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6 points · 5 days ago

Your condition is saying "If the number isn't 4 OR it isn't 5 OR it isn't 6".

Hint: Perhaps there's something you can use instead of the OR operator?

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Op4 points · 5 days ago

Ohhh, I can use the AND operator, I see, I’m sorry, thank you so very much

2 points · 5 days ago

With boolean logic like this it's often easier to check for the positive cases than the negative cases.

For example, if you want to check if the user entered "yes" or "no":

if (input == "yes" || input == "no") 
    // got valid input

This matches the English equivalent quite nicely: "If the input is yes or it's no".

If you want to check the inverse, that you didn't get good input (which is what you're doing in your code), then you need to negate the logic. (Read about Demorgans Law). In short, if you want to negate the expression you invert the comparisons (so "==" becomes "!=") but you also have to invert the boolean operators (so "or" becomes "and"):

if (input != "yes" && input != "no")
    // got bad input.

Alternatively, you could just use the "not" operator to invert the entire condition:

if ( !(input =="yes" || input == "no") )
    // got bad input

I find this easier to read & understand than the previous one.

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Op1 point · 5 days ago

Okay, I’m bookmarking this, thank you. What if you’d want an exit condition to be if the user hits the Enter key? Since ENTER key is the default option, I do have the input.empty() but inside the while loop, I had && !(cin.get() == ‘\n’) but it just cycled through the loop again. Is this just an operand issue again?

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Posted by5 days ago

I'm trying to make it so the compiler checks for input correctness. I've tried everything. I want it to be so if the user presses ENTER key, it defaults to a certain number. If they don't enter either 4, 5 or 6 or ENTER key for default, I want it to produce an error message that loops until they input 4, 5, 6 or the ENTER key for default number 6. Here is the code. I step into the program to see how the compiler is working through everything and no matter what the user inputs, it stays stuck in the while loop. Could I please get a solution or could someone point me in the right direction?

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SleepieSheepie8 commented on
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6 points · 13 days ago

Yamaha Z series, Yanigasawa, or Selmer SA80ii (I don't like the refs or serie iii).

Stay away from the attractive looking Taiwan builds. Yes, they might work for you (and the do for many people), but any of the big 3 will suit you AND hold value if you feel like chasing gear later...and you'll get less shit from various instructors.

THe best investment you'll need to make are a good classical, good jazz, and good screamer mouthpieces. You'll need a few that you really like in order to get the tone your instructors will insist, and not have to fight so hard for it. Since you've already been accepted, see if your instructors have a "suggested gear list" and go off that. You may not LOVE what they say you should have, but it will make things easier for you in the future. I had a professor who insisted on Caravans for classical, and damn if I didn't fall in love with them, while another was insistent on Selmer concepts. I played a vintage Buescher TT alto for the entirety of school, despite another professor basically trying to force me to go Selmer. Another professor hated my Yamaha bari, while yet another kept trying to buy it off me. You never know what you'll get.

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1 point · 11 days ago

Is a Buescher TT alto sax bad? Those are silver ones right? What’s wrong with a Buescher TT?

1 point · 11 days ago

Nothing is wrong with TTs. I love mine. They are great horns that technically followed the original Sax idea. Rascher played TTs. They were commonly silver, but also lacquered and, in the case of mine, gold plate.

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1 point · 11 days ago

My dad recently got one at a state sale (he doesn’t play the sax haha he just loves instruments) and he said it was really expensive and valuable so I was curious. I’m actually not even a sax player either, I’m a flutist who plays at the professional level but I’ve always wanted to learn the saxophone. I’m just nervous because the embouchure styles are so different, I’m worried I wouldn’t even be able to get a good sound

SleepieSheepie8 commented on
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3 points · 11 days ago

Mold mold or just greenish corrosion? The "corrosion" is a natural oxidation of the metal called verdigris, and no action needs to be taken.

Actual mold means a trip to the repair shop where they can strip all the keywork and submerge the instrument for cleaning.

In the meantime, clean the case out, and let it sit outdoors in the sun to kill off any odors.

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1 point · 11 days ago

I have an old Bundy saxophone that I’m trying to restore. It also has like a greenish area around the cork, what do I use to clean the sax? Alcohol? I have a polishing cloth I use for my flute, could I use that?

2 points · 11 days ago

Flute cloth is a silver polishing cloth. That won't do anything.

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1 point · 11 days ago

Ah thanks! And for general cleaning, I’ve heard you use alcohol, is this true?

6 points · 15 days ago

It's important that you have a clear distinction in your head between a class and an object.

Abstractly, the class is the type of thing, and the object is one specific instance. For example, if the class is Chair, then an object might be the chair you're sitting in right now. Your room might have 2 or 3 chair objects in it. There's one class, but 2 or 3 objects.

In code, when you define a class you're defining the data associated with each object of that type, and the code that you want to be associated with any object of that type.

It's really really important to be clear on that distinction in order to understand constructors and destructors.

A constructor is code that you want to run every time you create one object of that class type.

A destructor is code that you want to run every time you delete an object of that class type.

That's it. It's as simple as that.

Some classes don't need code to run when you create or delete them, and that's fine. They still have a constructor and destructor, they're just empty. The compiler provides one for you in many cases if you don't write it.

Let's say you're making a CampingTent class. The constructor might pitch the tent, and the destructor might tear it down.

If your program fills a whole campground with 100 tents, then each and every tent will call that constructor when it's created, and each and every tent will call the destructor when it's deleted.

I hope that helps!

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Op1 point · 15 days ago

Super, that does help a lot, thank you so much!

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Posted by1 month ago

What’s the name of the pretty song that started playing when Seo-eun and Yoong-jae were talking? It was around 26:00 and they were at Paradise together

1 point · 1 month ago

I think you are referring to the hand holding scene? Then its “you feel like home” by george jonathan

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Op1 point · 1 month ago

No, the one where they’re by the pool sitting in the sofa chairs at Paradise together. She’s wearing the white dress and he’s wearing the white shirt.

Edit: I thought I put the episode #, sorry, Episode 9

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9 points · 1 month ago

Is this based on design? Because there’s no way you put the Elvis Presley birds over Dolliv and definitely not Orthoworm over any Pokémon in tier B and C😭

Op-4 points · 1 month ago

Orthworm was higher cause I used one on my team and it ended up really growing on me. This tier list is a little scuffed

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3 points · 1 month ago

I’m mostly teasing haha, to each their own! Everyone’s tier list would look different❤️

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