Facebook Banned The White Nationalist Website VDARE. When Will These Other Companies Follow Suit?

UPDATED 6/18/20 | With ties to the Trump Administration, VDARE is arguably the most influential white nationalist organization in the country. Recently the organization, listed as a white nationalist hate group by the Southern Poverty Law Center, was suspended from Facebook following an investigation into inauthentic behavior ahead of the 2020 presidential election.

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White Nationalists Applaud President Trump’s Anti-Immigrant Executive Order

On April 20, 2020, President Trump announced his newest attack on immigrants. Continue reading “White Nationalists Applaud President Trump’s Anti-Immigrant Executive Order”

Meet The Extremist ‘America First’ Candidates Running For Congress In 2020

Last year, white nationalists attempted to rebrand themselves as a modern “America First” movement, in order to successfully infiltrate the Republican Party and force it to adopt their racist policies. Continue reading “Meet The Extremist ‘America First’ Candidates Running For Congress In 2020”

Logos Rising: An Antisemitic Self-Styled Theologian Is Influencing A New Generation Of Reactionaries

For decades E. Michael Jones has dedicated his life to spreading harmful conspiracies about Jews, feminists, and the LGBTQ community — and today his work is experiencing a revival thanks to a younger generation of white supremacists and other reactionaries. Continue reading “Logos Rising: An Antisemitic Self-Styled Theologian Is Influencing A New Generation Of Reactionaries”

The Latest Smear of Ilhan Omar Was Boosted By A Right-Wing ‘Imam’ With White Nationalist Ties

Updated| Recently another controversy erupted over freshman Representative Ilhan Omar (D-MN) when a short clip of a recent speech showed her referring to the 9/11 attacks as the work of “some people.” Continue reading “The Latest Smear of Ilhan Omar Was Boosted By A Right-Wing ‘Imam’ With White Nationalist Ties”

Faith Goldy Defends The ’14 Words,’ And Claims There Is Systemic Racism Against White Canadians

White nationalist activist Faith Goldy was all set to speak at Wilfrid Laurier University (WLU) in Ontario when someone pulled the fire alarm, ending it before she could utter a word. Continue reading “Faith Goldy Defends The ’14 Words,’ And Claims There Is Systemic Racism Against White Canadians”