Amazon Is Selling Books By A White Supremacist Publishing Company

As the largest and wealthiest online retailer, allows customers to by any number of products — from clothes and toys to books and CDs — with the click of a button. And, while Amazon has rules which ostensibly allow it to review and remove products which promote hate speech and calls to violence, it is nevertheless selling multiple books which glorify Nazi Germany, fascism, antisemitism, and white nationalism — all from a small, Pennsylvania-based publishing company.

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Longtime White Nationalist Podcaster ‘Borzoi Boskovic’ Unmasked

During a recent episode of the podcast The Third Rail, a pseudonymous host going by the name “Borzoi Bosokovic” remarked that the purpose of American democracy “is just to safeguard Jewish power.” It was a typical comment from Boskovic, who, for years, has been a prolific podcaster on the white supremacist online hub The Right Stuff.

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The Far-Right Erupts After Derek Chauvin Guilty Verdict

Last week ex-Minneapolis police officer Derek Chauvin was found guilty of murdering George Floyd after a nearly month-long trial. Convictions of police officers over the killing of Black people are rare, and while many celebrated the verdict, far-right figures — including many white nationalists — were outraged.

Continue reading “The Far-Right Erupts After Derek Chauvin Guilty Verdict”

White Nationalists Want To Go On Strike. Good.

In response to a series of setbacks — including landmark Supreme Court decisions on LGBTQ and immigrant rights, and charges in the murder of Rayshard Brooks — white nationalists and Neo-Nazis have called for a “white strike.” Using the hashtag #WhiteStrike on Twitter, they have encouraged white people to walk off their jobs and refuse to pay taxes.

Continue reading “White Nationalists Want To Go On Strike. Good.”

Neo-Nazi Podcasters: ‘Impossible Burger’ A Jewish Plot To Turn U.S. Into ‘Third World’ Country

On the October 1, 2019 episode of Strike and Mike — a paywall-only podcast for the flagging white power website The Right Stuff — Neo-Nazi co-hosts Joseph Jordan and Mike Peinovich revealed the greatest scourge of our time: veggie burgers. Continue reading “Neo-Nazi Podcasters: ‘Impossible Burger’ A Jewish Plot To Turn U.S. Into ‘Third World’ Country”

White Nationalists Have Been Quietly Collecting Donations Through A Livestreaming Site

Updated| It’s no secret that white nationalists and other far-right figures are in dire financial straits, having been banned from payment processors like Stripe and Paypal. Continue reading “White Nationalists Have Been Quietly Collecting Donations Through A Livestreaming Site”