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[–]Alace42 [score hidden]  (0 children)


Norman continued to smile as he escorted Dori along the board walk. The salt in the air always made him sick to his stomach. But This place held so much meaning to both of them.

They had first met over by the beach, had their first date at the carnival set up at the end of the board walk. He had even proposed to her on the very spot where they now stood.

He would would empty every pit in hell for her, and fight every angel in heaven if it would make her smile.

While Dori was focused on the calm of the water he once again saw the monsterous claws piercing through the darkness as if it were nothing but a sheet of paper.

"Norman my love, do you remember what I said to you on the night of our wedding?"

There was no time to respond. The claw shoots out of the dark like a bullet from a gun, ripping into the sweet chest of the only woman he ever cared for.

As he watched the dark crimson liquid drip down her chest he could only give one response.

"Yes my love. You said we would walk the earth forever."

[–]Tomorrow_Is_Today1/r/TomorrowIsTodayWrites [score hidden]  (0 children)


Norman took Dori’s elbow and they walked together, following signs from behind lampposts, buildings, windows.

“So,” Dori said. “You didn’t tell me you were of the shadows.”

“Did my arrival not say enough? I walked out of one when we first met.”

She laughed, and Norman looked over to see the yellow rings in the center of her eyes growing. “I didn’t even notice. Maybe I see too well.”

They walked a while longer, each watching each other to see what changes the night would bring. They seemed almost opposite in some ways - as Norman grew less and less visible, blending in with the road and only visible by a faint glimmer of moonlight, Dori’s dress sparkled and her eyes glowed brighter. A Walker and an Owl, side by side. Each Steen grinning wide.

Dori turned toward the space behind a building and hooted three times. Three times back she heard.

Dori and Norman glanced at each other, paused a moment, then together walked straight into the darkness.

[–]katpoker666 [score hidden]  (0 children)

< 2/3>

“I have the payment,” Steen said, still grinning as if marveling at his luck. “Please be quick about it, though—she doesn’t deserve to suffer.”

“That wasn’t part of the bargain.” The demon leered, black goop dripping down its maw. “You did make a deal with the devil after all.”

Steen’s face fell. “She’s a good woman.”

“Then her agony will be that much sweeter as she meets her fate.”

Sighing resolutely, he grabbed her arm. “We must do as his dark majesty says.” As they ventured further down the alley, the boiling hot stench of brimstone filled the air.

“Norman,” she dug in her feet and gasped. “You said you loved me.”

“I said ‘anything for you, my love.’ Much different, really. I meant that I would do anything to have you help me with this. Confusing, I guess.”

“Is that why we got married so fast?”

“Yes. I needed a family member to erase my debt. I adore my daughter, so you would have to do.”

“Oh, Norman! That’s cruel. I did love you.”

“More the fool. Now sit down at that table.” He pointed, his expression brusque.

On the table was a deck and three cards face down.

[–]Thetallerestpaulr/TallerestTales [score hidden]  (0 children)


"So, where are you taking me for dinner then?", asked Dori, allowing herself to be led into the alley.

Norman tried to look innocent. "I'm taking you to the hottest place in town", he replied.

Dori raised an eyebrow, and her eyes flashed. "I know that tone. You're planning something."

Norman stopped and raised his hands in mock surrender. "Guilty".

Dori faced him in the dank space behind a commercial unit, her sparkling dress incongruous with the desquamating paint on the doors that lined the alley. Behind her a hulking figure emerged slowly, the shadows seeming to stick to it as it moved from hiding.

"What. What are you doing?", Dori asked Norman impatiently.

"Surprise!", he said, gesturing behind Dori. Dori turned and stared into the face of a 7-foot tall demon wearing a leather bodkin and a rictus grin.

"What. The. HELL!", shouted Dori, spinning back to face Norman. As she did so, his skin rippled and split, along with his clothes as he unfolded from torn remains of the human disguise he had been inhabiting.

"Oh, that's why you were wearing such a crappy outfit", said Dori with a sigh. "I thought it was weird when we were going to the hottest place in.... oh my God. It was a Dad joke, wasn't it? You're taking me to Hell for my birthday."

"Surprise!", he repeated weakly, as he began to draw the sigils on the ground needed to open a portal to the underworld.

The demon in the leather tried to offer her some flowers.

"But you love Hell's Kitchen", it protested.

"When I was a 300-year-old child, Mom! I'm nearly 1000 now. Fine. Whatever. But I'm staying human, this dress was expensive and I'm not tearing it when I change!"

[–]Say_Im_UglyModerator|r/Say_Im_Writing [score hidden]  (1 child)


“I see you still have that ghastly creature Ivan following you around. Don’t you trust me enough to leave him at home?”

Dori gave Norman a cloying smirk. “I’ve stopped trusting you years ago; ever since you broke my heart and ripped it out of my chest. How is Jessica anyway?”

Norman shrugged, “Wouldn’t know. She left me some time ago for some boring geezer with no sense of adventure and a hell of a lot more money.”

“Sounds about right,” Dori said laughing. She walked with Norman down the alleyway and Ivan followed after her heels. Once they were far removed from the sight of the boardwalk and submerged in darkness they reached a nondescript metal doorway, half-hidden by an overflowing dumpster. Norman knocked on the door exactly six times and waited for an answer.

The door was pushed open by a Hulking figure in a black robe; the oversized hood covered most of his face. The part that you could see was a deep red, the color of a cooked lobster. He glanced at Norman and Dori and then down at Ivan. "You know the rules Dori. Ya' have ta leave your hell hound's at the door." His voice was deep and gravelly.

"Sure thing, Stan," Dori said as she gestured to a whimpering Ivan to stay put.

As they walked inside they were greeted by an ill-lit room. A few dozen candles cast their glow upon the walls and a group of four sat in the center. They each donned the same black robes as the man at the door. "It's about time you two showed up," A soft-spoken voice piped up from the center, "Why is it you two are always late?"

"You know how Dori is Edith," Norman said pulling on his robe, "Never punctual."

[WC: 300]

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[–]asolitarycandle [score hidden]  (0 children)


​“My love, this is Margaret,” Norman introduced the creature staring at them hungrily, “Twenty five long years and I have finally found one willing to come forward.”

Dori’s eyes fell to the curb below Margaret and, biting her tongue, she sighed softly in the darkness. Norman knew he promised her an adventure. Norman knew Dori expected something like the ones they went on in their twenties but he hoped this find, this discovery would be enough.

“You said that the last time you found a rare Cryptid,” Dori argued coldly and turned to Margaret to yell, “What has this idiot promised you? Better not have been a cure.”

The large smile on Margaret’s muzzle dropped in an instant. Bright white teeth reflected the glow of the streetlamp as a wave after wave of menace and anger hit them. Dori knew she had hit Norman’s mark square. Turning back to Norman, she frowned.

“Seriously?” Dori asked, Norman felt the exhaustion she had with him return.

“She’s a werewolf,” Norman argued, “It can’t be that hard to cure a werewolf.”

“Is she a werewolf, Norman?” Dori yelled, “If so, what type and from where?”

“Well,” Norman sputtered, as Margaret’s growl grew deeper, “European, I think.”

“Oh!” Dori laughed as she clapped her hands in mocking applause, “Good! You think she is European.”

“Could we maybe talk through the details, umm,” Norman said but flinched when Margaret stepped out of the shadow of the alleyway and walked toward them. Trying his best, Norman yelled, “Wait! Hang on, Dori is the best Crypto-veterinarian on the east coast. I know how to find beings and she knows how to help them.”

“I’ll bet a cow you that you found him!” Dori yelled at Margaret, stopping her in her tracks, “Am I right?”