The 40 Most Rotten People Of 2021

I remember breathing a sigh of relief at the end of 2020. After all, a COVID vaccine was just around the corner and Trump was voted out of office. I mean, how bad could it possibly get, right? But now it’s over 380,000 COVID deaths and one attempted coup d’état later and I realize just how fucking naïve I was. So, in the spirit of another godawful year almost gone, I’d like to raise a glass and say “Fuck you” to everyone who made it so bad.

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Paul Gosar Complains To Far-Right Talk Show Host About Backlash To Violent Anime Video

On Nov. 7, 2021, Rep. Paul Gosar tweeted a doctored video clip taken from the anime Attack on Titan. The clip spliced together footage of migrants at the border with scenes and music from the show’s opening theme, and depicts the lead character — with Gosar’s photoshopped face — killing a monster with Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez’s face.

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White Nationalist Spreads Conspiracies About Capitol Police Who Died By Suicide

Over six months ago a mob of pro-Trump fanatics stormed the U.S. Capitol building in an attempt to overturn the results of the 2020 presidential election. According to initial reports, at least 140 officers were injured by insurrectionists who wielded stun guns, bear mace, bats, and collapsible batons.

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Rep. Paul Gosar Gives Speech At White Nationalist ‘America First’ Conference

On Feb. 19, 2021, Holocaust-denying white nationalist podcaster Nick Fuentes announced the speaker lineup for his second annual America First Political Action Conference (AFPAC). Speakers included far-right pundit Michelle Malkin, antisemitic vlogger Vincent James Foxx, and white supremacist ex-congressman Steve King.

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