Right-Wing Street Artist Sabo Accuses Berkeley Police Of Colluding With Antifa

Dennis Lewis

Last week far-right guerrilla artist Dennis Ray Lewis, who goes by the pseudonym “Sabo,” appeared on the Tuscon-based radio show The Morning Ritual. The show’s host Garret Lewis (no relation) talked about Sabo’s career as a conservative Robbie Conal wannabe and how Antifa activists are the real fascists.

In 2014 Sabo made headlines for an art piece depicting a tattooed Ted Cruz smoking a cigarette with the title “‘Blacklisted & Loving It’ All American Tour.” The Cruz campaign embraced Sabo’s designs at first but severed ties with the alt-lite artist in early 2016 over his racist art pieces.

Some of Sabo’s more controversial pieces include one depicting former Texas Senator Wendy Davis as “Abortion Barbie,” one that says “FAG THE NEW NIGGER,” a doctored War for the Planet of the Apes poster with “BLM” (Black Lives Matter) and “KILL WHITEY” written on it, and a t-shirt with the slogan “Muhammad Is A Homo.” Naturally, he insists he is “not racist.”

Garret Lewis asked Sabo if he “always wanted to do political stuff.” Sabo revealed that he started in business advertising years ago, where he “learned code.” He called this period of time a “miserable existence” decided after the death of several family members to combine his love of politics with the graphic design skills he acquired.

Then, Sabo quickly changed the subject to John McCain and his cancer diagnosis. “I’ve been wanting him dead for years,” he said to Lewis’ chagrin, “why should that change?” “You can’t say you want him dead,” Lewis warned, adding that he doesn’t “wish ill, sickness, death on anyone.” “I do,” Sabo replied.

Sabo then compounded the problem by claiming the “only thing he did right in the military for his career” was crash his plane in North Vietnam. “Try not to ruin my career,” said Lewis half jokingly. “You always have your stuff to sell. I’ve got a wife and kids to feed.”

Sabo went on to discuss his visit to Berkeley during this year’s April 15th “Free Speech Rally,” which devolved into a bloody brawl between Antifa and gangs of far-right activists — including Proud Boys, Neo-Nazis, and other racist rabble. It was at this rally that Identity Evropa leader and disgraced ex-Marine Nathan Damigo sucker-punched an Antifa activist.

“I found it very scary when I went to Berkeley, because when I went in, they wanted to take my tripod away because they thought I could use it as a club,” Sabo complained. “I had to go through a fence and they searched me and everything. They looked in my bag.”

He claimed that when Antifa arrived, they “lifted the barriers” and walked in without being hassled by police. “And what I learned at Berkeley was how ingrained that whole Leftism and indoctrination was, ’cause it went from the professors to the students to the mayor to the police chief to the — I mean the whole thing…”

Lewis interjected to suggest that Antifa and the police somehow colluded, and wondered aloud whether they were “all in on it” or not. He also brought up an incident in which one Antifa protester smashed several people over the head with a bike lock, seriously injuring three according to the Washington Post.

The man in question was arrested shortly thereafter and identified as a 28-year-old former professor named Eric Clanton. Sabo claimed to have filmed one of Clanton’s bike lock attacks during the rally, but said that “it’s so corrupt over there” that Clanton was only charged with a misdemeanor because the police and judges are siding with Antifa.

Clanton was actually charged with wearing a mask during the commission of a crime, a misdemeanor, and four counts of felony assault with enhancements for causing “great bodily injury.”

Nevertheless, Sabo told liberals to “think what would happen if the tables were turned and it was the other way around.” “How happy would you be then? Maybe I live in a fantasy world, where I think things should be the way they should be, and I don’t live in reality and accept the way things are. But I see how they are up there, and that’s gotta change, man. It’s gotta change.”