Amazon Is Selling Books By A White Supremacist Publishing Company

As the largest and wealthiest online retailer, allows customers to by any number of products — from clothes and toys to books and CDs — with the click of a button. And, while Amazon has rules which ostensibly allow it to review and remove products which promote hate speech and calls to violence, it is nevertheless selling multiple books which glorify Nazi Germany, fascism, antisemitism, and white nationalism — all from a small, Pennsylvania-based publishing company.

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Neo-Nazi Activist Wants To ‘Desensitize’ White People To Hitler And Holocaust Denial

On the Dec. 10, 2021 episode of his Modern Politics show, Neo-Nazi Warren Balogh attempted to give advice on how to win normal white people over to Neo-Nazism and Holocaust denial. Balogh — who previously expressed outrage at people who said they would have killed baby Hitler — told viewers to discuss topics that conservative white people care about to appear more credible and respectable before broaching the subject of Nazism, Adolf Hitler, and the Holocaust.

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Antisemitic Congressional Candidate Tells White Supremacist Podcasters That White People ‘Should Remain A Majority’ In America

On Dec. 14, 2021, Michael Sisco — a congressional candidate running in West Virginia’s 2nd District — appeared on an explicitly white supremacist podcast. During this appearance, Sisco, who has a history of antisemitism, told the hosts that white people “should remain a majority” in the U.S. He also suggested that policies be put in place to “mitigate” what the hosts called “Jewish power in America.”

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Headlines — 12/14/21

Don Jr. and Fox News stars begged Mark Meadows to have Trump stop the Capitol insurrection, how cryptocurrency revolutionized the white supremacist movement, the Jan. 6 committee will identify Republican lawmakers linked to Jan. 6, and more.

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White Nationalists Celebrate As More Republicans Parrot Their Rhetoric

On Aug. 11, 2017 a crowd of torch-wielding white nationalists marched across the University of Virginia campus, chanting slogans like “blood and soil” and “you will not replace us,” before attacking a small group of counter-demonstrators. While the organizers of that march and the next day’s “Unite the Right” rally were recently made to pay for their racist violence, the beliefs that animated them are now being spread by conservative pundits.

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James Hake Agrees With Neo-Nazi Fugitive That ‘Forced Integration’ Is Wrong

Neo-Nazi dirtbag Robert “Azzmador” Ray may be on the run from law enforcement, but that hasn’t stopped him from recording the occasional podcast or calling into far-right online talk shows. During the Nov. 16, 2021 episode of The Hake Report, Ray expressed support for segregation and called the integration of neighborhoods a form of “genocide” against white people.

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