archived 20 Jan 2017 01:01:26 UTC

The Dark Age

Just in case you didn’t notice, we do in fact live in a dark age. The Dark Age even. Capital letters, fam. Kali Yuga.
Everywhere that the golden light of Truth ought to be shining in glory, we are instead mired in the misery of our conditions, conditions which have persisted since time immemorial and which seem to only get worse. Conditions that blind us, conditions that warp us, conditions that force us to cope in ways we hardly think about anymore since we’ve become so accustomed to debasement. The world’s most fantastically wealthy society, in which men live with luxuries and wonders as those the ancients described their gods as having, is the most miserable and unhappy, the most inefficient at reproducing itself, and the most susceptible to destruction by both invading forces and internal rot.
Where did it all go wrong? Was it Obamacare? The sexual revolution of the 1960s? World War II? World War I? The French Revolution? The American Revolution? The English Civil War? The fall of Constantinople? The fall of Rome? The Bronze Age Collapse? Animal husbandry?
You didn’t choose to be born into this. You didn’t pick your family, your tribe, your race. You didn’t have a say in your upbringing. You didn’t really pick the people you’ve met along the way. You didn’t always believe what you believe now. You might like to think you had an awakening and discovered all of your principles in one flash of illumination and have kept them as diligently as the soldier at Pompeii, but you haven’t. And even had you kept them, you are just throwing yourself against the storm.
No one really wakes up one day and decides they want to participate in the eternal struggle for mastery. You are drafted and conscripted into it, and probably spend half the time doubting the whole thing. But that’s how having faith works. You doubt.
You shouldn’t be in this war. You cannot win this war. Your brothers are not who they say are. Why do you fight?
I don’t have all the answers. I just know there are those who want to destroy us because that’s what they’ve made it their lives’ work to do. They probably don’t know why either. You don’t know why. I know you have your theories; I have my theories. They don’t care about them. We’re both the same enemy to them, and knowing our differences is just a matter of tactics for them.
Oh sure, we can intellectualize it all, and explain all fancily with our neologisms and social commentary and analysis, but at the end of the day, you don’t really know what the hell is going on or how it got so bad, or really how to fix it. You’ve just got your theories, and thought you were supposed to have your allies.
Either you fight and win and pass the torch on to those closer to the end of the Dark Age, or you take it and burn everything down and lose, damning those coming after you to something worse.
Think about what you actually want. Decide what you stand for and who you stand with. When you essentially say that someone is corrupted by the Dark Age and cannot serve Truth in any capacity whatsoever, you could be talking about anyone. Yourself even. Because whatever it is that makes you think you’re holding the high ground, it isn’t nearly high enough. Victory has not arrived.
How do you get there? Do you get there by tearing down everyone reaching for it but falling short? Or do you stand against those trying to make sure you don’t reach it at all?
Do you believe we are faced with total destruction or not? The city is burning, so let’s debate the firefighters on whether or not they’ve got the best equipment for the job.

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12 Responses to The Dark Age

