4chan disinformation lying liars mass shooting transmisogyny transphobia twitter

Candace Owens spreads the lie that the Uvalde shooter was trans, long after this disinformation was thoroughly debunked

Uvalde elementary school shooter Salvador Ramos: Still an enigma

Whenever news breaks about a new school shooter, an unhealthy alliance of trolls and true believers takes to social media to flood the zone with bullshit.

ben shapiro cringe lying liars misogyny reddit shit that never happened

“Girls want to f*ck me because I debate their boyfriends so hard,” Redditor brags, liefully

OP is clearly just three kids in a trenchcoat

Today, in “Things That Are 100 Percent Not True,” we have this strange masturbatory fantasy-disguised-as-a-true story from the DatingAdviceForMen subreddit, either written by a sad middle-aged man or three kids in a trenchcoat. (I’m betting the latter.)

a voice for men lying liars MRA rape sexual assault

Suspected serial rapist Nick Alahverdian, arrested in Scotland, now claims he’s not Nick Alahverdian at all

“Arthur Knight,” meet Nick Alahverdian

Nicholas Alahverdian — former “Judicial Accountability” point man for A Voice for Men and suspected serial rapist – is in the news again. The last time we checked in on Alahverdian he had just been arrested in Scotland, where the Rhode Islander allegedly fled after faking his own death in an attempt to escape rape charges in Utah and possibly three other states. He’s already a convicted sex offender. In Scotland, Alahverdian — also wanted on fraud charges — apparently spoke with a fake posh British accent that sometimes gave way to an American accent when he was drunk.

alt-right anti-antifa AntiFa disinformation lying liars

Andy Ngo and the Big Lie of the “antifa-involved mass shooting” in Portland

Just say Ngo

The Pledge Drive is winding down! If you’ve given, thank you! If not, give the donate button below a little click.

donate button

In the wake of the mass shooting in Portland last Saturday night, when reliable information was still scarce, some of those on the right took advantage of the confusion to spread a little more confusion of their own.

anti-Semitism literal nazis lying liars racism

Is Paul Craig Roberts on LSD or am I?

Paul Craig Roberts: Tripping balls?

So I started reading this column by Paul Craig Roberts explaining why “white privilege and white racism are hoaxes” and I began to feel a little woozy. Roberts’ leaps of logic were so strange and vertiginous I began to halfway wonder if someone had put something in my drink. Or in his.

biden lying liars the wayward press

No, Joe Biden didn’t “fake drive” an electric truck to con us into thinking he’s healthy and not being propped up like Bernie from Weekend at Bernie’s

Get in, loser, we’re going shopping

There are more than a few people in the right wing media who want you to think that Joe Biden is a doddering old man unfit for his current job and probably about to die. Whenever he trips going up stairs or misspeaks when talking to reporters, the right-wing Health Truthers will slip in with their insinuations.

lying liars milfs misogyny red pill

Billion Dollar Dick: It’s easy to make big bucks off of sugar mama MILFs, says dude who’s obviously lying

If we can take them at their word, Red Pill pickup artists are sometimes so successful at wooing the ladies that they don’t quite know what to do with their magical seduction powers.

critical race theory lying liars racism

The Federalist says it’s the left, not the right, that’s obsessed with Critical Race Theory. One quick search proves them wrong.

If you lived on an exclusive diet of right-wing media, you might be forgiven for thinking that the critical issue facing our troubled republic today was, not COVID, not the Republican war on democracy, not even the fact that J Lo and Ben Affleck have gotten back together after a 17-year break, but a formerly obscure academic doctrine called “Critical Race Theory.”

attention seeking lying liars racism

The “war on police” and 8 other things that are tearing American civilization apart, according to Newt Gingrich

I’m taking a few days off from the usual gang of misogynists to explore other terrible people out there in the world being terrible. Today, let me present to you Newt Gingrich, who is still alive and just as terrible as ever.

lying liars MGTOW misogyny Uncategorized

“When I’m around women, I pretend to be retarded,” and other tips for gracious living from the MGTOW subreddit

No one is impressed with your story, dude

Over in the MGTOW subredddit, one fellow offers up what he thinks is an ingenious strategy for dealing with demanding women.

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