Random Headlines — 5/23/14

Elaine Donnelly crusades to keep LGBT people out of the military, Colorado Republicans hold tone-deaf debate about women, Wendy Davis is greeted with sexist “Abortion Barbie” posters, and more.

Think Progress – Elaine Donnelly’s crusade to keep LGBT Americans out of the military.
Pink News – Did Fred Phelps die a more tolerant man?
Salon – Women speak out against sexism in the tech industry.
Slate – Colorado Republicans hold a tone-deaf debate about women with a Dating Game theme.
Gawker – College freshman who was outed as a porn star has committed suicide over cyberbullying and slut-shaming.
AlterNet – Jessica Valenti tears apart A. J. Delgado’s awful “Crying Rape” article.
Crooks and Liars – Wendy Davis is greeted in L.A. with awful, sexist “Abortion Barbie” posters.
Right Wing Watch – WorldNetDaily will help gay-proof your kids.