Antisemitic Congressional Candidate Tells White Supremacist Podcasters That White People ‘Should Remain A Majority’ In America

On Dec. 14, 2021, Michael Sisco — a congressional candidate running in West Virginia’s 2nd District — appeared on an explicitly white supremacist podcast. During this appearance, Sisco, who has a history of antisemitism, told the hosts that white people “should remain a majority” in the U.S. He also suggested that policies be put in place to “mitigate” what the hosts called “Jewish power in America.”

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Alt Skull Revealed: Owner Of White Nationalist Telegram Channel Is An English Instructor Living Abroad

Last summer, the owner of a large white nationalist Telegram channel addressed his followers in a video uploaded to his YouTube channel. “Alt Skull,” a pseudonymous racist who praised mass murderers and trafficked in pro-Nazi content, stunned people in the white power movement by acknowledging his Jewish heritage and marriage to a Japanese woman.

Continue reading “Alt Skull Revealed: Owner Of White Nationalist Telegram Channel Is An English Instructor Living Abroad”

Neo-Nazi Says Protests Against Police Brutality Will ‘Wake Up The White Race’

During a recent appearance on a white nationalist YouTube show, Neo-Nazi animator Emily Youcis expressed hope that the protests over the murder of George Floyd would finally “wake up the white race.” Youcis, who once called for the mass slaughter of Africans, also advocated for the creation of a white “ethnostate.”

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An Armed Neo-Nazi Traveled To Dallas For A ‘Race War’ And Was Immediately ID’d

As protests ignited across the country, an armed Neo-Nazi’s goal of crashing a Dallas protest against racism and police brutality was thwarted after he was spotted and identified by local anti-fascists. The man, who goes by the pseudonym “WarHippie” and operates a white supremacist Telegram channel, was identified as Dalton Dixon of McKinney, Texas.

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Member Of Neo-Nazi ‘Bowl Patrol’ Outed As Head Of IT Consulting Company

Updated | In the years since the horrific massacre of nine black churchgoers in Charleston, SC by white supremacist Dylann Roof, a small subset of Neo-Nazis have adopted the mass murderer as a martyr. Continue reading “Member Of Neo-Nazi ‘Bowl Patrol’ Outed As Head Of IT Consulting Company”

The Owner Of A White Nationalist Telegram Channel Revealed His Jewish Heritage. Now Some Allies Are Abandoning Him.

The messaging app Telegram has long been a hotbed of white supremacist activity — particularly among people who openly condone or advocate acts of terrorism and political assassinations. Continue reading “The Owner Of A White Nationalist Telegram Channel Revealed His Jewish Heritage. Now Some Allies Are Abandoning Him.”