Meet The Stormer: Here Are The People Who Keep The World’s Most Popular White Power Website Afloat


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Gab Has An Anti-Semitic Meltdown After Microsoft Threatens To Stop Hosting It

Today it was reported that Gab, the number one social network for white supremacist Cro-Magnons, was given an ultimatum by Microsoft: delete a pair of violently anti-Semitic posts within 48 hours, or it will no longer host the site. Continue reading “Gab Has An Anti-Semitic Meltdown After Microsoft Threatens To Stop Hosting It”

The Alt-Right Continues To Disintegrate After White Nationalist Troll ‘Ricky Vaughn’ Gets Unmasked

This week the already flailing alt-right movement suffered another major setback as prominent alt-right troll “Ricky Vaughn” was unmasked by fellow white supremacist Paul Nehlen. Continue reading “The Alt-Right Continues To Disintegrate After White Nationalist Troll ‘Ricky Vaughn’ Gets Unmasked”

Christopher Cantwell Denies Being A White Supremacist And Suggests Creating An ‘Ethnostate’ In New Hampshire

During Friday’s episode of The Radical Agenda, Christopher Cantwell vehemently denied being a “white supremacist” or “Neo-Nazi. Continue reading “Christopher Cantwell Denies Being A White Supremacist And Suggests Creating An ‘Ethnostate’ In New Hampshire”

Andrew Auernheimer Thinks He’s A Religious Martyr And Wants To Revive His Racist ‘Church’

In a video uploaded to his YouTube channel for New Year’s Eve, fascist troll Andrew Auernheimer delivered a messianic rant about his supposed martyrdom and desire to revive his racist “church.” Continue reading “Andrew Auernheimer Thinks He’s A Religious Martyr And Wants To Revive His Racist ‘Church’”

Andrew Auernheimer Decries ‘Christ-Killers’ And American ‘Wickedness’ During Interview With Jesse Lee Peterson

Recently, Jesse Lee Peterson began using his eponymous online talk show to give a platform to vocal white nationalists, including Jared Taylor, Richard Spencer, and Tim “Baked Alaska” Gionet. Although he is an African-American pastor, Peterson has been receptive to white nationalist arguments on black crime rates, and once thanked God for the transatlantic slave trade during a live broadcast.

Continue reading “Andrew Auernheimer Decries ‘Christ-Killers’ And American ‘Wickedness’ During Interview With Jesse Lee Peterson”

Andrew Auernheimer Lusts After Teenage Girls And Thinks All Western Women Should Be Raped

In the inaugural episode of his podcast Race Ghost: Roast To Roast, Andrew Auernheimer openly celebrated white supremacist mass murderers — including killers of children and the elderly. Continue reading “Andrew Auernheimer Lusts After Teenage Girls And Thinks All Western Women Should Be Raped”

Andrew Auernheimer Praises Anders Breivik And Timothy McVeigh As ‘Perfect Heroes’

In the first episode of his new podcast, Race Ghost: Roast to Roast, Neo-Nazi hacker Andrew “weev” Auernheimer praised mass murderers Anders Breivik and Timothy McVeigh as “heroes” and “patriots.” Continue reading “Andrew Auernheimer Praises Anders Breivik And Timothy McVeigh As ‘Perfect Heroes’”

Russia Investigation Puts Alt-Right-Friendly Congressman In The Spotlight

According to NBC News, investigators for Special Counsel Robert Mueller have begun questioning witnesses to a September 20, 2016 meeting between retired Lt. Gen. Mike Flynn and Rep. Dana Rohrabacher (R-CA) as part of the ongoing Russia probe. Continue reading “Russia Investigation Puts Alt-Right-Friendly Congressman In The Spotlight”