Congressional Candidate Who Claims White People Are ‘Being Replaced By Third World Peasants’ Attracts Attention Of VDARE

Updated | Although he appears to have only a modest following online, congressional candidate Peter D’Abrosca has attracted the attention of the website VDARE for his anti-immigrant rhetoric. Continue reading “Congressional Candidate Who Claims White People Are ‘Being Replaced By Third World Peasants’ Attracts Attention Of VDARE”

White Supremacists Boast About Crashing TPUSA Event

Updated | On October 27, 2019, the staff at Politicon — the annual non-partisan political conference held this year in Nashville, TN — were forced to deal with an unwanted presence. Continue reading “White Supremacists Boast About Crashing TPUSA Event”

In The Past Month, Ann Coulter Has Retweeted White Nationalists Dozens Of Times

In April conservative firebrand Ann Coulter made headlines after she retweeted Mike “Enoch” Peinovich — the anti-Semitic podcaster who founded the website The Right Stuff and co-hosts The Daily Shoah. Continue reading “In The Past Month, Ann Coulter Has Retweeted White Nationalists Dozens Of Times”

White Nationalists Rail Against President Trump For ‘Cucking’ On Immigration

Earlier this month the Trump administration announced it would be ending the Deferred Action on Childhood Arrivals (DACA) program in six months. Continue reading “White Nationalists Rail Against President Trump For ‘Cucking’ On Immigration”

Breitbart Runs Racist Ann Coulter Column Advocating Nuclear Strikes On Muslim Cities

On May 24, 2017, Breitbart News ran an article by conservative firebrand/white nationalist Ann Coulter that attacked Middle Eastern and African people as “primitives” and called for the use of nuclear weapons against majority Muslim cities. Continue reading “Breitbart Runs Racist Ann Coulter Column Advocating Nuclear Strikes On Muslim Cities”