Right-Wing Extremists Are Losing Their Shit Over Trump’s Loss

On November 7, 2020, multiple media outlets finally announced that former Vice President Joe Biden had won the state of Pennsylvania and is now President-elect of the United States. The White House’s current occupant, a fascist who empowered domestic terrorists and used the government’s power to target his political enemies, would be one of only eleven presidents to lose reelection.

Continue reading “Right-Wing Extremists Are Losing Their Shit Over Trump’s Loss”

An AFPAC Attendee Sued Over Being Called A ‘White Nationalist.’ A Judge Just Threw Out His Case.

Although the so-called groypers — a movement of far-right individuals who champion racist and xenophobic policies — claim they are not white nationalists, available evidence suggests otherwise. Continue reading “An AFPAC Attendee Sued Over Being Called A ‘White Nationalist.’ A Judge Just Threw Out His Case.”

After The Death Of A White Nationalist, The Alt-Right Vows Revenge On Journalists

Recently it was discovered that Andrew Dodson, a 34-year-old white nationalist who attended last year’s “Unite the Right” rally had died in March. Continue reading “After The Death Of A White Nationalist, The Alt-Right Vows Revenge On Journalists”

‘I Don’t Care If Your Kid Dies At School’: The Alt-Right Attacks Parkland Shooting Survivors

In the aftermath of our nation’s latest mass shooting which left 17 people dead at a school in Parkland, FL, white supremacists were furious. Continue reading “‘I Don’t Care If Your Kid Dies At School’: The Alt-Right Attacks Parkland Shooting Survivors”