Meet The People Behind AFPAC, The Extreme Right’s Newest Gathering

Updated | Tomorrow night, as many right-wingers are wrapping up for the day at CPAC — the annual Conservative Political Action Conference — a very different event will be going on in nearby Washington D.C. This year, the nascent “groyper” movement will hold it’s own event: the America First Political Action Conference, or AFPAC.

And its speaker lineup is a who’s-who of white nationalists and extreme right figures.

The groypers are, in essence, yet another manifestation of America’s white nationalist movement which formed after the “alt-right” label began to fall out of favor. Often whitewashing their ideology as “America First” conservatism, the “groypers” — led by Nick Fuentes, Vincent James Foxx, and others — publicly harassed speakers at mainstream conservative events.

The goal of the movement is to mainstream white nationalist politics and shift the Republican Party even further right. They hope to do so partly through public spectacle — grilling conservative activists like Charlie Kirk on LGBTQ acceptance, foreign aid to Israel, immigration, and other subjects. They have also endorsed a slew of congressional candidates.

The following are notable figures who are either speaking at or attending the inaugural AFPAC gathering.

Nick Fuentes
Nicholas J. Fuentes (Photo Credit: YouTube)

During his short stint at Boston University, Nick Fuentes made headlines for his enthusiastic support for then-candidate Donald Trump. In 2017 Fuentes was working for the pro-Trump outlet Right Side Broadcasting Network (RSBN) when he called for the hanging of “globalists at CNN” during an anti-Muslim rant.

Later that year Fuentes and RSBN parted ways after his attendance at the violent white power “Unite the Right” rally in Charlottesville, VA. In a post-rally interview, Fuentes said he attended in order to “demonstrate” and “show solidarity for a cause which has not been talked about,” which is the “fundamental transformation of the composition of our country.”

Fuentes briefly co-hosted a program called The Nationalist Review with white supremacist and Identity Evropa member James Allsup. (Allsup currently hosts the white supremacist podcast Fash the Nation.) After a falling out between the two, Fuentes devoted his energy to his solo project: a YouTube show called America First.

The show would serve as a major platform for Fuentes’ bigotry against Jews, African-Americans, women, immigrants, and LGBTQ people. In an August 2019 episode, Fuentes declared that “white nationalism literally is what America was founded upon,” and referred to a prominent conservative commentator as a “faggot” and a “shabbos goy race traitor.”

In another episode Fuentes flirted with Holocaust denial when a viewer asked a hypothetical question about whether a person could bake six million cookies in five years using fifteen ovens. Fuentes answered that “it just kind of doesn’t really make sense, this crazy cookie analogy … So six million cookies, eh, eh, I don’t buy it.”

Fuentes was a guest speaker at the 2018 conference held by white nationalist media outlet American Renaissance. During his speech, titled “Generation Z: The Answer to the Boomer Problem,” Fuentes decried the “destruction of the country demographically” through “mass migration.” And he blamed Baby Boomers for the “destruction of racial identity in the country.”

Earlier this month Fuentes was finally banned from YouTube for violating its hate speech policy. Fuentes is advertised as a speaker at AFPAC.

Scott Greer
Scott Greer (Photo Credit: YouTube)

The former deputy editor of The Daily Caller — a right-wing media outlet founded by Fox News personality Tucker Carlson — Scott Greer was forced to step down after it was revealed that he moonlighted as a columnist at a white nationalist publication. Under the moniker Michael McGregor, Greer penned racist and antisemitic articles for Richard Spencer‘s Radix Journal.

At Radix Journal Greer wrote that the “justice system has to be harsh on Blacks in order to preserve stability and a measure of safety in a multiracial state,” and that antisemitism persists because of “the Jewish role in promoting the root causes of this problem through their support of mass immigration, multiculturalism, and hate speech laws that only go after Whites.”

However, even before this revelation Greer’s extremist associations were known. As One People’s Project revealed as early as 2016, Greer was casual friends with Marcus Epstein, Tim Dionisopoulos, Devin Saucier, Ben Zapp, and Michael J. Thompson. Saucier writes for American Renaissance under the name “Henry Wolff,” while Thompson runs the white power blog Stuff Black People Don’t Like under the name “Paul Kersey.”

