Theodore Beale Says The ADL Staff Are The ‘Synagogue Of Satan’ And ‘Cry Holocaust’ For Money

Theodore Beale

So it turns out sci-fi author Theodore Beale (a.k.a. Vox Day) was a bit irritated about his inclusion on a list of alt-right and alt-lite figures published yesterday by the Anti-Defamation League. In response to the article — which he ludicrously called a “hit list” — Beale delivered a rant via livestream that pretty much demonstrated why he belongs on a list of white supremacists in the first place.

Seemingly wounded by the accusation of racism, Beale claimed he’s “not the slightest bit interested in defending myself against these liars,” and then launched into an anti-Semitic tirade. “These are the kind of people that Jesus Christ warned about,” he said. “They are the sons of their father. They are the sons of the father of lies. They are the synagogue of Satan.”

The “synagogue of Satan” is a reference to Revelation 3:9, which states: “Behold, I will make them of the synagogue of Satan, which say they are Jews, and are not, but do lie; behold, I will make them to come and worship before thy feet, and to know that I have loved thee.”

Perhaps sensing that people would rightfully denounce him as a Jew basher, Beale defended himself by pointing out that he has Jewish friends. Well, one Jewish friend actually — an Israeli named Martin van Creveld. van Creveld is an author whose books have been published by Beale’s Castalia House publishing company, best known for its involvement in rigging the Hugo Awards.

“These people are shameless liars,” he continued. “These people cry ‘Holocaust’ for profit.” He then claimed the ADL “was founded in evil from the beginning,” since it was created after 31-year-old Leo Frank, a Jewish factory superintendent, was wrongfully convicted of strangling 13-year-old Mary Phagan to death. Frank was subsequently lynched by a Klan precursor called the Knights of Mary Phagan — none of whom were prosecuted by the state of Georgia.

Of course, while the evidence overwhelmingly points to Frank’s innocence, white supremacists have desperately tried to prove otherwise. Beale is no exception, as he declared Frank guilty and denounced him as a “murderous Jewish pedophile.” The ADL, he concluded, “has been steeped in lies, and steeped in dishonesty, and steeped in evil from the very beginning.”

So, as you’re probably aware — if you’re on Twitter at all, or if you’ve been on the blog — the so-called Anti-Defamation League has put out a little hit list of 36 people from the alt-right and the alt-lite, that they are attempting to smear as white supremacists and anti-Semites. They didn’t really make the second claim explicit but it’s obviously something that they [are] implicitly charging with the basis of that list.

Now, I am not the slightest bit interested in defending myself against these liars, okay? It’s important to understand who they are. These are the kind of people that Jesus Christ warned about. They are the sons of their father. They are the sons of the father of lies. They are the synagogue of Satan.

Not all Jews are. There are many good Jews. There are many great Jews, okay? I put up a picture in this very library. Who was I with? Did anyone recognize the picture? I put it up saying “anti-Semitic fail.” Who was I standing with? Not Milo. Yeah, it was with Martin van Creveld. One of our authors. He happens to be the greatest living military historian. He’s an Israeli. He’s a brilliant man. And he’s a friend of mine.

You know, there’s a reason why he was here at my house. We spent the weekend together hanging out. We were working while he was here. That’s when we came up with the idea for the cover of Hitler in Hell, okay? So I’m not in the least bit interested in defending myself. I have nothing to defend myself for. Nothing. Neither does Mike Cernovich, Gavin McInnes, Tara McCarthy, Brittany Pettibone, Jack Posobiec, all these folks, okay?

These people are shameless liars. These people cry “Holocaust” for profit. Their entire organization was founded in evil from the beginning. It was founded in order to defend the memory, to restore the reputation of a murderous Jewish pedophile named Leo Frank. Okay? So that organization has been steeped in lies, and steeped in dishonesty, and steeped in evil from the very beginning.