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Oldpunks.com save this domain unsave this domain


$5,399 USD

$224.96/month for 24 months
$224.96/month for 24 months
Choose length
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We accept:
PayPal VISA American Express Master Card Wire Transfer Bitcoin

5 Easy Steps

  • 1
    Click "Buy Now" or "Buy with Payment Plan" to purchase the domain of your choice.
  • 2
    Our system will create a transaction via PDTransfer or Escrow.com (additional fees may apply).
  • 3
    The Buyer makes the payment and after payment is secured we inform the Seller to start the domain transfer.
  • 4
    We work closely with the Buyer and Seller to process the domain name transfer.
  • 5
    After the Buyer confirms receipt of the domain the funds will be disbursed to the Seller.