Simon Roche Fuels White Genocide Myth, Warning That Tax Dollars Are Funding African And Latin American Maternity Clinics

In June, multiple white nationalists gathered for the 2019 Nationalist Solutions Conference, hosted by outspoken white supremacist Rick Tyler. In 2016 Tyler ran as an independent for Tennessee’s 3rd Congressional District — making headlines for his infamous “Make America White Again” slogan — and won a paltry 1.9% of the vote. (His 2018 campaign was similarly disastrous.)

Speakers at the Burns, Tennessee conference included American Freedom Party Chairman William JohnsonPolitical Cesspool host James Edwards, antisemitic former professor and Culture of Critique author Kevin MacDonald, ex-Klan leader David Duke, Council of Conservative Citizens President Earl Holt, and Suidlanders spokesman Simon Roche.

Roche, a South African white nationalist, has spent the past two years forging connections to U.S. hate groups which have boosted his organization’s message: that white South Africans are being targeted for racially motivated and state-sanctioned killings. Roche served as a tour guide for Lauren Southern during her trip to South Africa, and featured prominently in her 2018 pseudo-documentary Farmlands.

Roche began his speech by thanking the white nationalists who went out of their way to promote the Suidlanders since 2017.

“The reality is this: That we have had over two hundred interviews with the right-wing of the U.S.A.,” he told the audience. “Over two hundred. Those two hundred interviews — just a little bit more — and the speeches that we’ve given and so on, at forums like this, has enabled our message to seep beyond the borders of the far right-wing of the U.S.A.”

It did not take long for him to show his true colors, however, as he claimed he and his organization were “making a disproportionate contribution to the cause of Caucasian conservative Christianity.” He announced that they would be the “last and final volk of the world to stand as a homogeneous volk, explicitly for the Christ and for nothing else.”

Toward the end of his speech, most of which he spent pleading for support, Roche launched into a deranged tirade about how an unseen “puppet master” was forcing mass migration of non-whites into white countries.

“The great paradox here,” Roche explained, “is that your society [that] has been telling your daughters not to breed because of overpopulation, is now saying ‘But we need more workers!’… But best of all, they took your tax dollars and erected maternity clinics in Chad, the Congo, Mauritania, Senegal, Ghana, Peru, Honduras. Do you understand how you’ve been gulled, how you’ve been tricked?”

“They told you not to breed, and then took your tax dollars and erected those maternity clinics,” he added. “Trust me. It ain’t the government of Malawi that runs the maternity clinics in the Central African Republic and the government of Djibouti that pays for the maternity clinics in Ethiopia.”

In other words, Roche was telling the white nationalists gathered before him that the taxes paid by white people were financing a population boom in non-white countries. White people, according to Roche, are therefore literally financing their own replacement, and eventual “destruction,” since non-whites will continue to immigrate en masse to majority white countries as a result.

It was a classic example of the racist “great replacement” conspiracy that has caused a surge in white supremacist violence in recent years.

To make things even more explicit, Roche referred to non-white immigrants as mere “puppets,” and warned that fighting them would be insufficient. Roche cautioned that he was not “getting onto the JQ” — or Jewish Question — and that the people responsible for mass migration “could be martians.”

Still, he ominously said that “all hell is coming to the United States of America,” and that to stop it, whites would need to vanquish the “puppet master.” 

H/T Michael Bueckert