Greer was also photographed at a gathering of the Wolves of Vinland, a white supremacist, neo-pagan cult whose members “gather in the Virginia woods for heathen ceremonies where they drink mead, spread mud and blood on themselves, dance around fires, and hold rituals in caves.” A Wolves of Vinland member was sentenced to two years in prison for burning down a black church in 2012.

Greer is advertised as a speaker at AFPAC.

Patrick Casey
Patrick Casey (Photo Credit: YouTube)

Until 2017, Patrick Casey worked for the white supremacist media outlet Red Ice under the name Reinhard Wolff, often filling in for co-hosts Lana Lokteff and Henrik Palmgren when they were unavailable. He left this position to lead the white nationalist hate group Identity Evropa after it had been helmed by Elliott Kline (a.k.a. “Eli Mosley”) for three months.

As the head of Identity Evropa, whose motto — “you will not replace us” — was a nod to the white supremacist “great replacement” conspiracy theory, Casey ditched the “alt-right” label and embraced so-called “Identitarianism.” Notable members of Identity Evropa included white supremacists James Allsup (now of Fash the Nation) and Ayla Stewart (a.k.a. “Wife With a Purpose”).

In March 2019, under Casey’s watch, official Identity Evropa chat logs were obtained and published by the website Unicorn Riot. According to the chat logs, Casey actively screened potential members to make sure they were not Jewish. As Casey wrote, “Jewish individuals cannot join IE, and we screen for this during the interview process.”

Indeed, the “Jewish Question” or “JQ” — a phrase with Nazi roots — was mentioned over 150 times. Some comments supported convicted Neo-Nazi murderer James Alex Fields, who plowed his car into a crowd of demonstrators at “Unite the Right.” Two Discord chat servers associated with Identity Evropa were dedicated to Nick Fuentes and his Nationalist Review show.

One month after the chat log leak, Casey dissolved Identity Evropa and started a new organization: the blandly-named American Identity Movement (AmIM). AmIM was designed to appeal to American patriots, making extensive use of symbols like the American flag. However, the evidence shows that AmIM is just Identity Evropa with a new name.

Identity Evropa Chief of Staff Matthew Warner informed members during a March 13, 2019 meeting that their “dues will carry over” from Identity Evropa to AmIM so they didn’t have to “worry about that.”

And leaked chat messages from AmIM published that same year by Unicorn Riot show members calling Mexican immigrants “scum” and referring to Africa as “the dark continent.” In weekly addresses to AmIM members, Casey commented that “America up until the Civil War was pretty awesome,” and expressed his desire for the “Balkanization” of the U.S. which, he said, would pave the way for a whites-only “ethnostate.”

A desire for a nation restricted to white, non-Jews is a common theme in Casey’s rhetoric.

In a May 2, 2018 appearance on The After Party — a YouTube show co-hosted by white nationalist Jason Köhne — Casey remarked that the “demographics” of America “made America great.” “America is undeniably the creation of people of European heritage, and without people of European heritage constituting the demographic supermajority in this country, it’s gonna be a different country,” Casey said.

Casey added that “you need to preserve America for people of European heritage.”

Shortly thereafter Casey told the hosts that most conservatives “if given the choice between America being a hundred percent Hispanic but a hundred percent conservative, and a hundred percent white and a hundred percent liberal, they would choose the former,” while “obviously we would choose the latter.”

In a Q&A at the 2019 American Renaissance conference, Sam Dickson — a Georgia-based attorney who has represented Klan members and attended Holocaust denial conferences — told Casey he routinely donated to AmIM. But he expressed disappointment over the fact that they dropped the name “Identity Evropa.” And he asked if Casey was “tending toward civic nationalism.”

“We’re not civic nationalists,” Casey replied, “we are very explicit about being Identitarians.” Casey said that the term “Identitarian” was comparable to the descriptor that Sam Dickson said he preferred, which was “racial idealist.” He said they were “never” going to talk about how “anyone can be American,” and claimed that, to him, “American” did not mean “someone from the Middle East who came here last week.”