  1. Laguna Beach Fogey says:
    It’s time to fight and revel in the bloodshed. We’ve come not to save, but to destroy. It’s going to be awesome!
  2. Frontierland says:
    Very good article. It’s important to hear from you guys on the subject at hand.
    I stand with you ALL.
    We are Pro-Whites, all of us.
  3. Trainspotter says:
    Well put. It’s a difficult issue, on so many levels. We live in the ruins of shattered families and relationships, under a cloud of cultural propaganda designed to mislead, confuse & harm. It’s no secret that our enemies target the young most aggressively – encouraging them to make bad decisions before they can see through the scam. Few emerge unscathed. Even for those who do, it’s often more a matter of luck or happenstance than anything else. “There, but for the grace of God, go I.”
    The question becomes how to accept imperfect people (which means all of us, to one degree or another), without celebrating or at least in some way unduly condoning the imperfection. Just because one fails to practice what he preaches, it does not follow that he should preach what he practices, just because he practices it. If one has a bad habit, it is immoral to encourage others down a similar path – destructive behavior is not to be promoted or celebrated. It’s far more moral to encourage others NOT to follow the destructive path that you’ve gone down. “Hypocrisy is the homage vice pays to virtue.”
    I’m already seeing a false binary pop up. Either it’s “Having a jewish wife means the guy is an infiltrator/con artist/bogeyman” or “Having a jewish wife is fine. No big deal.”
    The first is probably not true, while the second is definitely not true. For a white nationalist to have a jewish wife is a big deal – obviously. It’s not o.k. We’re about promoting our identity & continuity, not marrying into other groups. If we’re going to mix, why are we bothering with any of this? The System wins. The System gets what it wants.
    On the other hand, there’s no question that many people were red pilled after having entered into permanent relationships. Are we to write them off? Treat them as enemies? Pretend that they have nothing to offer? This seems both unjust and unwise. But how to bring them in without condoning the very thing we’re against? That’s the challenge.
    We’re a damaged people who grew up in an unhealthy society. We must acknowledge this about ourselves, but only as a starting point, as a simple recognition of our current reality. It’s not where we’re going. It’s not what we aspire to. We acknowledge our degraded state, but we do not accept it. We can do better, and we will.
  4. Steel T Post says:
    If the city is burning, that’s great. The city is what makes up all those blue-colored “islands” of Hillary voters. The city is what makes up the small area of Austria that voted Communist. The city is where the sundry foreign Skype, Skittle, Google, Yahoo, and Bing invaders feel most comfortable. City is POZ. City is cancer. Cancer needs radiated and cut out of the body. I wake up every morning disappointed again that the Democrats haven’t yet provoked Russia into nuking the huddled masses of Democrat voters. Don’t fear the reaper.
  5. I hope we can get to the other side of this fairly quickly. some separation is needed. The division will not be along doctrinal or policy lines, but but disposition. The puritanical impulse of some ant-Semites is a liability. Perhaps they see the promised land like all of us do to some extent. But they cannot see the years of strategy and indeed compromise required to get there. This is not a new disposition for Whites. Purists always thwart strategy. Its why a priestly class should not rule.
    We need a fucking king.
  6. Michael Adkins says:
    It’s the hipster!
    Our starting point is Norman Mailer’s, “The White Negro.”
  7. Denise says:
    Good evening Mr. Murray,
    I read this on the TRS site. My comment was drowned in a deluge of Comments on the Doxing That Dare Not Speak It’s Name, so I just want you to know that I commented on this essay.
    You are a marvelous writer, and thinker, and I really appreciate your work, Thank you.
    Make Kek Bless You, Always.
  8. Just Sayin' says:
    Did you know and hide it from us?
    It seems many of the higherups knew and hid it from us.
    • The extent of my knowledge, what I had heard at least, was that her father is Jewish, which would have made her half-Jewish. I knew nothing else about her. I didn’t know about what she did for a living, or what her interests were, etc.
      I joined TRS a couple of years ago. No one entered the group as a White nationalist until very very recently. I wasn’t really one until 2016 and by then who or what Mike’s wife is/was wasn’t on my radar.
      Does that count as hiding something from you? I don’t think that’s a fair accusation at all. I really am just a blogger. By the time I had moved towards White nationalism, I wasn’t following up with people or anything about who they were married to. I was working on articles. I’m in the business of spreading ideas, not vetting people for ubermenschmateriel. All I can say is that I am sorry this has become such a mess.
      It goes without saying that I am strongly opposed to these kinds of unions. But I consider Mike a friend and believe he does important work for the movement. A lot of good has come out of TRS, and lots of people have been inspired around this country and even in Europe to start their own regional subgroups to discuss, plan, meet, propagandize, etc.
      No one at TRS has ever tried to cast themselves as fit for the fuhrerprinzip. Mike is a smart guy with a blog and a podcast who was raised in poz and multiculturalism and revolted against it later in life.
      The Alt-Right is really in a thought leadership stage right now, not a leadership stage. All these different personalities and podcast hosts and bloggers, we’re just ordinary people. Rush Limbaugh doesn’t run for office. I am sorry that it doesn’t meet a lot of guys’ expectations. It’s unfortunate that he married a mischling before becoming redpilled.

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