After a long period of inertia, on April 9, 2022, Brazilian protesters took to the country’s streets again to protest the country’s embattled president, Jair Messias Bolsonaro. Bolsonaro has been heavily criticized for his “coronavirus mismanagement” and numerous scandals involving his government. Across the country,…

Atlanta, GA – A crowd of about 80 masked protestors descended upon the Atlanta corporate offices of Brasfield & Gorrie on Thursday, May 12. Brasfield & Gorrie are the general contractors hired to build a Public Safety Training Center, or “Cop City,” in the Atlanta…

Atlanta, GA – On Tuesday, May 17, law enforcement from several jurisdictions, including SWAT teams armed with rifles, conducted a raid on the burgeoning autonomous zone within the Atlanta Forest, arresting eight people and destroying six treehouses and other protest infrastructure.

After the raid, officers…

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