Milo Yiannopoulos Gives You Permission to Use Homophobic Slurs

Milo Yiannopolous

In what was evidently meant to be a “humorous” opinion pieceBreitbart London‘s Milo Yiannopolous — a trans-hating #Gamergate supporter — penned an open letter to straight people, giving them permission to use anti-gay slurs like “faggot.” No, really: Continue reading “Milo Yiannopoulos Gives You Permission to Use Homophobic Slurs”

Random Headlines — 12/15/15



Media Matters – Cruz endorser Steve Deace says Fiorina ‘goes full vagina.’
Bustle – Defunding Planned Parenthood is just another form of racism.
Talking Points Memo – Fox commenter arrested for threats against Planned Parenthood partner.
Salon – Robber calls Indian-American store clerk  ISIS ‘terrorist’ and shoots him in the face, reports say.
Bitch Media – An A-Z guide to being a Muslim ally.
The Daily Beast – DOJ: Trump’s early businesses blocked blacks.
Raw Story – Out-of-control Florida dean suspended for mocking ‘ugly’ Jews, black women, and poor students.
Think Progress – Trump justifies Muslim ban with wildly misleading claim about ISIS-themed cell phones.

Random Headlines — 12/10/15


Raw Story – Ex-Oklahoma cop Daniel Holtzclaw found guilty of raping 13 black women while on duty.
Media Matters – Fox hosts repeat lie that Muslims aren’t denouncing terrorists.
Talking Points Memo – Photos of Citadel students wearing white hoods surface online.
Think Progress – Ted Cruz endorses far-right pastor’s plan to ‘rescue’ black people from sexual immorality.
AlterNet – Gun-obsessed GOP state representative in Nevada threatens Syrian refugees: ‘I’m about to fly to Paris and shoot ’em in the head myself.’
The Atlantic – Black Lives Matter take aim at police-union contracts.

White Supremacists Rejoice as Donald Trump Gives Speech Filled with ‘Anti-Semitic Stereotypes’

The Poisonous Mushroom
The Poisonous Mushroom

Republican front-runner Donald Trump was accused of promoting anti-Semitic stereotypes in a speech before a group of Jewish Republicans on Thursday. Continue reading “White Supremacists Rejoice as Donald Trump Gives Speech Filled with ‘Anti-Semitic Stereotypes’”