Infowars Host Likens Migrant Children To An Invading Army And Calls Them ‘Unwanted Detritus Of The Third World’

As the host of the Infowars show The American Journal, Harrison Smith has repeatedly promoted well-known white nationalist conspiracies, such as “white genocide” and the “great replacement.” Over the past two months Smith has also used his platform to spew bigotry at migrant children, likening their arrival to an invasion and referring to them as “detritus.”

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The Far-Right Erupts After Derek Chauvin Guilty Verdict

Last week ex-Minneapolis police officer Derek Chauvin was found guilty of murdering George Floyd after a nearly month-long trial. Convictions of police officers over the killing of Black people are rare, and while many celebrated the verdict, far-right figures — including many white nationalists — were outraged.

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Nick Fuentes Hoped For Another Riot Because Each One ‘Creates A Thousand Racists’

Yesterday, as the country braced itself for the verdict in the Derek Chauvin trial, white nationalist podcaster Nick Fuentes was railing against diversity and multiculturalism. Fuentes, who is prone to racist outbursts, claimed that “race riots” are caused by diversity itself, and suggested riots are beneficial because they create more “racists.”

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White Supremacists Are Throwing Their Support Behind Derek Chauvin

Yesterday the closing arguments ended in the trial of former Minneapolis police officer Derek Chauvin, and the jury began its deliberations. And while white supremacists and law enforcement have sometimes clashed, they have been steadfast in their decision to “Back the Blue” since Chauvin was charged with George Floyd’s murder.

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Neo-Nazi And Capitol Hill Insurrectionist Tim Gionet Claims To Be Victim Of ‘Political Persecution’

On Jan. 15, 2021, Neo-Nazi livestreamer Tim “Baked Alaska” Gionet was arrested in Houston, TX on charges connected to the violent Capitol Hill insurrection the week prior. Gionet was one of hundreds of far-right extremists who were arrested and charged after unlawfully entering the Capitol building after a rally headlined by President Trump.

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Harrison Smith Tells Antisemitic Caller That ‘Jewish Organizations’ Are ‘Directing’ The FBI

Last month Infowars host Harrison Smith responded to an antisemitic caller by indulging his belief that powerful Jewish groups are controlling the government. Smith, who has spread white nationalist conspiracies in the past, falsely claimed that the FBI is being “directed” by “Jewish organizations” like the ADL and the SPLC.

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Ray Blanchard Peddles Discredited ‘Autogynephilia’ Theory On White Supremacist YouTube Show

In late Feb. sexologist Ray Blanchard made a guest appearance on a YouTube show hosted by Edward Dutton, a white supremacist anthropologist who also goes by the moniker “The Jolly Heretic.” Blanchard promoted discredited theories about transgender people — particularly trans women — and implied that it is acceptable to ask transgender people about their genitalia.

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Nick Fuentes Goes On Racist And Homophobic Tirade Over Lil Nas X’s ‘Montero’

Last week Lil Nas X released his latest song, “Montero (Call Me by Your Name).” The controversial music video, which depicted the singer giving Satan a lapdance, combined with the sale of 666 pairs of so-called “Satan Shoes,” caused a right-wing backlash. On Monday, white nationalist podcaster Nick Fuentes went on a racist and homophobic tirade against Lil Nas X, who is Black and gay.

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