Flashback: Jared Taylor Warns White Audience Of Disease-Ridden Immigrants and Black Crime At 1994 AmRen Conference

In a long overdue flashback, we’re looking at the year 1994 and the very first American Renaissance conference in Atlanta, GA. Continue reading “Flashback: Jared Taylor Warns White Audience Of Disease-Ridden Immigrants and Black Crime At 1994 AmRen Conference”

Sam Harris Whitewashes ‘The Bell Curve’ During Interview With Charles Murray

In the 73rd installment of his podcast Waking Up With Sam Harris, the famed neuroscientist and “New Atheist” author made the curious choice of interviewing right-wing political scientist Charles Murray. Continue reading “Sam Harris Whitewashes ‘The Bell Curve’ During Interview With Charles Murray”

Lana Lokteff and Guests Dispense Alt-Right Dating Tips

Alt Right Dating Tips
Rejected ‘Brady Bunch’ intro.

In an episode of Radio 3Fourteen posted on April 11, 2017, host Lana Lokteff invited Bre Faucheux, Elora, and Rebecca to discuss femininity, traditionalist lifestyles, and — best of all — alt-right dating advice for women who are past their “fertile window.” Continue reading “Lana Lokteff and Guests Dispense Alt-Right Dating Tips”