Jared Taylor Says White Americans Long For The Days of Jim Crow

In a June 17, 2016 video, American Renaissance founder Jared Taylor issued a message to Republican presidential candidate Donald Trump, reminding him that he has become a de facto “spokesman for white people,” and advising him on how to Make America Great Again™. And by “advising” I mean reminding Trump of his opinion that America cannot be great if it’s comprised of “a Third World population.”

“Mr. Trump, like it or not, you have become the spokesman for white people,” said Mr. Taylor. “For blacks and Hispanics that’s clearly what you are, and that’s why they hate you.” White people, he said, have a “keen sense” that “something is wrong” with America — an attitude that is reflected by polls asking how many people trust the government to do what is right for them — and they believe Trump “can do something about it.”

“You’re willing to say unfashionable things about race, and about other things too, despite all the PC propaganda,” he added, reiterating comments he made to an alt-right podcast in May. He then predicted that Trump might “even go farther,” recognizing that “if America turns brown” it will no longer be America, and that our country has “become a mix of hostile races that don’t get along.”

Mr. Taylor further asserted that white Americans are waxing nostalgic for the good old days of the 1960s, when the country was “90 percent white,” “almost all immigrants were white,” and white people had never heard the concept of white privilege.

“Mr. Trump, your campaign slogan is ‘Make America Great Again.’ I have bad news: You can’t make America great with a Third World population,” he declared.

“White people like your politics, Mr. Trump: Deport all illegals. Make sure no more get in. End birthright citizenship. Take a hard look at Muslims. But white people want more than their jobs back — and maybe you can bring back a few from China and India. What they really want is their country back. The country they had in 1964.”

That is to say, the days of black people being refused service at restaurants and refused entry to theaters and stores. The days before the passage of the Voting Rights Act of 1965 and the Immigration and Nationalization Act of 1965, the latter of which abolished racial preferences in immigration laws.