Casey currently hosts a podcast called Restoring Order, which often sees guests like Nick Fuentes, Steven Franssen, and Scott Greer. On Restoring Order Casey repeats these same white nationalist themes. In Episode 6, Casey told listeners that he was opposed to legal immigration because he is “concerned with the preservation of historic American demographics.”

“Even from an economic perspective many of the detrimental effects of illegal immigration are present in legal immigration, too,” Casey said. “The depression of wages, the loss of American jobs, and obviously cultural [and] demographic displacement as well.”

And in Episode 1 he expressed enthusiasm for the groyper movement, stating that he hadn’t “seen our movement this energized since the 2016 election” when the “alt-right” exploded on the national scene. Casey, of course, is advertised as a headline speaker for AFPAC alongside Nick Fuentes and Scott Greer.

Michelle Malkin
Michelle Malkin (Photo Credit: YouTube)

The most high-profile AFPAC speaker is, of course, anti-immigrant columnist Michelle Malkin. At the height of the groypers’ war on what they’ve dubbed “Conservative, Inc.,” Malkin was the most prominent conservative voice to lend their imprimatur to the white nationalist movement.

The backlash was swift, and Young Americans for Freedom promptly fired Malkin while denouncing racism and antisemitism. Prior to her firing, during a November 14, 2019 speech, Malkin announced that the white supremacist “great replacement” theory “isn’t a conspiracy theory” but rather a “conspiracy fact.”

Malkin has, for years, associated with open white nationalists and antisemites.

She is a long-time columnist for the white nationalist hate site VDARE, where she defended Jason Richwine’s racist Harvard dissertation on race and IQ. “The crucifiers of Jason Richwine pretend to defend sound science,” she wrote. “But if it is now inherently racist to study racial and ethnic differences among demographic groups, then it’s time to shut down every social sciences department in the country.”

But her biggest claim to fame — besides literally cheerleading the Iraq War or maintaining the innocence of a convicted serial rapist of black women — was her 2004 book In Defense of Internment: The Case for ‘Racial Profiling’ in World War II and the War on Terror, in which she defended Franklin Roosevelt’s executive order placing Japanese-Americans in concentration camps.

The late Fred Korematsu, who challenged Executive Order 9066, wrote in an op-ed that, “[a]ccording to Malkin, it is OK to take away an entire ethnic group’s civil rights because some individuals are suspect.” And nearly 40 historians signed onto a statement condemning Malkin’s spurious scholarship.

Steven Franssen
Steven Franssen (Photo Credit: Bitchute)

White nationalist Steven Franssen was a regular contributor to This Week on the Alt Right — a white supremacist talk show originally co-hosted by Mark Collett and Bre Faucheux — from 2017 through 2018. During his appearances, Franssen, sporting a high-and-tight haircut, would espouse racist and antisemitic views.

In a November 17, 2017 episode, Franssen complained about a trailer for the 2018 movie Rampage because it depicted a black woman as a scientist. Franssen said that filmmakers “plug in these minorities in all these different roles that they wouldn’t be in naturally in free market circumstances.”

“And they can’t reconcile with the fact that in reality, actually, by and large in the West, white men have brought everything to prominence,” he continued, “[and] have created the entire civilization that we get to sit around and enjoy. And so there’s this disconnect from them and I think it breeds a resentment for them.”

During that same episode he lamented that “if you start talking about the real effects of race, and you start putting people into groups and oh, you’re being an evil collectivist and these sort of things and noticing patterns and trends across groups with regards to criminality and race and IQ, then you basically are run out of academia, and you’re basically run out of public office.”

He also claimed at the time to be writing a book called It’s Okay to Be White, which he promised would debunk “a lot of the leftist talking points on colonialism, slavery, and white guilt,” and show readers how to be “great white advocate[s].” (The book never materialized.) During an October 11, 2017 episode he said he considered himself an “Identitarian.”

In a video for his own channel about Faith Goldy being banned from PayPal, Franssen said Jewish conservative Ben Shapiro has “not accepted Jesus Christ into his heart” and would “burn in Hell.” And during an October 3, 2018 episode of This Week on the Alt Right, Franssen promoted the work of antisemitic retired professor Kevin MacDonald during a discussion of Harvey Weinstein.

