Lewandowski On Manafort Resigning: Trump Camp Didn’t Want ‘Distraction’

Corey Lewandowski, Donald Trump’s former campaign manager, on Friday suggested that Paul Manafort left the Trump campaign due to recent reports on his ties to Ukraine, citing comments Eric Trump made earlier in the day.

“I think Eric said it very clearly, his father does not want the distraction or potential distraction of more stories coming about Paul Manafort and any relationships or ties he has with things taking place overseas,” Lewandowski, said when asked about Manafort leaving his role as campaign chair.

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Trump Spokeswoman Claims Clinton Has Brain Damage (VIDEO)

While defending the conspiracy theories about Hillary Clinton’s health pushed by the Donald Trump campaign recently, Trump spokeswoman Katrina Pierson on Thursday claimed that Clinton suffers from dysphasia, a neurological disorder that affects a person’s ability to speak and understand language.

Pierson first noted that Trump himself has “said that she doesn’t have the strength or the stamina for a very long time.” Trump on Monday said that Clinton “lacks the mental and physical stamina to take on ISIS, and all the many adversaries we face.”

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Baltimore Hires Lawyer With Ties To Neo-Nazi Group To Defend Police Dept.

Late update 6:01 p.m.: The City of Baltimore has terminated its contract with Allen, the New York Daily News reported.

“None of the historical facts and alleged facts recently publicized about Mr. Allen’s political views and affiliations were disclosed or discussed when his contract was agreed to,” Mayor Stephanie Rawlings-Blake’s office said in a statement. “The Law Department does not as a general practice question it’s [sic] hired or contract attorneys about their political views.”

Original story below:

A lawyer recently hired by the city of Baltimore to defend police in a wrongful murder conviction suit has ties to a neo-Nazi group, according to an investigation from the Southern Poverty Law Center (SPLC) published on Wednesday.

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S.E. Cupp Takes Trump Adviser To Task For Ignoring The Women Gap (VIDEO)

During a Thursday morning panel discussion on CNN, contributor S.E. Cupp shut down a Donald Trump adviser for claiming that the campaign is reaching out to women voters, telling the adviser that she is living in a “fantasy land.”

While discussing the recent Trump campaign staff shake-up, Cupp noted that the campaign still doesn’t seem to be reaching out to women and minorities.

“There’s no outreach anymore. It’s as if he’s given up on them. And I just wonder if there are enough old male guy— old white guys in the country to elect him. I don’t think so,” she said.

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Clinton Takes Dig At Trump Campaign Shake-up: He’ll Still Never Change

During a campaign rally in Ohio on Wednesday, Hillary Clinton took a jab at Donald Trump’s tumultuous campaign, alluding to his campaign shake-up announced Wednesday morning.

“He can hire and fire anybody he wants from his campaign, they can make him read new words from a teleprompter, but he is still the same man who insults Gold Star families, demeans women, mocks people with disabilities and thinks he knows more about ISIS than our generals,” Clinton said. “There is no new Donald Trump. This is it.”

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Clinton Camp Hits Trump For Pushing ‘Deranged Conspiracy’ On Her Health

The Hillary Clinton campaign on Tuesday night called out Donald Trump for pushing fringe conservative theories that Clinton is in poor health.

“Facing withering criticism from national media outlets, state editorial boards and even some Republican allies over his refusal to release his tax returns, Donald Trump is once again peddling deranged conspiracy theories in a desperate attempt to change the subject – this time with absurd and debunked claims about Hillary Clinton’s health,” the campaign said in a statement.

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Trump Slams Clinton’s ‘Bigotry’ In Speech Reaching Out To Black Voters

Donald Trump on Tuesday night delivered a speech in West Bend, Wisconsin, where he attempted to reach out to black voters by describing Hillary Clinton as a bigot and calling for “law and order.”

Trump claimed that Clinton is indebted to the “special interests” and painted himself as the voice of the people.

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Trump Campaign Denies NYT Report That Ailes Will Help With Debate Prep

This post has been updated.

The Donald Trump campaign on Tuesday quickly denied a report in the New York Times that disgraced former Fox News executive Roger Ailes will advise the campaign and help Trump prepare for his debates with Hillary Clinton.

“He is not advising Mr. Trump or helping with debate prep. They are longtime friends, but he has no formal or informal role in the campaign,” campaign spokeswoman Hope Hicks told the Hollywood Reporter.

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GOP Elder Statesman, On A Trump Presidency: ‘God Help Us’

George Shultz, who served as secretary of state under President Ronald Reagan, is not on board with Donald Trump.

“God help us,” he said at a Hoover Institution event in Palo Alto, California, on Monday when asked about the possibility of Trump becoming president, according to the Washington Post.

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Trump Adviser Says Nominee ‘Operates Now Almost Like A President’

Walid Phares, a foreign policy adviser to Donald Trump, said on Tuesday morning that the Republican nominee now acts more like a president, claiming that Trump listens to his advisers.

Phares comment came as he was discussing Trump’s Monday speech in which the GOP candidate said he would use “extreme vetting” to keep potential terrorists from entering the United States. “Fox and Friends” co-host Brian Kilmeade asked Phares if this was a change in policy for Trump or an evolution from his initial proposed ban on Muslims coming into the country.

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