
Tell me some things you love about having a 3 year old! by omg__lol in toddlers

[–]soria1 0 points1 point  (0 children)

Having conversations, it’s just him and I so having him ask how my day was or why something works the way it does (eg electricity the other day) is awesome.

He’s really loving science at the moment so coming up with age appropriate experiments etc has been good too. Also seeing him become his own human, asking people for what he wants (ie a turn at a game and saying please and thank yous), seeing the little patterns and traits he slowly is picking up.

We also play this game “hey guess what?!” “What?” “I love you” then also hey dudes, hey bum bum, hey stinky poo. Some weird ones come out

Progress - 130days later by soria1 in loseit

[–]soria1[S] 1 point2 points  (0 children)

Yeah I’m going to see a psychiatrist to help a bit more. It’s a tough one as I’ve got past traumas I need to be medicated for quite a while, also going through a tough time at the moment but also I put a lot of stress onto weight, what I’m eating too which also affects my mood. It’s a pretty crappy cycle overall

And I ❤️ it! -Don't you? by carloscarlusik in vegan

[–]soria1 1 point2 points  (0 children)

So when I was very new to veganism (say approx 2007?) I was reading all these recipes with nutritional yeast. My dumbass bought dried bakers yeast and made myself love it… yeah whoops

Where is everyone getting their patience from? Please what’s the secret?! by mellowpotions in pottytraining

[–]soria1 1 point2 points  (0 children)

Don’t compare to others, accidents are going to happen and will continue to happen. Accept this. Be prepared when leaving the house. Do a “tactical wee” like bingo. It took us maybe 6 months as my son would play and forget to go to the toilet, particularly for poops. I had a constant bucket on the go and the bathroom always stunk.

You’re only early days, even if you let them have an accident so they realise the wet feeling is not the same as when in a nappy and the feeling of going to the toilet means you hold them go. If it starts to cause more stress and harm than good, put it on hold.

Rajma Chawal - Indian style red beans and rice by glamyogini in veganrecipes

[–]soria1 1 point2 points  (0 children)

I find instead of using raw/fresh tomatoes to use passata and a bit of sugar works.

Yoga mats by whattheeeeee17 in yoga

[–]soria1 0 points1 point  (0 children)

No problem! Awesome I will keep this in mind, I just got a sticky heavy one from cotton on - so I don’t expect it to last too long but it’s still an upgrade from what I had. Maybe I can put it on the Christmas wish list haha

sick and Tired of Americanisms by PvtJohnTowle in straya

[–]soria1 1 point2 points  (0 children)

This is because of TV. My son has been doing the same thing with water and majority of his programming is American. His kinder teachers are all ESL/bilingual and he has picked up some of their pronounciations.

Healthcare workers in Australia are not ok by ReputationNo3525 in australia

[–]soria1 1 point2 points  (0 children)

Agreed. I grew up rural and miss it so much. I just need my child’s other parent to agree as we are separated.

Healthcare workers in Australia are not ok by ReputationNo3525 in australia

[–]soria1 29 points30 points  (0 children)

Hospital worker here. I hear you. I’m also in a position where I would feel guilty leaving but also wanting to move rural.

Forget the most liveable suburb. What's Melbourne's most deadable suburb? by AnimalsChasingCars in melbourne

[–]soria1 13 points14 points  (0 children)

Good leave us alone. Seriously though I thought the same, it might be different because I have a child but we have lots of encounters with neighbours and other parents in the area, a few nice parks all within walking distance. Don’t need a car and live and work within the free tram zone. I prefer living just over the bridge as the noise drops quite a bit compared to the city and I have never felt unsafe walking around.

My rent just went up $400 a month and the agency sent me an email bragging about it... by TooManyQuesos2004 in melbourne

[–]soria1 2 points3 points  (0 children)

Someone just linked me in. I got the same email. This is so fucked, like yay let’s celebrate misery and an inflated market place. I don’t know how these apartments are getting filled, or people are just in desperation and go short in other aspects of life. They need to fix their email lists badly

Hurray pay $200 more per week in rent!! by [deleted] in melbourne

[–]soria1 0 points1 point  (0 children)

Ohhh damn sorry about the repost! Cheers for the heads up I didn’t see this

PSA: Flagstaff gardens is an on-leash only park. If you can't control your animal then take it somewhere else. by echo-94-charlie in melbourne

[–]soria1 0 points1 point  (0 children)

Why yes I agree with this, but this sort of stuff can lead to phobias and then irrational fears so it’s about where to choose how much you balance them being in “danger”

Hurray pay $200 more per week in rent!! by [deleted] in melbourne

[–]soria1 1 point2 points  (0 children)

Receiving this as a tenant is ridiculous. Why is this a celebration for making us even poorer?! Such poor taste.

