‘Daily Shoah’ Hosts: Republicans Should Have To ‘Hold Their Noses’ And ‘Vote For White Nationalists’ In Order To Win

In the wake of the Democratic Party’s gains in Virginia and Kentucky, the hosts of The Daily Shoah — a white nationalist and antisemitic podcast — claimed that the only way forward is for Republicans to embrace white nationalism. Continue reading “‘Daily Shoah’ Hosts: Republicans Should Have To ‘Hold Their Noses’ And ‘Vote For White Nationalists’ In Order To Win”

In 2017 Lauren Chen Defended Interview With Richard Spencer By Suggesting His Views Were Misrepresented By The Media

On November 3, an audio clip was leaked of white nationalist Richard Spencer going on an angry tirade in the aftermath of the deadly 2017 “Unite the Right” rally. Continue reading “In 2017 Lauren Chen Defended Interview With Richard Spencer By Suggesting His Views Were Misrepresented By The Media”

‘My Ancestors Fucking Enslaved Those Pieces Of Fucking Shit,’ Richard Spencer Shrieks In Leaked Audio

In another peek into how white nationalists speak behind closed doors, a newly leaked recording from the aftermath of 2017’s “Unite the Right” rally depicts alt-right figurehead Richard Spencer railing against Jews and non-whites. Continue reading “‘My Ancestors Fucking Enslaved Those Pieces Of Fucking Shit,’ Richard Spencer Shrieks In Leaked Audio”

Logos Rising: An Antisemitic Self-Styled Theologian Is Influencing A New Generation Of Reactionaries

For decades E. Michael Jones has dedicated his life to spreading harmful conspiracies about Jews, feminists, and the LGBTQ community — and today his work is experiencing a revival thanks to a younger generation of white supremacists and other reactionaries. Continue reading “Logos Rising: An Antisemitic Self-Styled Theologian Is Influencing A New Generation Of Reactionaries”