Headlines — 12/14/21

Don Jr. and Fox News stars begged Mark Meadows to have Trump stop the Capitol insurrection, how cryptocurrency revolutionized the white supremacist movement, the Jan. 6 committee will identify Republican lawmakers linked to Jan. 6, and more.

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Newsmax Host Greg Kelly Lets Proud Boys Leader Downplay Group’s Extremism

On Monday, Proud Boys leader Enrique Tarrio was sentenced to 155 days in jail for burning a church’s Black Lives Matter banner and bringing high-capacity magazines to Washington, D.C. in December. Two days later, Newsmax host Greg Kelly gave Tarrio a platform to downplay the Proud Boys’ history of extremism.

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Proud Boys Leader Whitewashes The Crimes Of Augusto Pinochet During Interview With Dictator’s Great Nephew

On July 12, 2021, Proud Boys chairman Enrique Tarrio whitewashed the crimes of fascist Chilean dictator Augusto Pinochet, calling his 1973 coup d’état “one of the most peaceful” in history. Tarrio also spread conspiracies about the 2020 presidential election, referring to it as a bloodless coup by Democrats.

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New York Young Republican Leader Has Ties To Far-Right Extremists

Updated | On July 7, 2020, the Twitter account for VDARE, an influential white nationalist hate group, teased a “[b]ig time guest” for its Social Distancing podcast. That guest, as it turns out, was Gavin Wax, the president of the New York Young Republican Club (NYYRC). Wax had recently made appearances on Fox and Friends Weekend and The Ingraham Angle to discuss his rally in defense of a statue of Teddy Roosevelt in Manhattan.

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