Headlines — 11/11/18

Attorney General Jeff Sessions finally resigns, Rick Scott falsely accuses Democrats of voter fraud, incels call Florida shooter a “legend,” and more.

Vox – Jeff Sessions resigns as Donald Trump’s attorney general.
HuffPost – Judge cites Trump’s ‘shithole countries’ remark in ruling on census lawsuit.
Esquire – Steve King, Congress’s most shameless racist, has won reelection in Iowa.
Haaretz – Conservative magazine publishes audio of GOP Rep. Steve King calling immigrants ‘dirt.’
Mother Jones – Rick Scott falsely accuses Democrats of trying to steal Florida Senate race, seeks law enforcement intervention.
Media Matters – After Florida misogynistic killings, online incels call shooter ‘legend’ and complain he ‘only killed two.’
Broadly – Lucy McBath defeats Karen Handel, flipping historically red district in Georgia.
Think Progress – I was at the protest outside Tucker Carlson’s house. Here’s what actually happened.
The New York Times – Dana Rohrabacher loses, eroding Republican foothold in California.
BuzzFeed News – Amazon removed merchandise from its site touting the far-right group ‘Proud Boys.’
Jacobin – Felon disenfranchisement and the New Jim Crow.
Hatewatch – How did extremism fare in the U.S. Senate elections?
Right Wing Watch – Is Roger Stone scheming another ‘Brooks Brothers Riot’ in Florida?
KSHB Kansas City – KCMO Health Dept. defends pouring bleach on food intended for homeless.
The Daily Beast – A white nationalist leader just posted pics from his White House visit.
The Cut – Faith Goldy, Toronto’s white nationalist poster girl.