Faith Goldy Defends The ’14 Words,’ And Claims There Is Systemic Racism Against White Canadians

White nationalist activist Faith Goldy was all set to speak at Wilfrid Laurier University (WLU) in Ontario when someone pulled the fire alarm, ending it before she could utter a word. Continue reading “Faith Goldy Defends The ’14 Words,’ And Claims There Is Systemic Racism Against White Canadians”

Hungarian Prime Minister Viktor Orbán Campaigns On A Platform Of Anti-Semitism And Xenophobia

On April 8, 2018, Hungarian citizens will choose whether to grant Prime Minister Viktor Orbán another four years in power — and continue their lurch toward authoritarianism. Continue reading “Hungarian Prime Minister Viktor Orbán Campaigns On A Platform Of Anti-Semitism And Xenophobia”

Lauren Southern Gave A Speech At A Conference For The Ultranationalist Vlaams Belang Party

Far-right Potemkin journalist Lauren Southern recently took a much needed break from exploiting racial tensions in South Africa to speak at a gathering of Vlaams Belang party members in Brussels. Continue reading “Lauren Southern Gave A Speech At A Conference For The Ultranationalist Vlaams Belang Party”

DeAndre Harris Was Found Not Guilty Of Assaulting A White Supremacist, And The Alt-Right Is Furious

Yesterday a not guilty verdict was handed down in the case of DeAndre Harris, a black protester who was severely beaten by white supremacists during last year’s “Unite the Right” rally in Charlottesville. Continue reading “DeAndre Harris Was Found Not Guilty Of Assaulting A White Supremacist, And The Alt-Right Is Furious”

Right-Wing Student Lake Ingle Tells Extremist Media Outlets He Was Discriminated Against

If you spend time at conservative news outlets you might learn that discrimination against conservatives — especially white, straight, male conservatives — is an epidemic on college campuses. Continue reading “Right-Wing Student Lake Ingle Tells Extremist Media Outlets He Was Discriminated Against”