White Supremacist Group American Identity Movement Has Disbanded

After four years, the white supremacist organization American Identity Movement (AmIM) is officially no more. According to a statement posted to the group’s blog by its leader Patrick Casey, AmIM has “reached the limit of what a dissident membership organization can realistically achieve in these turbulent, repressive times,” and, as of November 2, 2020, is “hereby disbanded.”

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White Nationalists Loved Trump’s Anti-Immigrant State Of The Union Address

Last week, President Trump gave his first State of the Union (SOTU) Address. Continue reading “White Nationalists Loved Trump’s Anti-Immigrant State Of The Union Address”

White Nationalists Rush To Paul Nehlen’s Defense After Breitbart News Abandons Him

Amid the fallout from the revelation that Wisconsin congressional candidate Paul Nehlen harbors white nationalist sympathies, right-wing radio host Curt Schilling offered Nehlen a chance to clear the air in an interview. Continue reading “White Nationalists Rush To Paul Nehlen’s Defense After Breitbart News Abandons Him”