After referring to Weinstein’s victims as “glorified prostitute[s],” Franssen said that his predatory behavior might have been “serving Jewish interests.” “So they may as well be seeing this grooming of the goyim women in Hollywood as serving their purposes and their hegemony,” he told the co-hosts. “So this is something we have to look out for.”

Recently Franssen was permanently suspended from Twitter, allegedly for tweeting at President Trump, “Muslims are committing rape at the college I went to.” Franssen is not billed as a speaker for AFPAC but he will be in attendance. On his Telegram channel he wrote, “I’ll be at AFPAC. Hope to see you there!”

Jaden McNeil
Jaden McNeil (Photo Credit: Bitchute)

Jaden McNeil founded the Kansas State University (KSU) chapter of Turning Point USA (TPUSA) — the right-wing student group founded by Charlie Kirk. McNeil led the KSU chapter until October 2019, when he publicly resigned. McNeil cited TPUSA’s acceptance of homosexuality and legal immigration, as well as its punishment of members who associated with fringe white nationalist figures.

As he explained on The Killstream — a far-right show hosted by Ethan Ralph that often platforms white nationalists — when he first arrived at KSU as a freshman, he was an “average campus conservative lookin’ for a home on campus.” He claims he “went to College Republicans, a few College Republican meetings” but decided they were “completely pozzed” — an alt-right term for anything considered degenerate.

McNeil reached out to TPUSA to ask whether there was a chapter on campus, and they recommended he start one. He said things changed when he attended CPAC as a “student ambassador” and met Nick Fuentes for the first time.

“I talked to him a little bit and I did agree with a lot of his stances on immigration,” McNeil said. “I was a big Tucker [Carlson] guy before this, big Trump guy. And I did realize that Turning Point, while they were giving me all these resources and all these opportunities to do things, I wasn’t really able to…speak the whole truth on some of these issues such as immigration.”

From that point on McNeil was an ardent supporter of Fuentes and his “America First” ideology. He remarked that “the youth is really energized behind this whole [groyper] movement,” and that “most kids wanna be able to say ‘faggot’ without Turning Point – without ruining your whole career.” McNeil and Ralph laughed at the “I Love Israel” poster on his wall, which he said came from TPUSA.

On Twitter, McNeil follows and retweets content from white nationalists, and often parrots racist positions on immigration, crime, and other issues. For example, on November 11, 2019, he tweeted, “We’re going to lose this country forever if nothing is done soon to end mass legal immigration and rapid demographic change transforming states and giving Democrats permanent political power.”

McNeil retweeted the a tweet from the account @NationalistTV, which had a picture of Nick Fuentes and called “[m]ass immigration” a “mortal threat to our nation.” He also retweeted content from white nationalists Scott Greer, Vincent Foxx, Faith Goldy, and “James Kirkpatrick” — a pseudonymous VDARE columnist.

On December 10, 2019, he tweeted at MTV News: “When will you make a documentary covering these statistics?” The tweet included a graph that supposedly shows the rate of interracial violent crime from 2012 to 2015:

McNeil Tweet 1
Archived here.

On January 21, 2020, he tweeted about KSU’s Martin Luther King Jr. Observance Week, which was scheduled to last from January 25th through the 31st. “Because a National Holiday isn’t enough,” McNeil griped. On the 31st he declared “Twitter hates white people.”

His Telegram channel is similarly toxic. On November 7, 2019, he wrote, “It’s November 2019 and this retard teacher is still talking about ‘muh kids in cages.'” In a separate post he wrote, “She’s now telling us that the only way to save Europe is mass migration because of birth rates. … Why take a strong nationalistic, pro-family, approach when you can just import third world migrants.”

On one occasion he shared an image of a tweet warning of “civilizational enemies” who “brainwash your children” and “replace you with mexicans [sic].” On another he re-posted an image that contrasted a black and white image of white people riding a train with a color photo of non-white people riding a train. It was captioned with “Press F for Western Civilization.”

In early 2020 McNeil founded a new student group at KSU: America First Students. McNeil is not listed as an AFPAC speaker, but will be in attendance.

