White Nationalists Have Been Regurgitating Election Lies

Immediately after it became clear that President Donald Trump had not won a decisive victory on election night, conspiracies about electoral theft began circulating across the right-wing media ecosystem. Tweets from the President and his backers were repeatedly flagged on Twitter for spreading unproven election claims. And the longer the count dragged on, the more these false claims proliferated.

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Kevin MacDonald: White Replacement Myth Served As Inspiration For Writing ‘Culture Of Critique’

In a June 23, 2019 appearance on The Minority Report — a show hosted by white supremacists living in Latin America — former professor Kevin MacDonald revealed the impetus for writing his antisemitic tome The Culture of Critique — and it’s pretty much what you’d expect. Continue reading “Kevin MacDonald: White Replacement Myth Served As Inspiration For Writing ‘Culture Of Critique’”

Paul Nehlen Accuses The Jews Of Deicide On Atomwaffen-Inspired Podcast

Ever since Paul Nehlen’s white supremacist beliefs were exposed last year, the Wisconsin also-ran has slid further and further into irrelevancy — and has become increasingly unhinged in the process. Continue reading “Paul Nehlen Accuses The Jews Of Deicide On Atomwaffen-Inspired Podcast”

White Supremacists And Conspiracy Theorists Rage Over Syrian ‘False Flag’ Attack

It was reported that on April 7, 2018, over 40 people were murdered in a chemical attack in the Syrian city of Douma. According to reports from the World Health Organization’s Health Cluster partners, “an estimated 500 patients presented to health facilities exhibiting signs and symptoms consistent with exposure to toxic chemicals.”

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Alt-Right Educator Tiana Dalichov Boasts About Infiltrating Public Schools

On February 26, 2018, a young white supremacist who calls herself Tiana Dalichov interviewed Lana Lokteff on her program, the Unapologetic Podcast. Along with her husband Henrik Palmgren, Lokteff is a host at Red Ice, a far-right, anti-Semitic media outlet recently labeled a hate group by the Southern Poverty Law Center.

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Paul Nehlen Takes Personal Calls From White Supremacists And Wants To Target The ADL

In his latest interview for an explicitly racist program, alt-right congressional candidate Paul Nehlen said he’s been in contact with both anti-Semitic author Kevin MacDonald and ex-Klan leader David Duke. Continue reading “Paul Nehlen Takes Personal Calls From White Supremacists And Wants To Target The ADL”

White Nationalist Leaders Talk Trump, Mainstream Media, Race Riots, And More At 2016 NPI Conference

After Peter Brimelow’s speech on “Trump’s America” the 2016 NPI conference, Brimelow joined fellow white nationalist leaders Jared Taylor and Kevin MacDonald — as well as alt-right YouTube personality “Millennial Woes” — for a panel discussion, before opening up a Q&A segment with the audience.

Continue reading “White Nationalist Leaders Talk Trump, Mainstream Media, Race Riots, And More At 2016 NPI Conference”

Kevin Alfred Strom: If White People Cease to Exist, Life Itself Will ‘Simply End’


On the latest edition of the alt-right Red Ice Radio podcast, host Henrik Palmgren interviewed Kevin Alfred Strom, a Holocaust denier and head of the faltering Neo-Nazi organization National Vanguard. Continue reading “Kevin Alfred Strom: If White People Cease to Exist, Life Itself Will ‘Simply End’”