Headlines – 9/24/16


How to tell the difference between real solidarity and fake allies, Tulsa police officer charged in the death of Terence Crutcher, understanding the rage in Charlotte, and more.

Democracy Now! – Protests over Tulsa and Charlotte police killings stem from economic policies that perpetuate racism.
Raw Story – Tulsa cop Betty Shelby charged with manslaughter for killing Terence Crutcher.
Atlanta Journal-Constitution – Officer Sherry Hall charged after lying about being shot by a black man.
Talking Points Memo – MLB player suspended for Charlotte Tweets: Dead ‘thug’ ‘cracks me up!’
Media Matters – Sean Hannity considers Freddie Gray the ‘lowest scum parasite in the world.’
Think Progress – To understand Charlotte’s rage, you have to understand its roads.
Black Girl Dangerous – How to tell the difference between real solidarity and ally theater. (From 2015.)