
gildings in this subreddit have paid for 12.66 years of server time

That time Steve Aoki threw a cake 80ft and hit a dude in a wheelchair by aspacejunkie in CrazyFuckingVideos

[–]1jl 671 points672 points & 3 more (0 children)

Yup not a lot of people know this but Steve Aoki used to be a professional cake thrower for a traveling performance group called Let Them Yeet Cake with a comedy routine where they would escalate ever more impressive cake throws into each other's faces. After the group disbanded he integrated his abilities into his new EDM career.

Due to Amber’s stupidity, not only can Depp’s team potentially depose and bring Kate Moss forward as a witness, but they can also now bring up Amber’s history of previous violent relationships during her cross by Money-Percentage20 in CrazyFuckingVideos

[–]bodmaniac 1200 points1201 points 324& 2 more (0 children)

Since the responses you got don't actually go into the relevence of the Kate Moss reference, I'm going to copy/paste a response I gave to a similar question in another thread.

So for further context, during this trial 1 of the 14 cases of assault being discussed has to do with an incident involving Depp, Heard, & Heard's sister standing at the top of a flight of stairs. Heard claims that Depp made a motion as if to push Heard's sister down the stairs and so Heard therefore proceeded to attack Depp in defense of her sister. During her elaboration here she states "in my head [I] instantly think of Kate Moss and the stairs" which refers to a claim Heard had made prior in the UK trial that she had heard rumours that Depp had pushed Moss down the stairs during their relationship. A claim that was completely unsubstantiated and unfounded.

Now prior to the start of this case, from my understanding the judge barred calling past exes as witnesses since past relationships are moot to the current arguement. That is unless a point comes up to make them relevant, which is exactly what Heard did. This has opened the door for one definite outcome and one possible outcome:

The Definite: Depp's team can call Kate Moss to the stand to refute the rumour that Heard claimed - damaging Heard's credibility - as well as get Moss to testify to the character of Depp, who she has remained positive towards.

The Possible: This opens up the potential for any past relationship to be brought into evidence, which is also bad for Heard. This is because Depp's team could bring in Depp's ex Winona Ryder, who has been a staunch defender of Depp throughout the years, as well as bring into evidence Heard's arrest for misdemeanor domestic violence against her ex Tasya van Ree.

So by Amber mentioning Kate Moss and giving context that ties her to the current arguement, Heard has just undone the judge's barring by establishing relevance. Hence the celebratory fistpump and smiles on Depp's side.

Hope this clears up your confusion.

Check your equipment by TheBenevolentEvil in CrazyFuckingVideos

[–]MIkeVill 2807 points2808 points 423 (0 children)

When you are so bad your amp commits suicide.

Check your equipment by TheBenevolentEvil in CrazyFuckingVideos

[–]browsingly 2024 points2025 points  (0 children)

"check your equipment" yeah because you were going to make sure the microphone wasn't going to spontaneously combust before using it. Get out of here

Unblocking a poo pipe by wiliammm19999 in CrazyFuckingVideos

[–]MassiveLefticool 61 points62 points  (0 children)

I’m stupid I’m sure the original comment said “trash bin” not “bag” you’re both right and I am wrong.

Gets a chair in the face, in the middle of a local TV show by Ddusco in CrazyFuckingVideos

[–]seefoodinc 9083 points9084 points 5310822123& 46 more (0 children)

Dude received a system reset. Immediately went back to day 1; the breast.

Learning To Play The Husky by AakarshanSingh in CrazyFuckingVideos

[–]butthole69muncher420 54 points55 points  (0 children)

Husky: so you’ve chosen blah blah blah blaahhhh

Balls stuck in a ring. by RoutineVermicelli6 in CrazyFuckingVideos

[–]BeanBone69 1388 points1389 points  (0 children)

Why doesnt he just pee so his balls shrink and then he can pull it out?

get a load of this guy lmao by peko_ in CrazyFuckingVideos

[–]BRAINS-getsome 223 points224 points  (0 children)

When you try to play it off but your wacky wavy inflatable flailing arm rats you out.