Return of Kings Writer: ‘Satan’s Plan for the World’ is Spreading Feminism and Social Justice

Hellfire Hand

According to yet another incomprehensible article for the pick-up website Return of Kings, the concept of social justice is a “Satanic” religion being pushed by a handful of “fanatics.” Continue reading “Return of Kings Writer: ‘Satan’s Plan for the World’ is Spreading Feminism and Social Justice”

Random Headlines — 9/13/15

Trans Rights Matter

The Nation – A history of hate rock from Johnny Rebel to Dylann Roof.
Hatewatch – Liberty Counsel has a history of advising clients to defy the law.
Right Wing Watch – Mike Huckabee says gay marriage ruling is ‘illegal’ because it confuses people.
Think Progress – Rick Perry warned the GOP that they are being too racist.
Raw Story – Al Qaeda leader calls for lone wolf attacks in U.S. and urges militants to band together.
Salon – Glenn Beck’s terrifying new book is 300 pages of Islamophobia dressed up as scholarship.
Jezebel – University of Toronto under increased surveillance after commenter threatens to ‘spray bullets’ at feminists.
Truthout – Transphobia at the intersection of the military and prison industrial complexes.