the full impact of it only hit me this morning as I stood in the kitchen, scrubbing my hands and face like my life depended on it, after eating one (1) mango.

I live in the US, and, up until five years ago, had never really cared for mangoes, the big green and red ones you get at the grocery store. they were too fibrous and had this astringent undertone to the taste that I really didn't like. I would grudgingly tolerate them in a fruit salad or whatever, but I never sought them out or ordered any food or drink that was mango-flavored.

then one day in May 2017 I heard about this variety of mango called an Ataúlfo, only really available in the late spring and early summer. apparently they were delicious. I had my doubts, but I found out Trader Joe's was selling them, so off I went and bought a couple of these little golden hook-shaped fruits, just to see. and holy shit. it was like drinking the nectar of the gods. I had never tasted a fruit so sublime in my entire life. I went to the store and bought six more and ate them all over the next two days, standing over the sink with juice running down to my elbows like a barbarian.

the next year, when May rolled around, I bought seven Ataúlfo mangoes. the year after that I bought nine. every time, I ate them all within no more than 72 hours, and every time, it was a mango bacchanal. I would slice the mango halves off of the central pit, gnaw them right out of the skin, and then gnaw my way around the pit, too, scraping it with my teeth just to get it all. my face, hands, and shirt would be sticky with mango juice. there was nothing better in the whole world, and I had started looking forward to it every spring like a ritual. I'd never loved nor craved a fruit this much.

the third year, though, something a little weird happened. the day after eating the mangoes, the corners of my mouth were red, cracked, and painful. I freaked myself out wondering if I had a fungal infection or something before remembering that I had just eaten nine mangoes. probably that much fruit juice had irritated my mouth a bit, or something. I shrugged it off.

last year I bought four mangoes. gonna take it a little more easy this time around, I thought. I ate three of them - the fourth one wasn't quite ripe yet. and I woke up the next morning with the entire surface of my lips covered in tiny, fluid-filled blisters that burst with the slightest bit of lip movement and itched like the devil himself had sent an army of mosquitoes to kiss me directly on the mouth in my sleep.

I was in agony. I could barely sleep the rest of that week. the blisters itched so bad that I wanted to tear my lips off with my fingernails, they left a sticky crusty liquid behind when they inevitably burst, and new ones kept forming where the old ones had been. I tried Chapstick, Vaseline, even hydrocortisone directly to the lips in an act of desperation. finally I resorted to Benadryl just so I could knock myself out enough to get a few hours of sleep at night.

it had to have been the mangoes. I got on the internet and learned, to my horror, that mango skins and pits have the same oil - urushiol - that makes poison ivy do its terrible, terrible thing. and my dad's side of the family has always had bad reactions to poison ivy.

I'd never encountered poison ivy myself, or thought I never had. but I'd been encountering the skin and peel of mangoes, enthusiastically, with my lips, for the past four years. I had been slowly sensitizing myself to urushiol. every year. and now it had come back to bite me in the ass. my theory was corroborated later that summer when I went for a walk in some overgrown woods, and the next day had a blistering, painful, itching, oozing rash the size of a half-dollar coin on my ankle, that took two weeks to go away.

but the mangoes were so good. how could I give up the mangoes? how could I have discovered something so perfect, so beautiful, only to have it cruelly snatched away from me after only four years? how could I spend the rest of my life mourning what I had known and loved so briefly and then lost?

Posted by5 hours ago

This actually happened about a year ago. I changed the names for privacy just in case.

My wife’s step-uncle was widowed and got remarried. The woman he married has two daughters, and one of them, Lisa, moved back to near where we live because her husband, Brandon, an army vet, had been injured in a parachuting accident resulting in him becoming a paraplegic. The main reason for the move was there is a charity - the name of which escapes me - which builds handicap accessible houses for disabled vets and they were receiving one.

Now, Brandon and Lisa have kids about the same age as our kids, so my wife’s step-uncle and aunt invited us over for dinner thinking it would be a great idea to introduce us to Brandon and Lisa with them being new to the area. I had spoken to our step-aunt before about Brandon and knew that he was previously in the army, how the accident happened, and that he struggled with physical pain from the accident and mental pain from being wheelchair bound. I should note that my brother has cerebral palsy so I think she found some comfort in talking with me as I could relate to some of the challenges the family was facing.

Fast forward to the dinner and my wife and I walk into the house after our kids, who have run off to play. Right there in the entrance is Brandon in his wheelchair tying his daughter’s shoe. I shake his hand and say “Hi Brandon, I’m Brandon (we have the same name) and we make a joke about sharing a first name. He then talks a bit about the military but never mentions being in the army. So I try and be funny again and say:

“Oh wow, that’s interesting. So what branch of the military were you in, the chair force (making a reference to the Air Force)?….”

As the words leave my mouth I realize what I have done and there is intense silence. My wife says it was 10 seconds that felt like hours. I then try and explain how I have a friend who is in the Air Force, and her husband, a marine, makes fun of her by calling it the chair force and that was my joke. And then I double down and say I have a handicap brother and I don’t see handicap…and just shoved my foot deeper into my mouth.

He kind of mutters “it’s fine” and wheels himself away. The rest of the evening is kind of awkward and he doesn’t interact with me too much.

I still feel terrible to this day and in all our interactions since I have tried very hard and we get along well.

Thank you to all our veterans and I no longer use chair force.

TL:DR: Met a disabled army vet in a wheelchair who shares the same name as me and asked him if he was in the “chair force” military branch.


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