Angelo John Gage Breaks Down And Blames ‘Jewish Supremacists’ For Twitter Ban

Today far-right activist Angelo John Gage was finally banned from Twitter. Gage is an Iraq War veteran and long-time participant in the white nationalist scene. As noted by the SPLC, in 2012 Gage wrote on Stormfront, a white supremacist forum, that he had just learned of “the real Jewish question and the whole ww2 and hitler truth [sic].”

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White Nationalists Want To Go On Strike. Good.

In response to a series of setbacks — including landmark Supreme Court decisions on LGBTQ and immigrant rights, and charges in the murder of Rayshard Brooks — white nationalists and Neo-Nazis have called for a “white strike.” Using the hashtag #WhiteStrike on Twitter, they have encouraged white people to walk off their jobs and refuse to pay taxes.

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White Supremacists And Conspiracy Theorists Rage Over Syrian ‘False Flag’ Attack

It was reported that on April 7, 2018, over 40 people were murdered in a chemical attack in the Syrian city of Douma. According to reports from the World Health Organization’s Health Cluster partners, “an estimated 500 patients presented to health facilities exhibiting signs and symptoms consistent with exposure to toxic chemicals.”

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