PSA: Flagstaff gardens is an on-leash only park. If you can't control your animal then take it somewhere else. by echo-94-charlie in melbourne

[–]soria1 1 point2 points  (0 children)

Oh gosh that would have been absolutely terrifying! I don’t know what I would have done, it could have ended so badly

PSA: Flagstaff gardens is an on-leash only park. If you can't control your animal then take it somewhere else. by echo-94-charlie in melbourne

[–]soria1 6 points7 points  (0 children)

My toddler is a bit scared of dogs, it’s something we’re working on but also learning to not approach them. One of the last times we were here some white fluffy ball came running to him and jumped up. Owners all “they’re friendly” whilst my toddler was screaming and crying. Yeah don’t care if it’s friendly, train it to not jump.

McDonald’s Fried Apple Pies by Conversation_Dapper in nostalgia

[–]soria1 5 points6 points  (0 children)

Australian checking in. Don’t know what choko is

Can someone please me understand the Australian health care system? by Dapper-Pay-3098 in AskAnAustralian

[–]soria1 1 point2 points  (0 children)

I don’t know the ins and outs of dental, but there are some dental providers that are directly linked with Bupa.

With your package you will need to ensure that there’s extras included, I just sussed the Bupa options and they only seem to cover one dental check up a year… which I don’t think would be worth it. It seems smile.com.au which is a dental only provider includes overseas patients which might be a better option - you can only use one of their providers though.

Can someone please me understand the Australian health care system? by Dapper-Pay-3098 in AskAnAustralian

[–]soria1 1 point2 points  (0 children)

Adding onto the Bupa comment. With Bupa they only cover the scheduled fee, so you might have gap payments with doctors, hospital visits etc. in an emergency go to ED, you may have to pay $500 up front to be seen.

If you have any allied health appointments Bupa does not usually cover this unless there’s a doctors provider number and item number. A lot don’t come with this information so you will be completely out of pocket.

Dental you can just make appointments - check with Bupa coverage if you can go to one of their clinics that there’s no gaps. I have a job working in hospital billing department for overseas patients so this is where my knowledge has come from.

Depending on how long you’re here, see if there’s ambulance membership for the place you’ll be staying - this is done directly through the ambulance as it’s usually cheaper than going via your insurance as well - but this depends again on coverage and state.

Scared to Have a Boy by [deleted] in BabyBumps

[–]soria1 1 point2 points  (0 children)

I was super keen for a girl, turns out we don’t have a choice. I have a son who’s 3.5 now, is he high energy? Yes. But he also can be so kind ie I say I have a headache and he asks to kiss it better. Some days he can sit and play by himself, others he wants to play with everyone. He gets a little fearful with risky situations and high slides but if I come along he’s fine. Kids are so vast, and don’t always live up to their stereotypes.

Bluey is a fucken national treasure. by getyerhandoffit in straya

[–]soria1 11 points12 points  (0 children)

Pepper pig is such a brat. I fucking cannot stand it, bluey however will always win! This last season was just so well written. My son loves it, I love it as there’s so many nostalgic passes and overall it’s just so wholesome.

…annnnnd why should I care

Melbourne metro hospital continues to put responsibility of extra hours on the same dwindling pool of staff. by jimmy__whispers in CoronavirusDownunder

[–]soria1 2 points3 points  (0 children)

We are burnt the fuck out. We have literally been haemorrhaging out best staff. So many colleagues have quit health all together. It’s always been bad, now we just see how bad it truly is.

Anyone here who has a child exposed to screen 2-3 hrs a day and not have speech delay? by tiredavocad0 in toddlers

[–]soria1 0 points1 point  (0 children)

3.5 here. Longest lockdown in the world (Melbourne australia). So TV became the thing. My son and I have full conversations “how was your day” he has imaginary play with lots of narrating, if I ask him to explain something he can fine.

The only thing I will say that has been a huge negative is the iPad and YouTube. I don’t know what happens in the brain watching YouTube but removing it from him after a while is insane, the tantrums are so strong. His moods are worse and becomes a lot more defiant. Sometimes they just want to have a rest too from their busy lives of making messes eating and pooping.

When do you get put into council run mother's group? by sprouts4eva in BabyBumpsandBeyondAu

[–]soria1 1 point2 points  (0 children)

Melbourne here. They normally have intake dates approx 6 weeks or so apart. We had quite a few sessions I don’t remember how many… but it was helpful going through the change, singing songs, how to help Bub move gas and other FTM things. Then it was up to us to stay in contact. I moved away unfortunately but every now and again touch base via FB.

It can be really good to go and break up your day, speak to others in a similar situation, get different ideas/reassurance as well. Some of my friends have also made some life long friends from mothers group