So Beto's Pissed

In 2019, during Beto O'Rourke's short-lived run in the Democratic presidential primary, a white male terrorist entered a Walmart in El Paso, Texas, Beto's home, and murdered 20 people. That was an explicitly racist mass killing event, and Beto was not shy about talking about who was inspiring that racism, and what mass shooters use to mass-shoot people. (It's guns.) He said out loud over and over again that "This is fucked up." And he ran on that, without shame. He didn't win, obviously, but it mattered.

Now Beto O'Rourke is running for governor, and another gunman has murdered 21 in Uvalde, Texas. And the guy he's running against, living breathing piece of shit Greg Abbott, had a press conference today. And Beto showed up. And you can say all you want about how Beto sure does know how to get the camera on him at times like these, and we'll gently explain you how that is called "politics."

Beto was there to say, "You're doing nothing. This is on you." In response, one of Abbott's loser white boy goons called Beto a "sick son of a bitch" and Texas Lt. Governor Dan Patrick took a break from spreading white nationalist great replacement conspiracy theories to say there'll be "plenty of time" later on to decide what needs to be done about mass shootings.

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A Little Golden Book Of Very Smart Wingnut Takes On Texas Mass Shootings

After yesterday's regular sacrifice of children to the Second Amendment, the Onion has devoted its main page to all 21 times it's had to use its headline "No Way To Prevent This,’ Says Only Nation Where This Regularly Happens." It's a far more intelligent use of the English language than anything you'd find in rightwing media since the murders, virtually all of which boiled down to explaining why this tragedy had absolutely nothing to do with the roughly 390 million firearms privately owned by Americans. There are 120 guns for every 100 of us, so we suppose that in keeping with the principle of democracy, we ought to let the guns vote. In fact, that may be the only argument Fox News hasn't aired yet. They may be saving it for primetime tonight.

The bad faith takes came hot and heavy, even semi-automatically, you could say. There were old familiar favorites, like "Let's arm the teachers," and some very au courant blends of conspiracy theory with the latest rightwing mania.The shooter was an 18-year-old from Uvalde, but that didn't prevent wingnuts from circulating rumors that maybe he was an undocumented border-jumper (A Florida GOP candidate was "just asking"), or spreading photos of a completely different transgender person and claiming they were the shooter. Actual Congressman Paul Gosar combined the two lies, insisting in a now-deleted tweet that the killer was a "Transsexual Leftist Illegal Alien," and probably a soccer fan, too.

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Republicans Know How To Stop School Gun Massacres: More Guns

Paul Gosar Probably Real Sorry For Saying Texas Shooter Was 'Transsexual Leftist Illegal Alien'

And from there, things got stupid.

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Why Do All These Republican Officials Think They're Allowed To Murder The President?

Tuesday night, after a gunman murdered 19 children and two teachers at a Texas elementary school, President Joe Biden responded somberly:

I had hoped when I became president I would not have to do this — again ... Another massacre. Uvalde, Texas. An elementary school. Beautiful, innocent second, third and fourth graders. And how many scores of little children who witnessed what happened — see their friends die, as if they're in a battlefield, for God's sake. They'll live with it the rest of their lives.

Former President Barack Obama expressed similar despair after the Sandy Hook massacre. Even if you’re a total monster who loves guns more than human life, you could at least let Democratic leaders vent for a while, but the gun-obsessed are too paranoid to realize that no one is coming for their guns. Republican lap dogs Joe Manchin and Kyrsten Sinema are never going to nuke the filibuster. Just let us grieve and maybe hope for a better country.

But no, Republicans come out in full, gross force against the meekest calls for gun safety legislation. This morning, Florida state Rep. Randy Fine tweeted: “I have news for the embarrassment that claims to be our President — try to take our guns and you’ll learn why the Second Amendment was written in the first place."


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Paul Gosar Probably Real Sorry For Saying Texas Shooter Was 'Transsexual Leftist Illegal Alien'

As news spread that yet another gunman had murdered many more American children in an elementary school in Uvalde, Texas, yesterday, the rumor machine started. People always want to know who did such a thing this time.

And perhaps if you are a white nationalist seditionist piece of shit, and people have been paying much closer attention to your movement ever since a white nationalist worried about the "great replacement" murdered a bunch of Americans in Buffalo, New York, literally days ago — perhaps if you are a congressman who also is worried about the "great replacement" — then you might be primed to spread some gullible bullshit, desperately hoping this week's mass shooter wasn't on your side. You know, despite how America's weekly mass shooters usually are more likely than not on your general side.

And that's how we got this from Arizona GOP Rep. Paul Gosar, in a now-deleted tweet:

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Right Wing Extremism

Glenn Beck Knows Why

He's the why-knower.

Glenn Beck Knows Why

If you live in America this week, you've probably been asking "why"? And if you're a normal American, you're doing so with a heavy heart and wondering if this country will ever take responsibility for itself enough to shiv the gun lobby and finally stand up and say we'd rather our children not be mowed down by bullets at school.

But of course, if you are a Republican politician or pundit, you are trying to find the answer to literally any and every other question besides those things, because if you ever looked down and really stared at the blood on your hands, if you ever experienced that kind of self-awareness, you might never recover.

So here is Glenn Beck. Are you a conservative Republican and you are trying to figure out why? Listen to Glenn Beck. He knows why.

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Your White House Press Briefing Is Back In America!

Live on WonkTV!

Joe Biden came back, and now we have press briefings again.

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Nice Time

Nice Time: Let's Keep New Moms Healthy And Alive, OK?

Four states extend postpartum Medicaid to a full year, with more on the way.

Bet you guys could use some good news about now, huh? In a reminder that government can do good things that make people's lives measurably better, the US Department of Health and Human Services has announced that four new states will be extending postpartum Medicaid and Children’s Health Insurance Program (CHIP) benefits from the usual 60 days after someone gives birth to a full 12 months.

Oregon, California, Kentucky, and Florida will join seven other states in offering the longer benefits, which are expected to help out about 126,000 low-income families in the four new states. Another nine states and the District of Columbia are also in talks with HHS's Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services (CMS) about extending the benefit, too.

HHS Secretary Xavier Becerra said in a statement,

The first year after giving birth is a critical period — and families deserve the peace of mind knowing they will be able to access the health care coverage they need, without interruption.

We like this thing where Joe Biden's HHS is working with states to help people stay healthy and live better. It's a lot nicer than when HHS emphasized kicking people off healthcare to convince them to stop being poor. Could we please not go back to that please?

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