Flashback: Proud Boy Attorney J.L. Van Dyke Whines About College Censorship

Updated| Today attorney Jason L. Van Dyke is primarily known for his association with the far-right Proud Boys organization, or his partnering with fellow racist attorney Kyle Bristow to wage war against revenge porn – more on him in a bit. Continue reading “Flashback: Proud Boy Attorney J.L. Van Dyke Whines About College Censorship”

Fr. Matthew Raphael Johnson: Gay Sex Is ‘Satanic’ Because It Treats Semen With The ‘Most Disrespect Humanly Possible’

On the September 27, 2016 broadcast of The Daily Traditionalist, usual host Matthew Heimbach was noticeably absent. Instead, Heimbach’s co-host “Sven Longshanks” took the lead, and interviewed his guest, Fr. Matthew Raphael Johnson, about the connection between gay sex and the black arts. Continue reading “Fr. Matthew Raphael Johnson: Gay Sex Is ‘Satanic’ Because It Treats Semen With The ‘Most Disrespect Humanly Possible’”

Matt Heimbach Praises North Korea as a ‘Great Model’ for White Nationalists

North Korea

Just when you thought this election season couldn’t get any weirder, alt-right activist Matt Heimbach of the Traditionalist Youth Network recently sang the praises of “Dear Leader” Kim Jong-Un and North Korea. Continue reading “Matt Heimbach Praises North Korea as a ‘Great Model’ for White Nationalists”

Congressional Candidate Rick Tyler Says it Isn’t ‘Hateful’ to Want America to be a White Country

Racist Billboard

Rick Tyler made national attention after posting racist billboards in Tennessee with slogans like “Make America White Again.” Continue reading “Congressional Candidate Rick Tyler Says it Isn’t ‘Hateful’ to Want America to be a White Country”

Matt Heimbach: Wealthy Jews Are Bankrolling Trump Protesters

Matthew Heimbach — the founder of the white nationalist Traditionalist Workers Party — recently sat down to interview John Friend for his podcast at Radio Aryan. Friend, who just last year lost his job when his employers discovered his connection to virulently anti-Semitic organizations, discussed the protests against Donald Trump which both he and Heimbach asserted were funded by the likes of George Soros (a longtime bogeyman of the right) and other Jewish financiers.

Continue reading “Matt Heimbach: Wealthy Jews Are Bankrolling Trump Protesters”

Roosh Valizadeh Breaks Up With The Alt-Right Movement

After numerous articles railing against “degenerate” Jews, homosexuals, and non-white immigrants, his attendance at last year’s National Policy Institute conference, and his decision to allow white supremacist Paul Ramsey to write a guest article for Return of Kings, it seems that Roosh Valizadeh’s flirtation with the alt-right is finally over. Continue reading “Roosh Valizadeh Breaks Up With The Alt-Right Movement”

Matthew Heimbach Interviews Matt Forney at The Daily Stormer — And it’s Pretty Much What You’d Expect

Nazi Rally

On the September 28 broadcast of Radio Stormer, Matt Forney was interviewed by white supremacist thug Matthew Heimbach, where the pair discussed the Manosphere, white nationalism, and — as usual — the perils of feminism and anti-racism. Continue reading “Matthew Heimbach Interviews Matt Forney at The Daily Stormer — And it’s Pretty Much What You’d Expect”

White Supremacist Says ‘The Left’ is ‘Hunting Down Any Dissenting Voices to Their Degenerate and Satanic Agenda’

Anti-Integration Cartoon

Matthew Heimbach, the founder of Towson University’s White Student Union and member of the white supremacist Traditionalist Youth Network, has a simple message for us: “I told you so.” Continue reading “White Supremacist Says ‘The Left’ is ‘Hunting Down Any Dissenting Voices to Their Degenerate and Satanic Agenda’”