White Nationalists Celebrate As More Republicans Parrot Their Rhetoric

On Aug. 11, 2017 a crowd of torch-wielding white nationalists marched across the University of Virginia campus, chanting slogans like “blood and soil” and “you will not replace us,” before attacking a small group of counter-demonstrators. While the organizers of that march and the next day’s “Unite the Right” rally were recently made to pay for their racist violence, the beliefs that animated them are now being spread by conservative pundits.

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James Hake Agrees With Neo-Nazi Fugitive That ‘Forced Integration’ Is Wrong

Neo-Nazi dirtbag Robert “Azzmador” Ray may be on the run from law enforcement, but that hasn’t stopped him from recording the occasional podcast or calling into far-right online talk shows. During the Nov. 16, 2021 episode of The Hake Report, Ray expressed support for segregation and called the integration of neighborhoods a form of “genocide” against white people.

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In 2018, BlazeTV Host Decried Immigration And Multiculturalism On White Supremacist Podcast

Updated 10/18/21 | On Sept. 9, 2021, Glenn Beck’s BlazeTV network announced the debut of the show You Are Here with co-hosts Sydney Watson and Elijah Schaffer. Watson, a far-right Australian YouTube personality, once appeared on a notorious white supremacist podcast where she accused Australians of “selling [their] souls” to immigrants.

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Harrison Smith: Decrease In America’s White Population Is Evidence Of ‘White Genocide’

The U.S. Census Bureau recently revealed that the white population “decreased by 8.6% since 2010.” On his Infowars show, The American Journal, host Harrison Smith reacted to the news by promoting the racist “white genocide” and “Great Replacement” conspiracy theories.

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Infowars Host Rants About Killing ‘Treasonous’ Biden Administration Officials

On the Jul. 14, 2021 episode of his Infowars show The American Journal, host Harrison Smith went on a rant about how Biden administration officials “deserve to die.” Smith also said that former HHS Secretary Kathleen Sebelius “should be killed” before cautioning viewers not to commit violent acts.

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After His Twitter Ban, Nick Fuentes Threw Himself A Racist Pity Party

On Friday, Holocaust-denying white nationalist podcaster Nick Fuentes was finally banned from Twitter. The reason for banning Fuentes — whose verified account boasted nearly 140,000 followers — is still unclear, with a Twitter spokesperson citing “repeated violations” of the social media platform’s rules.

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Nick Fuentes: Making Juneteenth A Federal Holiday Is ‘About Furthering The Genocide Of White People’

On June 16, 2021, the Senate unanimously passed a bill officially designating Juneteenth as a federal holiday. A day later, President Biden signed the bill into law. Juneteenth commemorates June 19, 1865, the date when slaves in Galveston, Texas received word that they had been freed.

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Infowars Host Likens Migrant Children To An Invading Army And Calls Them ‘Unwanted Detritus Of The Third World’

As the host of the Infowars show The American Journal, Harrison Smith has repeatedly promoted well-known white nationalist conspiracies, such as “white genocide” and the “great replacement.” Over the past two months Smith has also used his platform to spew bigotry at migrant children, likening their arrival to an invasion and referring to them as “detritus.”

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The Far-Right Erupts After Derek Chauvin Guilty Verdict

Last week ex-Minneapolis police officer Derek Chauvin was found guilty of murdering George Floyd after a nearly month-long trial. Convictions of police officers over the killing of Black people are rare, and while many celebrated the verdict, far-right figures — including many white nationalists — were outraged.

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