Ashley Rae Goldenberg
Ashley Rae Goldenberg (Photo Credit: Bitchute)

Far-right Twitter personality Ashley Rae Goldenberg was a reporter at the Media Research Center before being hired by the Capital Research Center — a conservative nonprofit organization. She has also openly aligned herself with the groyper movement, often defending it and its thought leaders from accusations of racism.

On December 21, 2019, Goldenberg praised the white nationalist alt-right and groyper movements as the “first right-wing movements in my lifetime to not recoil and apologize profusely for accusations of racism.” She also defended antisemitic podcaster and AFPAC speaker Nick Fuentes after he made derogatory comments about Martin Luther King Jr.

On the December 16, 2019 episode of #Killstream, Goldenberg was asked by a viewer if she “believe[s] six million cookies were baked.”

In response, Goldenberg defended Holocaust deniers, telling host Ethan Ralph, “I don’t have a problem with people questioning the Holocaust. I think people should be allowed to freely question any topic. … But I don’t think that asking these questions is innately antisemitic and a terrible thing to do.”

In addition to defending bigoted and extremist figures, Goldenberg has gone out of her way to attack conservative women.

One person with whom Goldenberg is feuding is Kathy Zhu, a former Miss Michigan beauty queen who was stripped of her crown for making racist comments about black people and Muslims on social media. Zhu, who is of Chinese descent, objected to racist jokes about eating bats in the wake of the COVID-19 outbreak.

In one tweet, Zhu wrote, “Do NOT blame innocent Chinese people for the virus.” Goldenberg retweeted her with the comment, “Fam she’s totally eaten a live bat before.” In a January 26, 2020 tweet, Goldenberg wrote that the “real racism” was Zhu “defending bat eating and simping for Andrew Yang because she puts her Chinese identity first.”

Goldenberg also called her a “Chinese supremacist,” accused her of trying to make herself look white, and gave her the nickname “Zubat” — a bat-type creature from the Pokémon franchise as well as a play on Zhu’s name.

In response, Zhu allegedly attempted to get Goldenberg banned from social media and contacted Goldenberg’s employer in an effort to get her fired. On February 18th Goldenberg tweeted, “Kathy Zhu contacted my employer and told her followers to contact my employer to get me fired from my job because she didn’t like my tweets.”

Eventually Zhu was permanently suspended from Twitter. According to Goldenberg, this was the result of Zhu posting revenge porn of someone she thought to be Goldenberg.

Goldenberg also directed attacks at Alex Clark, the host of the TPUSA-produced show POPlitics. TPUSA describes the program as a “daily show for those who love pop culture – without the propaganda.” Goldenberg posted several photos of Clark — including one that appeared to depict Clark kissing a man tagged as Jeffrey A. Blockson, a black model.

“Remember, this is how you win the culture war and make pop culture conservative,” Goldenberg wrote.

Goldenberg Tweet 1
Archived here.

Replies to the tweet were often racist, and included slurs like “coal burner” — an epithet for a white woman who dates black men. @TheAlpinoidChad tweeted a picture of a shark covered in mud — “mudshark” is a similar racial slur. In response to that tweet, @NoticerSerial tweeted a picture of burning coal. “Ew she’s engaging in bestiality,” tweeted @PolygonSaliva.

It was also not the first time Goldenberg tweeted about interracial relationships. In a tweet from January 12th, Goldenberg included wedding photos of two TPUSA members: Candace Owens and Rob Smith. Owens and Smith are both black, and their husbands are white. “TPUSA people really do have a type though,” Goldenberg wrote.

And as recently as February 15th, Goldenberg retweeted adult actress Kendra Lust, and told her, “Shut up, porn star trying to sic your coomers on a woman defending conservative values while you’re trying to subvert conservatism by pretending it’s conservative to be filmed getting blown out by Jamal on camera.”

She later tweeted that she mixed up Kendra Lust with a different adult actress, Brandi Love, who “is the one proud of her ‘BLACKED RAW’ porn.” “Blacked” is a website that specializes interracial fetish porn, which some have criticized as trafficking in racist stereotypes about black men.

On February 11th Goldenberg tweeted that she would be attending AFPAC. “If AFPAC is antisemitic, then how come I’m going?” she asked.

[This article has been updated to include information on the dues of Identity Evropa members carrying over to the American Identity Movement.]