Random Headlines — Je suis un parisien

We stand with France.
We stand with France.

The Washington Post – String of Paris terrorist attacks leaves over 120 dead.
Think Progress – In response to Paris, Ted Cruz calls for airstrikes with more “tolerance for civilian casualties.”
BuzzFeed News – White supremacists are thrilled Donald Trump mentioned “Operation Wetback.”
Mother Jones – The War on Women is over — and women lost.
Refinery29 – Cop on trial for assaulting 13 black women gets all-white jury.
Media Matters – New Fox News host has track record of poor-shaming, sexism, and transphobia.
The Daily Beast – Inside Virginia’s creepy white-power wolf cult.
Hatewatch – Meet the anti-LGBT hate group that filed an amicus brief with the Alabama Supreme Court.
Mondoweiss – US and Israel try to rewrite history of UN resolution that declared Zionism is racism.
Raw Story – Utah judge reverses decision to remove baby from lesbian foster parents.

Bernard Chapin Rails Against Canadian PM Justin Trudeau And His Gender-Equal Cabinet


In a recent video posted to his YouTube channel, far-right videoblogger Bernard Chapin voiced his displeasure with newly sworn-in Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau. Continue reading “Bernard Chapin Rails Against Canadian PM Justin Trudeau And His Gender-Equal Cabinet”

Random Headlines — 11/09/15

University of Missouri Protest

Salon – Mizzou’s boycott victory can’t be dismissed as just another ‘campus p.c. culture’ controversy.
Media Matters – Rush Limbaugh says the University of Missouri president resigned for ‘committing the crime of being a white male.’
Right Wing Watch – Newt Gingrich says Congress must block protections for transgender students.
Truthout – Conservatives abandon children in need while forcing women to have children.
Think Progress – The devious new conservative plan to turn LGBT people against each other.
KIRO Seattle – Former pastor says red cups means Starbucks ‘hates Jesus.’
AmericaBlog – Ben Carson’s ‘proof’ for story about hoax psychology exam is literally parody.

Paul Elam and Janet Bloomfield Suggest Accusing Innocent Women of Rape; Accuse Dave Futrelle of Wanting to Murder MRAs

Paul Elam

On yesterday’s A Voice for Men podcast, Paul Elam, Janet Bloomfield (real name Andrea Hardie) and James Huff discussed the possibility of a gender neutral Selective Service policy, lawsuits against universities by male students accused of rape, and, in the most unbelievable segment, their accusation that feminist blogger Dave Futrelle is somehow trying to get men’s rights activists killed. Continue reading “Paul Elam and Janet Bloomfield Suggest Accusing Innocent Women of Rape; Accuse Dave Futrelle of Wanting to Murder MRAs”

Random Headlines — 11/01/15


Hatewatch – Willis Carto, longtime anti-Semite and Holocaust denier dies, aged 89.
RH Reality Check – Judge orders Alabama to reinstate Planned Parenthood Medicaid funding.
Vox – Why Republicans like Ben Carson love comparing abortion to slavery.
The Huffington Post – White Nationalists gather on Halloween to discuss how oppressed they are.
The Hill – Will the Roberts court abolish capital punishment?
Raw Story – Arkansas pastor declares women have no right over their own bodies.
Bustle – Women ask men about birth control and reveal just how little they know about it.
The Courier-Journal – Kentucky voters split on removing Kim Davis.