Lauren Southern And Stefan Molyneux Stir Up Racist Fears Over ‘Genocide’ In South Africa

On February 10, 2018, far-right activist Lauren Southern appeared on Stefan Molyneux’s Freedomain Radio show to promote her ill-conceived new film Farmlands — a piece of white nationalist agitprop dressed up as a documentary on South African farm murders. Continue reading “Lauren Southern And Stefan Molyneux Stir Up Racist Fears Over ‘Genocide’ In South Africa”

Carl Benjamin Drops The N-Word While Ranting About The Alt-Right

On February 7, 2018, YouTube blowhard and harasser Carl Benjamin — better known as Sargon of Akkad — went on a racist rant during a live discussion with Michelle Catlin. Catlin, described by Breitbart’s Charlie Nash as a “right-libertarian trans commentator,” is no stranger to accusations of racism herself, as she’s repeatedly encouraged Twitter followers to report undocumented immigrants to ICE.

Continue reading “Carl Benjamin Drops The N-Word While Ranting About The Alt-Right”

Mike Flynn Jr. Embraces Conspiracy Theory About Jewish Bankers

Earlier today, Mike Flynn Jr., the son of the embattled ex-national security advisor who recently pleaded guilty to lying to the FBI, sent out a series of tweets promoting the anti-Semitic myth that Jews control the U.S. banking system. Continue reading “Mike Flynn Jr. Embraces Conspiracy Theory About Jewish Bankers”

Paul Nehlen Takes Personal Calls From White Supremacists And Wants To Target The ADL

In his latest interview for an explicitly racist program, alt-right congressional candidate Paul Nehlen said he’s been in contact with both anti-Semitic author Kevin MacDonald and ex-Klan leader David Duke. Continue reading “Paul Nehlen Takes Personal Calls From White Supremacists And Wants To Target The ADL”

White Nationalists Loved Trump’s Anti-Immigrant State Of The Union Address

Last week, President Trump gave his first State of the Union (SOTU) Address. Continue reading “White Nationalists Loved Trump’s Anti-Immigrant State Of The Union Address”

Michael Savage Earns Praise From White Supremacists For Unhinged ‘White Genocide’ Rant

On the January 29, 2018 episode of his show The Savage Nation, talk radio host Michael Savage devoted an entire segment to condemning the Democratic Party’s “anti-white” rhetoric. Continue reading “Michael Savage Earns Praise From White Supremacists For Unhinged ‘White Genocide’ Rant”